
Draft Public Private Partnerships Piped Water Systems in Large rural Borough Based on the MIREP Program Experience in Cambodia: A Guide for Local Decision Makers

Jean - Pierre Nahe   Th. 833

-The MIREP program was established in 2001 in order to assist rural communities in Cambodia to set up water service system in partnership with the local private sector. the program is funded by SEDIF, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Veolia Environment Foundation. Implementation is performed by the GRET and KOSAN engineering, with the support of GTZ in Kampot province.

The sole purpose of this document is share information. Its contens reflect the experience acquired by the MIREP program in Cambodia since 2001 in designing and setting up public-private partnerships in large rural borough (1000 to 5000 inhabitants).

Towards effective water policy in the Asian and Pacific region (vol one)

Wouter Lincklaen Arriens & Jeremy Bird, Jeremy Berkoff, ; Paul Mosley (Ed)   1996 889

Water is now the critical natural resource in must countries of Asia And Pacific Redion. The serious pressure exerted by population growth, economic development and industralization demend better management of water resources and delivery of water service. Becaouse the water sector in more diverse, pervasive, and complex than other targeted development sectors, the apprach must be a holistic and country specific one that support sustainable water use, share resaources, participatory and consultative mechanism, and a comitment to sustained capacity buildig and learning. For the Asian Development Bank, this situation precipitated an innovative and highly sucssesful regional consultative proces as the Bank began the task of formulating is own water policy

Regulatory systems and networking water utilities and regulatory bodies: Proceedings of the regional forum, Manila 26 - 28 March 2001

Th. 921

The regional forum noted that the main issues in the sector were low tariffs, a shortage of development funds, ineffective management, institutional deficiencies, and weak regulatory systems. Policy approaches advocated included the separation of policy, regulatory, and operating functions; undertaking economic regulation as a first priority; granting operators incentives to provide good service; and promoting private sector participation.

The forum agreed that regulator should ensure good governance, promote benchmarking of performance, protect consumers against monopoly power, implement the tariff policy, and enforce policy on coverege and service levels, especially for the poor. In establishing a regualtory body it was necessary to consider that there is no universal model and that regulation is an ever changing process. It was agreed that customers are the ultimate regulators, and that the most powerful regulatory tool is the availability of information.

These proceedings of the regional forum held in Manila from 26 - 28 March, 2001 on regulatory systems and networking of water utilities and regulatory bodies will be useful not only to the paticipants, but to the many consultants, funding agencies, government of ministries, and water utilities grappling with the new concept of regulatory bodies as a means of acheiving more autonomous and efficient water utilities in Asia.

Laporan Bulanan Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (Pokja AMPL) - Mei 2006

Pokja AMPL   2006 877

Laporan ini merupakan laporan bulanan kegiatan Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (Pokja AMPL) Mei 2006 yang berisi garis besar hasil kegiatan, serta temuan penting dari kegiatan pokja AMPL. Selain itu, laporan ini juga memberikan informasi mengenai rencana kegiatan yang akan datang.

Analisis, Tingkat Kesehatan dan Perilaku Hidup Sehat Masyarakat Jawa Barat

BAPEDA Propinsi Jawa Barat & BPS Propinsi Jawa Barat   Th. 2.192

Pembangunan kesehatan yang telah dilaksanakan selama ini dianggap telah berhasil meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat secara cukup bermakna, walaupun masih dijumpai berbagai masalah dan hambatan. Reformasi yang telah dilakukan di bidang kesehatan dimulai dengan dicanangkannya Rencana Pembangunan Kesehatan Menuju Jawa Barat Sehat 2008, yang merupakan visi pembangunan kesehatan propinsi jawa barat. Adapun visi yang ingin dicapai melalui pembangunan kesehatan tersebut adalah mayarakat, bangsa dan negara sehat yang ditandai oleh penduduknya hidup dalam lingkungan yang sehat dengan perilaku yang sehat pula. Tingkat kesehatan penduduk merefleksi mutu penduduk. Tingkat produktivitas dapat dilihat dari berbagai jenis keluhan kesehatan dan penyakit yang banyak dikeluhkan oleh masyarakat. Indikator kesehatan yang cukup menarik untuk diamati antara lain kesehatan balita, proses kelahiran atau yang menolong kelahiran balita dengan keselamatan ibunya.

Indikator kesehatan lainnya adalah ketersediaan air bersih, sanitasi lingkungan yang memadai, dan perumahan dan pemukiman yang sehat. Tujuan penyusunan analisis ini adalah menyediakan data dan gambaran mengenai tingkat kesehatan dan perilaku hidup sehat masyarakat Jawa Barat. Selain itu dapat pula mengidentifikasi berbagai permasalahan kesehatan dan kondisi lingkungan secara menyeluruh yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi derajat kesehatan dan pola hidup sehat masyarakat.

Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 report

2000 958

The Global assessment report 2000 presebts the findings of the fourth assessment of the water supply and sanitation sector. It is a sources of water and sanitation coverage estimates, and support investment, planning, management nd quality of service decisions in th esector. The methods used for assessment 2000 differ from those of previous reports. By focusing on user as primary sources of data, rather than on providers, the report provides a more accurate estimate of the present state of water and sanitation arround the wolrd. As a result, the assessment provides the baseline and monitoring methodology that will ensure realible and consistent statistics with which to report progress with confidence in the years to come.

This report is written for all those who wish to know the current of the water supply and sanitation sector, including national government officials, sector planers and consultants, bilateral, multilateral and united nations agency staff, staff of international and national professional associations and nongovernmental organization, researchers, and sector professionals through out the word. The assessment 2000 also highlights the huge challengers faced in meeting the need for safe water supply and adequate sanitation worldwide. The Global Assessment Report 2000 is an important step toward the ultimate goals of VISION 21, adopted at the second World Water, the Hague, adequate sanitation services and hygiene by 2005.

Water, Water Everywhere: Municipal Finance and water Supply in American Cities (NBER Working Paper Series, working paper 11096)

David Cuttler and Grant Miller   Th. 830

The construction of municipal water systems was a major event in the history of American cities bringing relief from disease, providing resources to combat fires, attracting business investment, and promoting development generally. Although the first large-scale municipal water system in the United States was completed in 1801, many American cities lacked waterworks until the turn of the twentieth century.

This paper investigates the reason for the century-long delay and the subsequent frenzy of waterworks construction from 1890 through the 1920s. We propose an explanation that emphasizes the development of local public finance. Specifically, we highlight the importance of municipal bond market growth as a facilitator of debt finance. We argue taht this explanation is superior to others put forward in the literature, including disease knowledge, the presence of externalities, municipal population density, natural monopoly, contracting difficulties, corruption costs, and growth in the supply of civil engineers.

Malapetaka Sampah: Kebijakan Persampahan dalam Persimpangan Jalan (Dialog Nasional Mencari Solusi Pengelolaan sampah di Indonesia, Jakarta Hilton Convention Center 4 Juni 2005)

Bagong Suyoto (Direktur Pusat Industri Daur Ulang Sampah & Zero Waste Indonesia, 2005   Th. 938

Makalah Malapetaka Sampah: Kebijakan Persampahan dalam Persimpangan Jalan ini disampaikan dalam Dialog Nasional Mencari Solusi Pengelolaan Sampah di Indonesia di Jakarta Hilton Convention Center tanggal 4 Juni 2005. Dialog ini diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan dan Lingkungan Indonesia, Indonesia Solid Waste Association (InSWA).

Financing Water Supply and Sanitation Investments: Utilizing Risk Mitigation Instruments to Bridge the Financing Gap: Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Board Discussion Paper Series (Paper No.4 January 2005)

Aldo Baietti & Peter Raymond   Th. 945





1.      SUMMARY

Private Participation and IFI Risk Mitigation in Water Supply and Sanitation

Emerging “Hybrid” Finance Transactions and Development of Local Financial Markets

New Focus of Risk Mitigation Instruments

Wholesale Approaches

Financial Markets and Subsovereign Government Assessments






Local Currency Financing

Devaluation Backstop Facility


Client Government Issues

Internal Process Issues

Product Awareness Issues




Enhancements for Hybrid Financing Arrangements

Mitigation Foreign Exchange Risk

Changing the Approach to Meet the Needs of a New Market

Proposed Financing and Risk  Allocation Framework for Water Investments


Annex 1: Overview of Risk Mitigation Instruments Available through IFIS

Annex 2: Use of World Bank Guarantees in Support of Output-based Aid Schemes

List of Figures


Condominial Water and Sewerage Systems: Costs of Implementation of the Model

Vivien Foster   21 Februari 2006 952


Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Description of the El Alto Pilot Project
    Project Setting
    Timing of the Pilot Project
    Services Provided
    Condominial Approach

3. Evaluation Methodology
    Condominial versus Conventional
    Different Analytical Perspectives

4. Cost Differential
    Financial Costs
    Economics Costs

5. Consumption Differentials
     Estimating the Consumption Differential
     Valuing the Consumption Differential

6. Evaluation
    Social Perspective
    Utility's Perspective
    Consumer's Perspective

7. Conclusions

Cost Annex