
Data Perkembangan Pengelolaan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Seluruh Indonesia: Dari laporan audit BPKP Tahun Buku 1996

Th. 1.775

Pustaka ini berisi data perkembangan pengelolaan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Seluruh Indonesia berdasarkan Laporan Audit BPKP Tahun Buku 1996.

Daftar Isi:

I. Data Cakupan Pelayanan PDAM Seluruh Indonesia Tahun 1996

II. Grafik Prosentase Cakupan Pelayanan PDAM Seluruh Indonesia

III. Daftar Produksi, Distribusi, Penjualan dan Kehilangan Air PDAM Seluruh Indonesia Tahun 1996

IV. Grafik Prosentase Tingkat Kehilangan Air

V. Ikhtisar Laba Rugi PDAM Seluruh Indonesia Tahun 1996

VI. Grafik Rasio Pendapatan dan Biaya

VII. Data Ikhtisar Laba Rugi PDAM Berdasarkan Laba Bersih Terbesar Tahun 1996

VIII. Grafik Setoran PAD dari PDAM

IX. Rekapitulasi Neraca Keuangan PDAM Seluruh Indonesia Tahun 1996

X. Grafik Rasio Hutang Jangka Panjang dan Aset PDAM

XI. Daftar Kinerja Keuangan


Laporan Tahunan Program Kerjasama Direktorat Permukiman dan Perumahan Bappenas dan Plan Indonesia Tahun Anggaran 2009/2010

Januari Th. 1.136

Untuk membuat perubahan atau perbaikan untuk hidup yang lebih baik bagi anak-anak, keluarga dan komunitas mereka, khususnya di sektor air minum dan sanitasi, Plan Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Direktorat Permukiman dan Perumahan, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas). Kegiatan kerjasama ini merupakan bagian dari dukungan terhadap kegiatan pembangunan air minum dan penyehatan lingkungan di Indonesia dalam rangka pencapaian target Millenium Development Goals. Kegiatan kerjasama ini telah dilakukan semenjak tahun 2007 dan banya hal yang telah dilakukan dan dicapai melalui program ini.
Pustaka ini merupakan laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan program Kerjasama Bappenas-Plan Indonesia untuk tahun anggaran 2009/2010. Laporan ini berisikan mengenai garis besar hasil kegiatan serta temuan penting dari kegiatan kerjasama tersebut, seklaigus sebagai evaluasi dan rekomendasi untuk kegiatan selanjutnya.

Daftar Isi:

I.    Pendahuluan
A.    Latar Belakang
B.    Program Kerjasama
C.    Waktu Pelaksanaan
D.    Pelaksana Kegiatan

II.    Pelaksanaan Kegiatan
A.    Konsolidasi Program Sanitasi Sekolah
B.    Dukungan terhadap Jejaring AMPL
C.    Lokakarya Exit Strategy  Pengelolaan Air Minum Berbasis Masyarakat di Kabupaten Grobogan
D.    Lokakarya Advokasi dan Rencana Aksi Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Dompu dan Kabupaten Kebumen
E.    Penyusunan Grand Design  Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat
F.    Orientasi Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Kebumen
G.    Pameran pada Konferensi Internasional Solusi Pengelolaan Air Limbah Terdesentralisasi Di Negara Berkembang
H.    Pengembangan Materi Komunikasi Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat
I.    Monitoring dan Evaluasi
J.    Koordinasi Program
K.    Majalah Percik Yunior

III.    Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

Prosiding Kegiatan Konsolidasi Sanitasi Sekolah Program Kerjasama Direktorat Permukiman dan Perumahan Bappenas dan Plan Indonesia Tahun 2009/2010

Januari Th. 1.758

Buruknya kondisi air minum dan sanitasi memberikan dampak buruk tidak hanya bagi orang dewasa, tetapi juga anak-anak. Oleh karena itu, perbaikan kondisi air minum, sanitasi serta perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada tingkat anak-anak perlu menjadi sebuah prioritas. Salah satu cara untuk menangani permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan pelaksanaan program perbaikan kondisi air minum, sanitasi serta perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat bagi siswa maupun perangkat sekolah. Program ini (sanitasi sekolah) telah banyak dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, tidak hanya oleh pemerintah, namun juga lembaga-lembaga lain di luar pemerintah. Namun dalam penerapannya hingga kini para pelaku sanitasi sekolah masih berjalan sendiri-sendiri, akibat dari belum terbangunnya komunikasi dan koordinasi yang baik sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya tumpang tindih program.
Untuk mendukung keberhasilan program sanitasi sekolah, Jejaring AMPL memfasilitasi pertemuan para pelaku sanitasi sekolah untuk melakukan suatu konsolidasi. Konsolidasi ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan komunikasi dan koordinasi antar pelaku sanitasi sekolah untuk sinergi dalam pelaksanaann program ini.
Tujuan dari kegiatan fasilitasi oleh Jejaring ini adalah untuk mendorong percepatan pembnagunan air minum dan penyehatan lingkungan di Indonesia, khususnya di sektor sanitasi sekolah, serta meningkatnya kesadaran, dukungan dan komitmen para pemangku kepentingan untuk pembangunan sanitasi.
Jejaring AMPL memfasilitasi rencana konsolidasi program sanitasi sekolah dengan mengadakan beberapa kali pertemuan, yaitu pertemuan rutin tim  inti (core team) sanitasi sekolah, yang membahas mengenai konsep sanitasi sekolah secara mendalam dan merumuskan perencanaan yang strategis dan tepat sasaran dalam bentuk peta jalan (road map), serta pertemuan berbetuk lokakarya yang diadakan untuk menjaring masukan-masukan seluruh pelaku sanitasi sekolah di Indonesia terkait dengan konsep dan peta jalan yang telah dirumuskan oleh tim inti.
Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu adanya konsep pembangunan sanitasi sekolah nasional dan peta jalan sanitasi sekolah.

Daftar Isi:

I.    Pendahuluan

A.    Latar Belakang
B.    Tujuan
C.    Bentuk Kegiatan
D.    Keluaran
E.    Peserta

II.    Pelaksanaan Kegiatan   
A.    Pertemuan Kecil
B.    Lokakarya Konsolidasi Sanitasi Sekolah

III.    Penutup
A.    Evaluasi
B.    Rekomendasi
C.    Rencana Tindak Lanjut

Lampiran I. Studi Pemetaan Program Sanitasi Sekolah Di Indonesia
Lampiran 2. Presentasi Hasil Studi Pemetaan Program Sanitasi Sekolah Di Indonesia
Lampiran 3. Konsep dan Grand Design Sanitasi Sekolah

10-Step Promotion Program Toolkit (Summary: Helping Water Services Professionals Improve Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Programs)

Th. 938

The purpose of a promotion program is to bring about behavior change. A promotion program is crucial to inform, educate, motivate, and persuade before a new practice is adopted, but the ultimate goal of any promotion program is to bring about and sustain the adoption of new practices. ECO-Asia, through WaterLinks, has developed a comprehensive guide to design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a promotion program for water, sanitation, and hygiene. This guide, Catalyzing Change One Step at a Time: 10-Step Promotion Program Toolkit: Helping Local Government Official and Utilities Staff Improve Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Programs, is available online at
This document is a summary of the full-version Toolkit and provides an overview of the 10-step process to bring about positive change through a promotion program. All 10-steps and generated products along with selected examples and essential information are presented to illustrate the process. The full-version Toolkit functions as a comprehensive workbook that provides details on exact steps for designing, pre-testing, and implementing a promotion campaign. Before designing a fully developed promotion program with the full-version Toolkit, all users are encouraged to first review the Summary to understand the process involved. Afterwards, the full version Toolkit can be used in the actual design and implementation of a promotion campaign.

Table of Contents:



10-Step Process

Step 1: Define Problem, Audiences, and Ideal Behaviors

Step 2: Gather Information

Step 3: Focus on Feasible Practice for One Audience and One Problem

Step 4: Detail Strategy for Change

Step 5: Prepare Specific Promotion Plan

Step 6: Develop Promotional Materials and Activities

Step 7: Pretest and Finalize

Step 8: Implement

Step 9: Monitor

Step 10: Evaluate and Improve

List of Decision Making Tools in the Full Toolkit

List of Final Toolkit Products

A Comparative Evaluation of Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships for Urban Water Services in ACP Countries

Josephine Tucker, dkk    Januari Th. 1.082

This study evaluates the comparative advantages of PPPs and PuPs in urban water services. Based on literature analysis and case studies, past performance of PPPs and PuPs is reviewed against several criteria. Lessons are then identified regarding the barriers and enablers which determine the success of partnerships, and the kind of support donors could usefully provide. The study concludes that while the main determinant of performance is not public or private management but policy, institutions, finance and regulation, there are notable differences between what PPPs and PuPs can offer. In the right circumstances the private sector can improve in efficiency and management, but at high costs. PuPs generally have lower costs and greater focus on capacity building and equity, and have the potential to support more holistic approaches to urban services and the water cycle. Partnerships with local actors can also improve services by allowing more flexible approaches to service provision to meet the needs of different households. The involvement of civil society and community groups in particular often helps to improve services for poor households. A key conclusion is that governments should have a choice of different partnership options and the ability to end failing partnerships.



1.1 PPPs and PuPs: a brief history
1.2 Defining PPPs and PuPs: a typology of partnerships
1.3 Approach of the study and structure of the report

2.1 How have PPPs performed in Africa
2.1.1 Investment and expansion
2.1.2 Efficiency and financial performance
2.1.3 Service quality and price
2.1.4 Provision for low-income households
2.1.5 Wider societal impacts: poverty reduction, equity, health and environment
2.2 How do PuPs compare
2.2.1 Prospects for sustainability
2.2.2 Shared goals and low costs
2.2.3 Potential to promote an equitable approach to water services
2.2.4 Potential for an integrated approach to urban services
2.3 Barriers and enablers for successful partnerships
2.3.1 Underlying constraints
2.3.2 Financing and external support to partnerships
2.3.3 The importance of information
2.3.4 Incentives for serving low-income households in commercial partnerships
2.3.5 Involvement of civil society to improve services for poor households

3.1 Context
3.2 The Ghana Water/Aqua Vitens Rand Ltd PPP
3.2.1 Performance of the GWCL / Aqua Vitens Rand Ltd. PPP
EU water policy in developing countries
3.3 The Savelugu Community PuP arrangement
3.3.1 Performance of the Savelugu PuP
3.4 Discussion and lessons

4.1 Context
4.2 The Harrismith PuP with Rand Water
4.2.1 Achievements
4.2.2 Success factors
4.2.3 Barriers and challenges
4.2.4 Subsequent developments and the legacy of the PuP
4.3 The Nelspruit / Mbombela concession
4.3.1 Achievements
4.3.2 Barriers and challenges
4.4 Discussion and lessons

5.1 Comparing PPPs and PuPs
5.2 Broader Lessons
5.3 Past EC development support in water and sanitation: lessons for PPPs and PuPs
5.4 Final remarks

6.1 Interviews conducted

Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene For Development

Jamie Bartram   Januari Th. 1.483

This new peer-reviewed journal plans to publish original contributions including research, analysis, review and commentary and to emphasize issues of concern in developing and middle-income countries and in disadvantaged communities world-wide, such as: Water supply: intermittent supply, community and utility water supplies, water treatment, distribution, storage and use, water access and quality; Sanitation: collection, transport, treatment, use, discharge, on-site and off-site sanitation, resources recovery; Hygiene: behaviours, education, change; Technical and managerial issues: characteristics of and constraints to conventional and innovative approaches; technical options and boundaries of technical application; emerging issues, emergencies and disasters; impacts on health, poverty and development; sustainability; demand, marketing, organizing supply chains; Institutional development: roles of public and private sector; capacity building, governance, education and training; Financing and economic analysis: including cost-effectiveness and cost-benefits, role and impact of subsidies, user fees, financial instruments, innovations in financing; Policy: examining all aspects and developments in the role of national policy on service provision; human rights and rights-based approaches policy; developing appropriate and scaleable legal and regulatory approaches, norms and standards; and International policy: aid and aid effectiveness; international targets, conventions and agreements, UN and international policy.

Insecurity and Indignity: Womens Experiences in The Slums of Nairobi, Kenya

Amnesty International -London   Januari Th. 999

This report is issued as part of Amnesty International’s global Demand Dignity Campaign. It follows an initial Amnesty International research report on the housing situation in Nairobi’s slums. The report finds that solutions proposed by the government to improve access to essential public services, including sanitation do not fully take into account the specific needs of women and girls in informal settlements. Amnesty International recommends that the Kenyan government urgently addresses the issue of gender-based violence in the informal settlements. This includes addressing inadequate access to sanitation and public security services as major contributing factors to various forms of violence that women face. The information in this report was gathered during a period of three months’ research which included four weeks of field research in four of Nairobi’s over 200 slums and informal settlements – Kibera, Mathare, Mukuru Kwa Njenga and Korogocho. Interviews were conducted with women, local and international non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations, officials in a number of government ministries and from the local authority, Nairobi City Council, Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Athi Water Services Board and representatives of the Kenya police.

Laporan Pelaksanaan Materi Komunikasi STBM Kerjasama Bappenas-Plan

Januari Th. 1.344

Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) merupakan pendekatan untuk mengubah perilaku higienis dan sanitasi melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan metode pemicuan. Pendekatan ini telah dicanangkan  menjadi program nasional pada bulan Agustus 2008 oleh Menteri Kesehatan RI dan pada bulan September 2008, STBM dikukuhkan sebagai Strategi Nasional. Strategi ini menjadi acuan bagi pertugas kesehatan dan instansi yang terkait dalam penyusunan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan, dan evaluasi terkait dengan sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat.
Laporan ini berisi materi komunikasi STBM dari mulai leaflet, factsheet, banner, backdrop, poster, VCD, hingga situs yang bertujuan sebagai media sosialisasi dan advokasi pembangunan AMPL yang efektif dan tepat sasaran.

Daftar Isi:

1.     Latar Belakang

2.     Tujuan

3.     Keluaran

4.     Penanggungjawab

5.     Materi Komunikasi

6.     Pelaksanaan

7.     Kesimpulan dan Saran


Laporan Bulanan Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Juni 2010

Januari Th. 917

Laporan ini merupakan laporan bulanan kegiatan Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (Pokja AMPL) yang berisi garis besar hasil kegiatan, serta temuan penting dari kegiatan Pokja AMPL selama bulan Juni 2010. Selain itu, laporan ini juga memberikan informasi mengenai  rencana kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan pada bulan yang akan datang.

Daftar Isi:

Daftar Isi
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Lampiran

A. Sekretariat Pokja AMPL

I. Administrasi

II. Pusat Informasi AMPL
a.    Perpustakaan Pokja AMPL
b.    Perpustakaan Maya (Digilib) Pokja AMPL
c.    Database AMPL

III. Produk Komunikasi Pokja AMPL
    a. Kliping Pokja AMPL
    b. Majalah Percik
    c. Majalah Percik Yunior dan Newsletter

B. Kelompok Kerja AMPL

C. Rencana Kegiatan Bulan Juli 2010

Brazil: Managing Water Quality, Mainstreaming the Environment in the Water Sector (World Bank Technical Paper No.532, Environment Series)

Sergio Margulis, Gordon Hughes, martin Gambrill, & Luiz Gabriel T.Azevedo   Th. 1.136

This study reviews how environmental issues have been addressed in the water sector in Brazil, within the context of activities of the Federal Government, generally, and those implemented under Bank sector operations more specifically. The core focus of the study lies in the management of water quality, as it affects both the users of raw water and those who are primarily concerned with the disposal of wastewater. The report considers the following three sectoral areas concomitantly - water resources management, water supply and sanitation, and the environment -thus limiting its review and focus to those themes which are key to the over-arching issue of water quality. The management of water resources in Brazil, as in many other developing countries, has relied upon heavy investments in medium and large scale projects and programs to provide basic infrastructure for the different services related to water use. Historically, there has been a strong tendency to favour large, highly visible projects, which have shown disappointing overall returns, have resulted in little improvements in water quality, and have produced questionable impacts in terms of reducing poverty and inequality. One of the key reasons for such results has been the poor management of the installed infrastructure, the importance of which has been largely underestimated. Improving the utilization of existing infrastructure is therefore seen as being critical to achieving significant and rapid progress throughout the water sector. This needs to be complemented by adequate incentives to both service providers and water users to make more efficient use of the infrastructure and the resource itself. The low economic, environmental and social returns generated by investments in the water sector also reflect the systematic tendency to pay insufficient attention to overall objectives in the design and implementation of programs and projects. If the improvement of water quality in Brazil is an issue that is to be taken seriously, then a first step should be to undertake a proper assessment of water quality goals for each river basin in the country. The current classification of these goals seems to be arbitrary, and should, instead, be based on a systematic evaluation of the costs and benefits of setting and reaching alternative standards, as well as on explicit social objectives such as expanding service provision and service quality to the poor.

Table of Contents:

Note on the English Version
Acronyms & Abbreviations

1. Introduction
2. Water Resources Management
3. Water Supply and Sanitation
4. Environmental Management in The Water Sector
5. An Integrated Approach to Water Quality
Annex: Summary Description of Projects Reviewed
Tables and Figures