
Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation: A Sanitation Field Manual

John M. Kalbermatten, DeAnne S. Julius, and Charles G   Th. 917

The purpose of this manual to provide early dissemination of research results to field workers, to summarize selected portions of the other publications that are needed for sanitation planning, and to describe engineering details of alternative sanitation technologies and the means by which they can be upgraded. While the design of water supply systems is not discussed, information on water service levels corresponding to sanitation options is included because water use is a determinant of wastewater disposal requirements. The guidelines, procedures, and technologies contained in this volume are based upon World Bank studies in nineteen developing and industrial countries where local specialists conducted or contributed to the research. Both the research and its application continue to be evolved by the Bank and others throughout the world. Future supplements will present improvements in some technologies, such as biogas; informastion on others, such as marine disposals, combined sewers, water-saving plumbing fixtures, and small-bore sewer design and operation; and more precise estometes of materials and construction requirements on both per capita and population-density bases.

This manual is intended both for professionally trained project engineers and scientists and for technicians and field workers who are familiar with the geographical and cultural conditions of the projects areas to which they are assigned. The reason for this emphasis is clear, it is upon the observations, interpretations, and communications of staff in the field that the ultimate success of sanitation programs depends, technical and economic analyses must incorporate recommendations from knowledgeable field specialists.

Table of Contents:


1. Introduction

2. Sanitation Technology Selection

3. Latrine and Toilet Superstructure

4. Latrine and Toilet Fixtures

5. Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines

6. Composting Toilets

7. Pour-flush Toilets

8. Aquaprivies

9. Septic Tanks, Soakaways, and Drainfields

10. Communal Sanitation Facilities

Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation: Low Cost Technology Options for Sanitation, A State of the art Review and Annotated Bibliography

Witold Rybczynski, Chongrak Polprasert, & Michael McGarry   Th. 858

This book is a comprehensive technology review and bibliography describing alternative approaches to collection, treatment, reuse, and disposal of wastes. It is designed to describe for the policy maker, the administrator, and the engineer teh broad range of systems of human waste management available today.



Part I
Choosing Waste-Disposal Technologies
Options for Excreta Disposal in Hot Climates
Techniques for Reusing Human Wastes
Waste Disposal/ Reuse Options for Cities and Towns

Part II
State of the Literature

Part III
Subject Scope and Contents of Bibliography
1. Deposition devices
2. On-site collection and treatment
2.1 Pit Latrine
2.2 Composting privy
2.3 Septic tank and aqua-privy
3. Collection and off-site treatment
3.1 Cartage
3.2 Waterborne
3.3 Ponds
3.4 Composting
3.5 Aquatic weeds
4. Reuse
4.1 Irrigation
4.2 Aquaculture
4.3 Algae
4.4 Fertilization
4.5 Biogas
5. Grey Water
6. Water Saving

Keyword Index
Author Index
Author's Corporate Affiliation Index

Action Plan Kegiatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat - Bagaimana Menjembatani CBIA dan Action Plan (Buku 1)

Team PKPM   Th. 1.523

Action Plan Kegiatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Bagaimana Menjembatani CBIA (Community Based Issue Analysis) dan Action Plan (Buku 1) merupakan hasil training "Action Plan Designing for a community development project part-1" di Malino Sulsel tanggal 5-11 Agustus 2005 bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Pemerhati Lingkungan (LPL) Karang Puang Malino.

Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah agar para peserta memiliki kemampuan menyusun Action Plan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pelatihan ini berlangsung selama 7 hari, 4 hari berlangsung di dalam kelas dengan beberapa metode, antara lain diskusi kelompok dan pleno. Kemudian 3 hari praktek di lapangan.

Output dari pelatihan ini adalah peserta mengetahui bagaimana menyelesaikan aktifitas yang diperlukan di luar CBIA dengan para anggota masyarakat dan bagaimana membuat action plan untuk memformulasikan tugas dengan para anggota masyarakat.

Daftar Isi:

Pengantar Team Leader
Sambutan JICA Expert
Daftar Isi
Selayang Pandang: Program Pengembangan Kemitraan dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PKPM)

Bab I
Mengenal CBIA
- Tahapan, Alat, dan Metode Pelatihan CBIA
- Agenda Pelatihan
- Peserta Pelatihan

Bab II
- Pengantar dan Sambutan
Menjembatani CBIA dan Action Plan
- Peserta Bertanya, Fasilitator Menjawab
Diskusi Kelompok
- Peserta Bertanya, Fasilitator Menjawab

Pemberdayaan antara Masyarakat Cipeuteuy dan Lengkese
Membangun Masyarakat Lengkese
Masyarakat Lengkese Bertahan
Menemukan Isu

Bab IV
Mencari Aktual dan Penyebab
Hubungan Antara Isu
Membangun Outline Rencana Aksi

Bab V
Umpan Balik
Refleksi Peserta
Hasil Akhir dan Kesimpulan
Informasi dan Dokumentasi Kegiatan PKPM

Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Action Planning Facility WASPOLA 3 TF 071267: Annual Strategic Plan 1.5 2009-2010

Januari Th. 811

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

Glossary, Abbreviations, Acronyms, Definitions, Conversions

1.    Introduction
1.1    Main reference documents
1.2    Major implementing agencies
1.3    Preparation of the anuual plan
1.4    Annual plan numbering
1.5    Annual budgeting

2.    Activity Description
2.1 Purpose and goal
2.2 Component description
2.3 Planned outputs

3.    Implementation Approach
3.1 Proposed changes to design or approach
3.2 Activity risk analysis
3.3 Sustainability analysis and strategy
3.4 The monitoring plan

4.    Implementation Strategy for 2009/10
4.1 Strategy
4.2 Implementation and resource schedules
4.3 Confirmation of Partners Government Inputs
4.4 Expenditure
4.5 Planning and budgeting
4.6 Project accounts
4.7 Contribution from GoI
4.8 Contribution from GoA

Handbook for Integrating Risk Analysis in the Economic Analysis Projects

Th. 901

This handbook further develops the discussion of the principles on risk analysis that is contained in Chapter XI (Uncertainty: Sensitivity and Risk Analysis) of ADB's Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects (1997). The handbook contains detailed discussions of current risk analysis practice, the theory and application of various risk analysis techniques, and recommended applications for risk analysis, including a summary of typical risk circumstances on a sector-by-sector basis. To illustrate the ease of use of quantitive risk analysis software, the handbook includes case studies based on actual ADB projects in the agriculture, education, health, and power sectors.

The purpose of this handbook is to support the development of a practical and operationally relevant methodological framework for the analysis of risk in project design and project economic analysis.

The handbook provides guidance with respect to the integration of risk analysis in the design and analysis of projects. It also provides direction on how the analysis of risk can be used to improved the focus on poverty reduction.

Daftar Isi:

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Chapter 1. Introduction and Background

Chapter 2. Technical Approaches to the Analysis of Risk in Project Economics

Chapter 3. A Summary of Development Agency Experience in Applying Risk Analysis

Chapter 4. Poverty Reduction Objectives and Risk Analysis

Chapter 5. Strengthening Risk Analysis in ADB Operations

Appendix 1. List of Reviewed ADB Projects and other ADB Project Evaluation Documents
Appendix 2. Sustainable Livelihoods Framework
Appendix 3. Illustration of Risk Analysis in Project Economic Analysis


Laporan Bulan Desember 2009 Kerjasama RI – UNICEF Program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES)

Th. 767

Laporan ini merupakan laporan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan Desember 2009 kerjasama RI-UNICEF program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES). Fokus dari laporan ini adalah garis besar pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan September 2009, serta temuan penting dari kegiatan kerjasama tersebut. Selain itu, informasi mengenai status keuangan sampai pada akhir bulan Desember dan rencana kegiatan bulan Januari 2010 juga disampaikan di laporan ini.

Daftar Isi:

1.    Latar Belakang

2.    Tujuan dan Komponen Program WES UNICEF

3.    Rencana Kerja Tahun 2009

4.    Rencana Kerja Kuartal IV Tahun 2009 (Oktober - Desember)

5.    Pencapaian Bulan Desember 2009

6.    Laporan Keuangan

7.    Evaluasi

8.    Rencana Kegiatan Kuartal I Tahun 2010 (Januari - Maret)

Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Action Planning Project WASPOLA 2: Progress Report No.8, 1 July 2007 – 30 June 2008

Th. 811

This report covers the second semester (July-December) of the 2007 WASPOLA2 Annual Work Plan, as well as the carry over period January – June 2008, which takes Waspola 2 to its original project completion date of August 31, 2008. Howeever, with a letter from the Director for Housing and Settlements, BAPPENAS to the Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID) dated April, 2008, the Government of Indonesia has requested that Waspola2 be extended through June 30, 2009, to allow completion of final project activities, as well as provide a transition period with the proposed Waspola Facility Trust Fund, which is still being processed, hopefully for implementation several months before June 2009.
Daftar isi:
Table of Contents

Chapter 1    Waspola 2 Highlights of Reporting Period

Chapter 2    Waspola 2 Goal, Objectives, Outcomes Progress Summary

Chapter 3    Waspola 2 Implementation Progress Status
    3.1 Component 1: Policy Implementation
    3.2 Component 2: Policy Reform
     3.3 Component 3: Knowledge Management
    3.4 Component 4: Project Management

Chapter 4    Project Risks

Chapter 5    Financial Reporting

Chapter 6    Constraints

Annex 1. List of Publications (through June 2007)
Annex 2. Staffing Schedule
Annex 3. NAMPA Final Report
Annex 4. Financial Report for July 2007 – June 2008

Laporan Bulan September 2009 Kerjasama RI – UNICEF Program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES)

Th. 784

Laporan ini merupakan laporan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan September 2009 kerjasama RI-UNICEF program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES). Fokus dari laporan ini adalah garis besar pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan September 2009, serta temuan penting dari kegiatan kerjasama tersebut. Selain itu, informasi mengenai status keuangan sampai pada akhir bulan September dan rencana kegiatan bulan Oktober 2009 juga disampaikan di laporan ini.

Daftar Isi:

1.    Pendahuluan

2.    Komponen Kegiatan Kerjasama

3.    Rencana Kerja Kuartal III Tahun 2009

4.    Pencapaian
4.1    Pencapaian Kegiatan Program WES UNICEF Tingkat Pusat
4.2    Pencapaian Kegiatan yang terkait dengan Program WES
4.3    Dukungan Sekretariat

5.    Evaluasi Kegiatan

6.    Tindak Lanjut dan Rencana Kerja Bulan September 2009

7.    Status Keuangan

Lampiran Laporan Kegiatan
a.    Pertemuan Integrasi Komponen STBM Ke dalam Materi MPA-PHAST
b.    Pertemuan Pembahasan Sistem Kelembagaan STBM
c.    Pertemuan Pembahasan Usulan Grand Design Program STBM
d.    Pertemuan Pembahasan External Review Program WES UNICEF
e.    Pertemuan Persiapan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Program WES
f.    Pertemuan Koordinasi UNICEF dan Sekretariat WES UNICEF
g.    Pertemuan Pembahasan Progres Persiapan WASPOLA Facility
h.    Pertemuan Konsultasi Teknis Program Lingkungan Sehat Tahun 2009

Laporan Bulan November 2009 Kerjasama RI – UNICEF Program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES)

Th. 826

Laporan ini merupakan laporan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan November 2009 kerjasama RI-UNICEF program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES). Fokus dari laporan ini adalah garis besar pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan November 2009, serta temuan penting dari kegiatan kerjasama tersebut. Selain itu, informasi mengenai status keuangan sampai pada akhir bulan November dan rencana kegiatan bulan Desember 2009 juga disampaikan di laporan ini.

Daftar Isi:

1.   Pendahuluan

2.    Komponen Kegiatan Kerjasama

3.    Rencana Kerja Kuartal IV Tahun 2009

4.    Pencapaian
4.1    Pencapaian Kegiatan Program WES UNICEF Tingkat Pusat
4.2    Pencapaian Kegiatan yang terkait dengan Program WES
4.3    Dukungan Sekretariat

5.    Evaluasi Kegiatan

6.    Tindak Lanjut dan Rencana Kerja Bulan Desember 2009

7.    Status Keuangan

Lampiran Laporan Kegiatan
A.    Pertemuan Pembahasan hasil review Renstra (Rencana Strategis) AMPL
B.    Pertemuan Persiapan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Program WES
C.    Persiapan ekspose RPJM Desa oleh Kabupaten Rote Ndao di Lokakarya STBM
D.    Pertemuan Pembahasan Persiapan Final Rakornas Program WES
E.    Lokakarya Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Sekolah
F.    Fasilitasi Penyempurnaan Rencana Strategis AMPL Kabupaten Buru
G.    Pertemuan Pembahasan Persiapan Lokakarya Nasional AMPL-BM
H.    Lokakarya Peringatan Hari Habitat Se-Dunia 2009
I.    Lokakarya Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (AMPL) Kota Makassar
J.    Semiloka Hak Asasi Manusia ”Hak Atas Air”

Laporan Bulan Oktober 2009 Kerjasama RI – UNICEF Program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES)

Th. 783

Laporan ini merupakan laporan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan Oktober 2009 kerjasama RI-UNICEF program Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES). Fokus dari laporan ini adalah garis besar pelaksanaan kegiatan bulan Oktober 2009, serta temuan penting dari kegiatan kerjasama tersebut. Selain itu, informasi mengenai status keuangan sampai pada akhir bulan Oktober dan rencana kegiatan bulan November 2009 juga disampaikan di laporan ini.

Daftar Isi:

1.   Pendahuluan

2.    Komponen Kegiatan Kerjasama

3.    Rencana Kerja Kuartal IV Tahun 2009

4.    Pencapaian
4.1    Pencapaian Kegiatan Program WES UNICEF Tingkat Pusat
4.2    Pencapaian Kegiatan yang terkait dengan Program WES
4.3    Dukungan Sekretariat

5.    Evaluasi Kegiatan

6.    Tindak Lanjut dan Rencana Kerja Bulan November 2009

7.    Status Keuangan

Lampiran Laporan Kegiatan
A.    Pertemuan Pembahasan hasil review Renstra (Rencana Strategis) AMPL
B.    Pertemuan Persiapan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Program WES
C.    Persiapan ekspose RPJM Desa oleh Kabupaten Rote Ndao di Lokakarya STBM
D.    Pertemuan Pembahasan Persiapan Final Rakornas Program WES