
The Partnership Paperschase Structuring Partnership Agreements in Water and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities

Evans, Barbara, Joe McMahon and Caplan, Ken   2004 763

although written guidance on partnership often prescribes the introduction of formal agreements among parties, field experience shows that other being more loosely organise. Therefore in this document the generic term "paperwork" refer to both informal (letters, non binding memoranda of undersatnding,etc) as well as more formal documents (contracts, corporation article and bylaws) that describe how partners together, how they interact, what they do and how their partnership is expected to evolve over time. The degree of formality required in the documentation is a result of a range of factors including local and societal norms as well as general practice. Therefore, rather than promoting more or less formality, this document provides guidance on how any form of paperwork can best support partners in their efforts to achieve their objectives.

Section 1  Setting the scene
Section 2  Special considerations in the water supply and sanitation sector
Section 3  Reviewing the various forms of collaboration
Section 4  Making the case for paperwork
Section 5  Getting to know each other: Are the partners compatible
Section 6  What to include in the paperwork
Section 7  Taking the subject further

Orientasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dengan Metode MPA/PHAST Bagi Tim Teknis Kabupaten Dan Propinsi (Region 2 Padang)

Indonesia. Dirjen PMD. Departemen Dalam Negeri   2005 1.653

Dalam rangka meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah atau miskin di perdesaan, Pemerintah Indonesia bekerjasama dengan ADB melaksanakan pembangunan sarana penyediaan air minum dan penyehatan lingkungan pemukiman bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah melalui program Community Water Sanitation and Health meliputii Propinsi Bengkulu, Jambi, Kalimantan Barat, dan Kalimantan Tengah yang seluruhnya mencakup 20 kabupaten, dan kegiatannya diarahkan pada perubahan perilaku dan peningkatan kesehatan lingkungan, penyediaan air minum dan sanitasi yang aman, murah dan terjangkau serta mengembangkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menjamin kesinambungan pemanfaatannya. Dalam rangka efektifitas pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam setiap tahap pengelolaan program CWSH, diperkuat dengan meningkatkan kapasitas dalam memfasiliatasi masyarakat melalui Orientasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dengan Metode MPA/PHAST.Melalui orentasi diharapkan tim teknis kabupaten dan propinsi memiliki pemahaman yang cukup tentang pola pelaksanaan program CWSH dan mampu melakukan fasilitasi pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Jurnal National Geographic Indonesia, Mei 2006

Jurnal National Geographic Indonesia   2006 1.026

Jurnal National Geographic Indonesia kali ini menyajikan cerita dari dua kepulauan di tanah air. Kepulauan Seribu dan Siberut. Dikepulauan seribu sudah jarang ditemui hujan alias sudah mulai kekeringan, dimana dalam penampungan air sudah mulai berkurang. Sebaliknya yang terjadi di Pulau Siberut sangatlah berlawanan, hujan yang setiap hari mengguyur daerah tersebut, sehingga manjir makin sering datang, dan dalam penampungan air tawar sudah mulai berkurang karena adanya bencana banjir.

Manual On Improving Solid Waste Collection and Transport System

Solid Waste Management Association Of The Philippines (SWAPP)   2003 753

This manual was develiped with the aim of providing a standard tool for trainers and facilitators in conducting a training on solid waste collection and transport syste. The design of the manual has already undergone application under SWAPP sponsored activities. This manual makes use of lecture discussion with the aid of presentation materials. To ensure active participation in the technical discussion, sharing of experiences in encouraged in addition to the strucutre learning activities.This manaual is a trainers guide in conducting a training on improving solid waste collection and transport system. It provides a step by step instruction on handling the entire activity, visual aids recommended for use, useful tips, reminders and helpful hints.

A Trainers Manual Ecological Solid Waste Management For Central Business Districts

Ayala Foundations, Macati City   18 Desember 2006 899

A Trainers Manual Ecological Solid Waste Management For Central Business Districts is a step by step giude for facilitators and trainers in conducting ESWM training and oreintation. It aims to asiist trainers facilitate the process of instituting ESWM systems, activitties and practices. It is particularly designed for central business distric setting that cover various entities, such as offices, residential buildings, commercial and business establisment.

The Manual outlines how a trainer may conduct 1-day taraining on ESWM. It containsn the training process, course content and the details on handling each of the sessions involved. Notes and sample visual aids are also incoporated to adequately prepare the conceptual/ theoretical and legal bases on ESWM and its relevance.

Keberlanjutan Fasilitasi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Nasional Pembangunan AMPL di Daerah: Laporan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Tindak Lanjut Fasilitasi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Nasional AMPL berbasis Masyarakat di Kabupaten Lokasi Dampingan Tahun 2003 dan 2004

WASPOLA   2006 740

Secara umum monitoring dan evaluasi bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja daerah kehususnya kelompok kerja AMPL dalam menindak lanjuti hasil fasilitasi pelaksanaan kebijakan dalam upaya keberlanjutan pembanguan AMPL di daerahnya.

Secara khusus dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui status penyelesaian dan tindak lanjut rancangan stategis AMPL yang telah dimulai oenyusunannya selama proses fasilitasi. Memetakan isu dan permasalahan serta dukungan yang diperlukan dalam rangka adopsi kebijakan nasional AMPL BM sebagai masukan bagi WASPOLA dalam pengembangan rencana tindak fasilitasi pelaksanaan kebijakan tahun berikutnya.

Barangay Planning and Budgeting For Solid Waste Management Program

Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines   2002 3.396

This manual is designed primarily for facilitation of participatory processes for solid waste management planning and resource estimation and mobilization. The manual has been designed with flexibility and latitude to allow the facilitator to use the process for other similar activities in the barangay or at a modifying/adjusting certain activities to adapt to the planning and/ or budgeting activity to be undertaken.

Serving as a facilitators guide, the manual seeks to ensure tha the facilitator manages the training well and be confidednt that all the objectives that have been set will be met.The Manual then includes a list of objectives for each module, contains sample scripts, that you may choose to use or adapt, contains a list of materials you will need, includes an estimated amount of time that each activity will require and includes reminders and practical tips you as a trainer.

Instructional Manual On Ecological Solid Waste Management For Building Administrators And Managers.

Ayala Foundation   2002 840

This Instructional Manual On Ecological Solid Waste Management For Building Administrators And Managers, a comprehensive guidebook to assist building administration and managers set up their own solid waste management program in their respective buildings.

This Manual includes important principles and concepts of SWM, silent features of the ecological solid waste management act or Republic act 9003, and a presentation of MCBD SWM program. A detailed discussion on setting up the SWM program in the building, particularly the three major components or the 3 Es (education, enginnering, enforcement), is likewisw incorporated in the manual.

Manual On Improving Communication And Education Skills For Ecological Solid Waste Management Program.

Solid Waste Management Association of The Philippines   2002 768

This manual for trainers was designed as a handbook to guide the trainer through the conduct of the training on improving communication and education skills for ecological solid waste management. It is to be used in tandem with the participants manual. The participants manual contains the subtance of the presentations as well as relevant text will serve as a useful reference for participants as well as the trainers.

Saving as a trainers guide, the manual seeks to ensure that the trainers managers the training well and be confident that all the objectives that have been set will be met.The Manual then: includes a list of objectives for each module, contains sample scripts, that yao may choose to user or adapt, contains a list of materials you will need,, includes an estimated amount of time that each activity will require and includes reminders and practical tips for you as a trainer.

Petunjuk Teknis Tata Cara Perencanaan Tempat Pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA) Di Daerah Pasang Surut.

Dep. PU. Balitbang. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Permukiman.   2001 2.562

Petunjuk Teknis Tata Cara Pereancanaan Tempat Pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA) Di Daerah Pasang Surut, dimaksudkan sebagai pegangan atau acuan bagi perencana dan pelaksana dalam upaya pembangunan TPA sampah yang dikhususkan untuk daerah pasang surut. Tata cara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan dalam prosedur pelaksanaan pembangunan, sehingga dapat membantu upaya pelestarian lingkungan.

Daftar isi:

1.Ruang Lingkup
3.Istilah dan Definisi
4.Persyaratan – Persyaratan
5.Perencanaan TPA Sampah