
Assessing Sanitation Policy: A series of WEDC Briefing Notes

09 Oktober 2008 642

This series of Briefing Notes Assessing Sanitation Policy is based on lessons learned from national sanitation policy assessments carried out in Ghana and Nepal, together with the review and assessment of sanitation policy in these and other countries. The Notes provide concise guidance on the importance of sanitation policy and what can be done to ensure that it is widely supported, relevant and implemented effectively.

These Notes will be particularly useful for government institutions, donors, I/NGOs and private sector organizations who are involved in contributing to the sanitation policy debate, or promoting good sanitation practice.

Briefing Note: Overview – Sanitation policy: Why is it important and how to make it work

Briefing Note: Ghana – National sanitation policy in Ghana: A case for improved co-ordination

Briefing Note: Nepal – Implementing national sanitation policy in Nepal: Challenges and opportunities

Briefing Note: Review – Comparing national sanitation policy content: An initial review of nine country profiles

lihat di... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-093-4&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE

Contracting Out Water and Sanitation Services - Vol. 2: Case studies and analyses of Service and Management Contracts in developing countries

Kevin Sansom et al.   09 Oktober 2008 671

This book presents contract analyses and case studies from around the world which draw out key lessons both for the local and international reader. The key questions addressed are:

Where and how is contracting out being undertaken in the water sector and by whom

Is contracting out delivering benefits through improved efficiency and effectiveness

How can the use of contracting out be further enhanced to deliver improved water and sanitation service provision in low- and middle-income countries  

Lihat selengkapnya di... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-013-2&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE

Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand - Book 2: Additional notes for policymakers and planners

Paul Deverill, Ian Smout et al.   09 Oktober 2008 686

These guidelines are the result of two years collaborative research undertaken by WEDC with partners in Africa and South Asia. They demonstrate how water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas can be designed to meet user demand. The aim is to improve the use and sustainability of the services provided.

The guidelines consist of three books:

Book 1: Concept, Principles and Practice
Book 2: Additional Notes for Policy Makers and Planners
Book 3: Ensuring the Participation of the Poor

This book has been written for policy makers and planners responsible for water supply and sanitation in rural and peri-urban areas. Potential readers include government staff at national, state and local levels, senior managers in non-governmental organisations and the private sector, and donor staff and advisers.

This book supplements Book 1 of these guidelines. Readers should ensure they are familiar with the contents of Book 1 before reading this volume.

Selengkapnya lihat  di... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-007-1&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE

Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand - Book 1: Concept, principles and practice

Paul Deverill, Ian Smout et al.   09 Oktober 2008 607

These guidelines are the result of two years collaborative research undertaken by WEDC with partners in Africa and South Asia. They demonstrate how water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas can be designed to meet user demand. The aim is to improve the use and sustainability of the services provided.

The guidelines consist of three books:

Book 1: Concept, Principles and Practice
Book 2: Additional Notes for Policy Makers and Planners
Book 3: Ensuring the Participation of the Poor

Concepts, Principles and Practice is intended for practitioners- engineers, social facilitators, financial specialists and managers - implementing water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas. This book is divided into two parts. The concept of demand is introduced in Part I, explaining what demand is and how it can be used to guide project design. Part II shows how the concept and principles described in Part I can be translated into practice, ensuring that vulnerable groups are included in the process.

Selengkapnya lihat di...  http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-006-4&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE


Drawing Water: A resource book of illustrations on water and sanitation in low-income countries

Rod Shaw   09 Oktober 2008 643

This book of black and white line illustrations contains over 200 images concerning water supplies and sanitation in low-income countries. Covering subjects from handpumps, standposts and community wells to pit latrines and solid waste disposal, it will prove an invaluable resource for teachers, project managers, fieldworkers, and health professionals active in communication, education and other development work.

The book provides ready-made drawings from which locally-adapted illustrations can also be made by artists and non-artists alike.

The illustrations may be copied, reproduced or adapted to meet local needs, without permission from the illustrator or publisher, provided the illustrations reproduced are distributed free, or at cost and not for commercial ends, and the source is fully acknowledged.

A compact disk of high-resolution images in electronic form is included.

Selengkapnya lihat di... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-085-9&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE

Sanitation for Primary Schools in Africa

Bob Reed & Rod Shaw. Illustrated by Ken Chatterton   09 Oktober 2008 630

This book provides easy-to-use tools for assessing sanitation, water supply and handwashing facilities in primary schools in Africa so that appropriate decisions can be made about sanitation improvements. It also presents guidelines for rehabilitating or decommissioning existing latrines; for choosing the right type of latrine where new facilities are required; for siting latrines appropriately within a school compound; and for the operation and maintenance of these facilities. A number of low-cost latrine designs suitable for many rural and peri-urban locations in Africa are included. There are also guidelines to encourage handwashing with soap.

Written in a readable style and copiously illustrated, the book has been designed for a wide range of staff from agencies and government who have professional responsibilities for the provision of education and health throughout Africa. These include technical, design and architecture departments within ministries of education; district or local government education teams; district education officers and school inspectors working closely with school managers, headteachers and school communities; ministries of health; national and local water and sanitation agencies; and local and international non-governmental organizations specializing in water and sanitation.

Selengkapnya lihat di.... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-127-6&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE


Strategic Sanitation Approach: A review of literature

Darren Saywell and Andrew Cotton   09 Oktober 2008 635

This document reports findings from Phase 1 of a Department for International Development (DFID) funded project (R6875) concerning the development of practical guidelines for the application of the Strategic Sanitation Approach in urban areas. Results from a review of literature are discussed.
The purpose of the review is to examine how the key concepts underlying the Strategic Sanitation Approach (SSA) have been addressed in operational terms on the ground, highlighting examples where SSA ideas have been applied, what problems were identified in their application, and what issues require further consideration or clarification with the approach as a whole. Each section ends by abstracting the key points identified and posing questions which remain unresolved.

Selengkapnya lihat di.... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-0-906055-60-1&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE


Out in the Cold (3rd ed.): Emergency water supply and sanitation for cold regions

Mark Buttle and Michael Smith   09 Oktober 2008 629

In the 1990s events in Bosnia, the former Soviet Union countries, Afghanistan and Northern Iraq showed that humanitarian disasters are not limited to the South, Africa, or the tropics, but may strike anywhere in the world. Relief workers have had to be ever more adaptable in order to provide life-saving water supplies and sanitation facilities in areas where freezing conditions occur. This second edition of Out in the Cold includes new material gathered from humanitarian workers returning from the Kosovo crisis and has been revised on the basis of comments made about the first edition.

The book has been designed for all humanitarian workers, especially managers, engineers and logisticians working in ex-Soviet states, China, Eastern Europe or any other country in cool temperate or cold regions. It provides specific supplementary information that can be used together with information given in more general emergency manuals, details of which are given inside. Techniques are described simply, although engineering design recommendations are also included.

Lihat di... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-077-4&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE

Water and Sanitation for Disabled People and Other Vulnerable Groups: Designing services to improve accessibility

Hazel Jones and Bob Reed   09 Oktober 2008 747

Over 500 million people in the world are disabled, the majority of whom live in poverty in low-income communities. A major contributing factor to the poverty of disabled people is their lack of access to sanitation and safe water. The Millennium Development Goals of poverty reduction, health and access to safe water and sanitation will be difficult to achieve equitably without addressing the access needs of disabled people. Many other vulnerable groups of people also experience difficulties using water and sanitation facilities, such as frail, elderly people, pregnant women, parents with small children, and people who are injured or sick – including people with AIDS. Despite the size of the problem, almost nothing has been published on this subject to date, and disabled people continue to be ignored by providers of water and sanitation services.

Based on three years of international research and collaboration with water and sanitation and disability sector organisations, this book fills a significant gap in knowledge, and should be of interest to the following audiences:

Water and sanitation sector planners, to enable them to consider the needs of disabled people in low-income communities in the development of strategies and general programme design;

Water and sanitation service providers, to enable them to implement ordinary programmes and services in ways that include disabled people;

Organisations providing disability services, to enable them to address the issue of access to water and sanitation in their work; and

Disabled people’s organisations, providing information and ideas to use in advocacy for access and rights, and to engage in the consultation process.

The main focus of the book is on facilities for families in rural and peri-urban areas of low- and middle-income countries, but many of the approaches and solutions may also be applied in institutional settings, such as schools and hospitals and in emergency situations.

Selengkapnya lihat di.... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-079-8&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE