Water and Cultural Diversity: An Examination of water in Japanese, Arabic, European and African Cultures
Jean-Louis Oliver
09 Juli 2009
In all places, and at all times, the relationship between water and culture has been a profound, complex and ambivalent one. Culture has an important influence on how users of water perceive this vital natural resource, and determines their behaviour in relation to it. If users are to participate meaningfully in the sustainable management of water, cultural behaviours will have to be taken into account.
Aware of this necessity, the French Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development decided to support, in the frame of the Franco_japanese cooperation, an initial contribution on the theme of water and cultural diversity which was developed by the Franco-Japanese Centre/ Alliance francaise in Osaka, on the occasion of the 3rd World Water Forum in Kyoto from the 16th to the 23rd of March 2003.
By taking account of cultural diversity in sustainable development, in addition to the usual economic, social and environmental issues, we will help to humanize the globalization process.
This discussion will “illuminate” and assess the long history linking civilizations to water, by focusing in particular on European, Japanese, Arabic and African cultures.
Intended for a wide audience, this publication will allow the reader to dive into the strange world of water myths, to discover their similarities and permanence from one civilization to another, to explore extreme situations of drought and flood, and the sacred as well as malevolent aspects of water.
These cultural elements represent an innovative strating point from which to raise the general public’s awareness of water management, until now largely the reserve of specialists.
Water myths and rituals
Rivers and civilizations
Science, hygiene and health
First Adapt, Then Act! (A Booklet to Promote Safer Food in Diverse Settings)
07 Juli 2009
The information provided by the food safety (FOS) messages in the WHO Five Keys to Food Safety Foster needs to be disseminated by adapting the messages to specific target populations. For this purpose, WHO issued the brochure, “Bringing Food Safety Home”, for use globally. Inspired by this initiative, WHO’s Regional Office for Siuth East Asia has carried forward this effort.
The first step in this direction has been the translation of the original English version into 11 of the main languages spoken in South Asia. The translations were done by national food safety experts from the concerned countries.
“First Adopt, Then Act!” is the second step. The booklet gives examples of how the “Five Keys” can be further communicated through locally-adapted awareness materials.
The explanations, comments and suggestions given below are not exhaustive but only illuminate some of the contextual and cultural issues that would need to be considered while preparing FOS promotional materials. The contents in this document can be useful for those engaged in promoting safer food to audiences such as small-and medium-scale food and restaurant business owners, street food vendors, food/ sanitary inspectors, hospitality business students, consumer organizations, school teachers and secondary school students.
Five keys to safer food
Food Safety Basics
Key One: Keep Clean
Key Two: Separate raw and cooked
Key Three: Cook Thoroughly
Key Four: Keep Food at safe temperatures
Key Five: Use Safe water and raw materials
Examples of Demonstrations for schoolchildren (1) Handwashing: “Hot water, soap and hands”
Examples of Demonstrations for schoolchildren (2) Cross-Contamination
Selamatkan Bumi Kita (Bertindak bagi Bumi)
Jean-Francois Noblet & Catherine Levesque
07 Juli 2009
Bertindak bagi bumi, Seri yang mengajakmu bertindak! Sadari, pahami, coba, dan pelajari tindakan-tindakan sederhana untuk melindungi planet kita.
Apakah kamu khawatir akan masa depan planet kita Kamu ingin ikut melestarikan lingkungan Bagus, tetapi kamu mungkin akan mengalami kesulitan untuk mengubah kebiasaanmu. Buku ini menyarankan berbagai tindakan sehari-hari yang bisa dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan bumi. Selamatkan Bumi kita akan membantumu melakukan hal-hal sederhana, baik di sekolah, saat bersama teman, maupun di tengah alam, untuk menjadi warga yang ramah lingkungan. Buku ini juga disertai kuis untuk menilai apakah dirimu sudah bersikap ramah lingkungan.
Daftar Isi:
Tanpa Alam, Tak Ada Masa Depan!
Di Kamarmu
Jejak Ekologismu
Kurangi Sampah!
Saat Bepergian
Di Sekolah
Ketika Berkumpul
Mengurangi Konsumsi
Hewan Peliharaan
Melindungi Alam
Bersikap Ramah Lingkungan
Jawaban Kuis
Belajar Lebih Banyak
Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Practices in Indonesia
07 Juli 2009
This document provides summary of a few practices in Indonesia. We divided it into three sections. The first section describes national community-based project activities, the secong section illustrates other community-based practices from smaller-scale programmes, and the third section describes some institutional-based programmes.
I. National Programs on Community-Based Practices
- ProAir
II. Community-Based Practices
- Banjar Batur –Bali
- Cibodas – West Java
- Medan – North Sumatera
- Muara Enim – South Sumatera
- Petojo Utara – Jakarta
- Lessons Learned from Community-Based Practices
III. Institutional-Based Practices
- PDAM Tirta Pakuan, Bogor City – West Java
- PDAM of Pemalang District – Central Java
- Lessons Learned from Institutional-Based Practices
Menciptakan Rumah Sehat (52 Tips agar rumah menjadi sehat dan nyaman)
Andie A. Wicaksono
07 Juli 2009
Bagi sebagian orang, rumah sehat cukup dipel, disapu, dan banyak tanamannya. Padahal belum tentu sehat secara psikologis maupun fisiologis. Rumah dikatakan sehat juka perabot diatur dan dikelompokkan sesuai fungsinya, ventilasi dan pencahayaan yang cukup, serta pemilihan material yang aman bagi kesehatan. Akibat dari kurangnya pemahaman tentang ”manajemen ruang“, penghuni rumah akan kurang nyaman beraktivitas, banyak waktu terbuang, stres, dan lain-lain.
Selain pemaparan tentang rumah sehat beserta faktor-faktor pendukungnya, buku ini juga menyajikan 52 tips untuk menciptakan rumah sehat. Dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti, buku ini bisa menjadi pegangan bagi Anda yang menginginkan rumah sehat ”sebenarnya“.
Daftar Isi:
Batasan dan Ruang Lingkup Rumah Sehat
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesehatan Rumah
Elemen Rumah yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kesehatan Rumah
Pengaruh Penataan Rumah terhadap Kesehatan
Daftar Pustaka
Sanitation and Diasease Health Aspects of Excreta and Wastewater Management (World Bank Studies in Water Supply and Sanitation 3)
Richard G.Feachem, David J. Bradley, Hemda Garelick, D.Duncan Mara
06 Juli 2009
The United Nations has designated the 1980s as the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanittaion Decade. Its goal is to provide two of the most fundamental human needs – safe water and sanitary disposal of human wastes-to all people. Since 1976, Bank staff and researchers from various countries have been analyzing the economic, environmental, health, and sociological effects of various technologies to identify the most appropriate systems for the needs and resources of different areas. The research has included field investigations in nineteen countries.
This book, the third volume of the series, addresses the public health, microbiological and parasitological aspects of sanitation. In all countries, public health is of central importance in the design and implementation of excreta disposal projects, and better health is the main social and economic benefit that planners and economists hope to realize by investing in excreta disposal systems. To achieve this gain, as much information as possible is needed about the interaction of excreta and health-information concerning not only broad epidemiological issues of disease prevention through improved excreta disposal, but also the effect of particular excreta disposal and reuse technologies on the survival and dissemination of particular pathogens.
Tables and Figures
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Part One. The Health Hazards of Excreta: Theory and Control
1. Elements and Health Risks of Excreta and Wastewater
2. Environmental Classification of Excreta related Infections
3. The Risks of Excreta to Public Health
4. Detection, Survival and Removal of Pathogens in the Environment
5. Health Aspects of Excreta and Night Soil Systems
6. Health Aspects of Sewage Systems
7. Reuse of Excreta and Discharge
8. The Human Element in Sanitation Systems
Part Two. Environmental Biology and Epidemiology of Specific Excreted Pathogens
Section I. Excreted Viruses
9. Enteroviruses, Poliomyelitis, and Similar Viral Infections
10. Hepatitis A Virus and Infections Hepatitis
11. Rotavirus and Viral Gastroenteritis
Section II. Excreted Bacteria
12. Campylobacter and Campylobacter Enteritis
13. Pathogenic and Nonpathogenic Escherichia coli and Other Bacterial Indicators of Fecal Pollution
14. Leptospira and Leptospirosis
15. Salmonella, Enteric Fevers, and Salmonelloses
16. Shigella and Shigellosis
17. Vibrio cholerae and Cholera
18. Yersinia and Yersiniosis
Section III. Excreted Protozoa
19. Balantidium and Balatidiasis
20. Entamoeba histolytica and Amebiasis
21. Giardia and Giardiasis
Section IV. Excreted Helminths
22. Ancylostoma, Necator, and Ancylostomiasis
23. Ascaris and Ascariasis
24. Clonorchis and Clonorchiasis
25. Diphyllobothrium and Diphyllobothriasis
26. Enterobius and Enterobiasis
27. Fascio;a and Fascioliasis
28. Fasciolopsis and Fasciolopsiasis
29. Hymenolepis and Hymenolepiasis
30. Minor Intestinal Flukes and Infections They Cause
31. Paragonimus and Paragonimiasis
32. Schistosoma and Schistosomiasis
33. Strongyloides and Strongyloidiasis
34. Taenia, Taeniasis, and Cysticercosis
35. Trichuris and Trichuriasis
Section V. Insects and Excreta
36. Culex pipiens Mosquitoes and the Transmission of Bancroftian Filariasis
37. Flies, Cockroaches, and Excreta
Appropriate Sanitation Alternatives A Planning and Design Manual (World Bank Studies in Water Supply and Sanitation 2)
John M. Kalbermatten, DeAnne S.Julius, Charles G. Gunnerson, D.Duncan Mara
06 Juli 2009
The United Nations has designated the 1980s as the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanittaion Decade. Its goal is to provide two of the most fundamental human needs – safe water and sanitary disposal of human wastes-to all people. Since 1976, Bank staff and researchers from various countries have been analyzing the economic, environmental, health, and sociological effects of various technologies to identify the most appropriate systems for the needs and resources of different areas. The research has included field investigations in nineteen countries.
This manual presents the latest field results of the research, summarizes selected portions of other publications on sanitation program planning, and describes the engineering details of alternative sanitation technologies and how they can be upgraded. The guidelines, procedures, and technologies are based on the World Bank’s own research in nineteen countries. The twenty two chapters are divided into three parts; socioeconomic aspects of sanitation program planning, sanitation program planning, and sanitation technology options. The manual is extensively illustrated with technical diagrams of the recommended sanitation systems and their components.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
1. An Overview
Part One. Socioeconomic Aspects of Sanitation Program Planning
2. Health Aspects of Sanitation
3. Community Participation
4. Economic Analysis of Sanitation
Part Two. Sanitation Program Planning
5. Comparison of Sanitation Technologies
6. Selection of Sanitation Technologies
7. Sanitation Upgrading Sequences
Part Three. Sanitation Technology Options
8. Latrine and Toilet Superstructures
9. Latrine and Toilet Fixtures
10. VIP Latrines
11. Composting Toilets
12. PF Toilets
13. Aquaprivies
14. Septic Tanks, Soakaways, and Drainfields
15. Conventional Sewerage
16. Small-bore Sewers
17. Bucket Latrines
18. Vault and Cartage Systems
19. Communal Sanitation Facilities
20. Disposal and Treatment of Sullage
21. Off-site Treatment
22. Resource Recovery
Lokakarya Pengenalan Urban Climate Protection Program (Eco City) untuk Penanganan Sampah Kota
Pustaka ini berisi materi presentasi kegiatan Lokakarya Pengenalan Urban Climate Protection Program (Eco City) untuk Penanganan Sampah Kota di Hotel Grand Flora, Kemang Raya No.7 - Jakarta, 22 Juni 2009.
• Sambutan Pembukaan Dirjen Cipta Karya Departemen Pekerjaan Umum pada Lokakarya Pengenalan Urban Climate Protection Program (Eco City) untuk Penanganan Persampahan Kota
• Program Eco City: Kerjasama antara Pemerintah Indonesia – Jerman dengan Kota-Kota di Daerah (Oswar Mungkasa, Kasubdit Persampahan & Drainase, Bappenas)
• Kebijakan dan Strategi serta Target Pembangunan Bidang Persampahan (Direktorat PLP, Ditjen Cipta Karya, Dep. PU)
• Kriteria Kota & Proyek Solid Waste Management yang Mendukung Urban Climate Protection Program (Eco City) oleh Ditjen Cipta Karya, Dep. PU
• Skema Pembiayaan Proyek Solid Waste Management melalui Urban Climate Protection Program (Eco City) oleh Kasubdit Investasi PLP, Dit. Pengembangan PLP, Dep. PU
Conference on Water and Sanitation Monitoring 2009 Lessons from Around The World
Pustaka ini berisi materi acara Conference on Water and Sanitation Monitoring 2009 ”Lessons from Around The World” di Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta tanggal 13-14 April 2009.
- National RWSS M & E System (WES Section , Unicef Vietnam)
- WSS M&E Institutional Framework and Drivers of the Reform - Colombia and LA (Javier Rozo - Vengoechea)
Adipura Liberti Edisi Juni 2007 "Iklim Berubah, Waspadalah!"
Redaksi Adipura Liberti
Di edisi khusus Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia tanggal 5 Juni 2007 ini, tema utama yang dibahas masih mengakar pada masalah perkotaan yang dihadapi sehari-hari oleh setiap orang, yaitu persampahan kota. Sedangkan topik hangat/burning issue terkait dengan dengan tema Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia skala global adalah ”Melting Ice – a Hot Topic “, dan dalam skala nasional ”Iklim Berubah, Waspadalah Terhadap Bencana Lingkungan“.