Laporan audit dana disposisi hibah KfW dan dana pendamping dari pemerintah daerah periode 12 Desember 2001 sampai dengan 30 September 2005
Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Victor Albert & Rekan
Progress Report No. 4 ( 1 Juli - 31 Desember 2005) WASPOLA 2
WSA - EAP, in cooperation with the WASPOLA
Project implementation accelerated during this reporting period, with policy implementation activities underway in 20 districs. The policy reform progress has ben slower that expected due to continued senior level staff change within government. There were has presentations of the institutionaly managed WSS policy framework to four of the participating ministries. Further significant changes to the policy are not envisaged and it is expected to have ministried endoersement by end of th eyear. The project has continued implementation of a wide range of knoledge menagement activities in this reporting period, including a study tour to Australia, completion of a study of small scale providers of water supply services, and ongoing field trials of community led total sanitation in conjunction with ADB and World Bank financed community based water and sanitation projects.
Pekerjaan Penyusunan Database air Bersih Dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (Laporan Final)
PT. Arkonin engineering Manggala Pratama
11 Desember 2006
Tujuan utama kerangka sistem komputer untuk penyusunan database ABPL ini disusun, yaitu untuk mengikat secara keseluruhan kinerja dan program/proyek dalam bentuk sebuah aplikasi sistem manajemen database yang relevan terhadap seluruh komponen, tidak terbatas hanya pada struktur, perencanaan pemeliharaan, operasional dan finansial. Selain itu diharapkan dengan adanya penyusunan database ABPL, program - program pemerintah terutama keterpaduan antara satu instansi lainnya dalam membuat suatu program ABPL akan lebih terfokus dan terencana. Selain itu turut pula membantu masyarakat pada umumnya terutama dalam memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan.
Lokakarya Penyusunan Database air Bersih Dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (ABPL)
PT. Arun Prakarsa Inforinda
11 Desember 2006
Ecosan - Closing the loop (proceedings of the 2nd international
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, 2004
The Third World Water Forum provided a major opprtunity to put ecological sanitation onto the global agenda. A series of key workshop and lecture session were organised in collaboration with the IWA, City of Kyoto, Japan Toilets Association and the EcoSanRes Programme. A resolution on ecosan was written and agreed to by a number of organisations including multi-lateral, bi-lateral, finance institutions, national governments, etc.
This presenteds a paradigm shift in the making where sanitation is no longer a practice of disposing human excreta in deep pits and water cources but one centred around the all-so-important relationship between humas and soil systems the 3rdWWF ministerial Declaration and Commitments from UN agencies also referred to new apportunities where positioning od ecological sanitation will be possible. The lingage to the Millenium Development Goals was also made and details desribing the roadmap ahead for the water and sanitation goals are described.
Proceeding of Seminar Towards a Susutainable Development of Water and Wastewater Management, Presented on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at Merak Room, Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC).
Prosiding 2005 Kegiatan Operasionalisai Kebijakan Nasional Air Minum Dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Berbasis Masyarakat Di Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
Kelompok Kerja AMPL Propinsi Kabupaten Bangka Belitung
Proceeding Lokakarya review Pengelolaan Data Pembangunan Air Minum Dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Dalam Rangka Persiapan Susenas 2006 - 2007, Jakarta 22 - 23 Desember 2005.
Direktorat Permukiman Dan Perumahan. Bappenas
Prosiding Pertemuan Perencanaan Dan evaluasi Proyek ProAir, Denpasar 25 - 28 Agustus 2004
April Th.2
Prosiding Diseminasi Kebijakan Nasional Air Minum Dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Berbasis Masyarakat Di Jakarta 25 Nopember 2004.
Indonesia, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Daerah. Depdagri. 2004