
Prosiding Rapat Konsinyasi Grand Design Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM)

Th. 979

Kegiatan ini bermaksud untuk membahas secara lebih mendalam draft ataupun usulan untuk membentuk grand Design/ Pedoman umum, road map,  dan petunjuk teknis, serta menyatukan ataupun mengevaluasi beberapa modul agar menjadi satu paket pedoman program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) yang terintegrasi.
Kegiatan dalam bentuk rapat konsinyasi ini diselenggarakan oleh Sekretariat STBM, diadakan di Hotel Sahid, Jakarta tanggal 16-17 Desember 2009. Acara rapat konsinyasi  ini meliputi pembahasan pedoman umum STBM, yang didiskusikan mengenai konsep STBM, kelembagaan, pendanaan, monitoring – evaluasi, dan knowledge management, serta pembahasan petunjuk teknis dan modul yang paralel dengan pembahasan road map.
Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya draft pedoman umum STBM, draft road map  STBM, serta draft petunjuk teknis dan modul STBM.

Daftar Isi:

Daftar Isi
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Gambar
Daftar Singkatan

1.    Pendahuluan
1.1    Latar Belakang
1.2    Maksud dan Tujuan
1.3    Hasil/ Keluaran
1.4    Bentuk Kegiatan
1.5    Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan
1.6    Penanggungjawab Kegiatan
1.7    Penyelenggara
1.8    Rencana Peserta
1.9    Pendanaan
1.10    Alur Acara
1.11    Rencana Jadwal Acara

2.    Proses
2.1    Ringkasan Hasil/ Keluaran
2.2    Ringkasan Kesepakatan yang Dihasilkan
2.3    Jadwal Acara
2.4    Peserta
2.5    Proses Rapat

Final Report Hydrology and Hydrogeology Survey: Kajian Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologi Gunung Gede-Pangrango dan Gunung Burangrang-Tangkuban Perahu Jawa Barat (Buku I A. Annex Final Report Kabupaten Cianjur)

Th. 1.747

Annex Laporan Akhir ini disusun berdasarkan kerjasama antara Forum Komunikasi Pengelolaan Kualitas Air Minum Indonesia (FORKAMI) dengan Environmental Services Program (ESP) USAID sesuai dengan Surat Kontrak Kerjasama Nomor 5300-200-PO-018, tanggal 30 Januari 2006 dalam rangka pelaksanaan pekerjaan Kajian Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologi Gunung Gede-Pangrango dan Gunung Burangrang- Tangkuban Perahu Jawa Barat.

Annex Laporan Akhir ini merupakan implementasi dari Kerangka Acuan Kerja (Term of Reference) yang mencakup seluruh item ruang lingkup pekerjaan, baik berupa pekerjaan lapangan, pekerjaan laboratorium dan analisa data.

Daftar Isi:

Annex A. Hidrologi
A1. Neraca Air Wilayah
A2. Erosi Potensial Wilayah
A3. Kesehatan DAS
A4. Bangkitan data Hidrologi
A5. Korelasi Kejadian Hidrologi
A6. Data Hidrologi Lokasi Penelitian

Annex B. Hidrogeologi

Annex B.1 Data LOkasi Mata Air, Sumur Gali dan Danau
Data Mata air di Daerah Cianjur
Data Sumur Gali dan Danau di Daerah Cianjur
Peta lokasi pengamatan hidrogeologi Daerah Penelitian di Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex B.2 Data Kualitas Sungai, Air Tanah dan Mata Air
Tabel Standart Kualitas Air Untuk Keperluan Domestik, Irigasi dan Industri (PP No. 82 Tahun 2001)
Kualitas Air Pada Beberapa Mata Air di Kabupaten Cianjur Tahun 2006, dibandingkan
dengan Kriteria Mutu Air Berdasarkan Kelas Menurut PP No. 82 Tahun 2001
Kualitas Air Pada Beberapa Sumur Bor di Kabupaten Cianjur Tahun 2006, dibandingkan
dengan Kriteria Mutu Air Berdasarkan Kelas Menurut PP No. 82 Tahun 2001
Peta lokasi pengambilan sampel kualitas air Daerah Penelitian di Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex B.3 Peta Zonasi Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku
Perhitungan untuk penentuan zona Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku mataair Cirumput, Desa cirumput, Kec. Cugenang Kabupaten Cianjur
Peta perlindungan sumber air baku I & II mataair Cirumput, Desa cirumput, Kec. Cugenang Kabupaten Cianjur
Peta perlindungan sumber air baku III mataair Cirumput, Desa cirumput, Kec. Cugenang
Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex B.4 Formula Penentuan Dimensi Sumur dan Parit Resapan
Sumur Resapan
Parit Resapan

Annex B.5 Contoh Pedoman Teknis Penyusunan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten/ Kota Tentang Perlindungan  Sumber Air Baku
Pedoman Teknis Penyusunan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten/ Kota Tentang Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku, Departemen Kesehatan, Direktorat Jenderal PPM & PLP, 1999

Annex B.6 Contoh Perda tentang Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nomor 2 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku

Annex C. Sosial Ekonomi
Annex 1 Daftar peserta kuisioner di Desa Cirumput Kecamatan Cugenang dan Desa
Cikanjere Kecamatan Sukaresmi

Annex 2 Lembaran isian kuisioner di Kabupaten Subang

Annex 3 Keterangan foto kegiatan lapangan di Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex 4 Lokasi pengambilan sampel air dan sertifikat hasil analisa kualitas air di Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex 5 Brosur pengelolaan kualitas air dan tanda bukti penerimaan brosur untuk
disebarkan di lingkungan SLTA, Pesantren, DKM mesjid, dan gereja di Kabupaten

Annex 6 Undangan dan kegiatan diskusi panel ”FGD” dengan siswa SMP dan SMA
sekabupaten Subang

Annex 7 Forum dialog rapat Panitia Tata Pengaturan air (PTPA) tingkat Propinsi Jawa Barat
Annex 8 Surat izin survey dari Pemda Propinsi Jawa Barat dan Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex 9 Data inventarisasi sungai di Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex 10 Implementasi PHBM Desa Hutan di KPH Cianjur

Annex 11 Pentahapan perwujudan kawasan lindung 2005-2006 di Kabupaten Cianjur

Annex 12 Luas sawah dan tanah darat di Kabupate Cianjur (Tata Guna Lahan Eksisting)

Annex 13 Kawasan Andalan BOPUNJUR dan komoditas Unggulan di Kabupaten Cianjur

Instalasi Pengolahan Air (Pedoman Pelatihan bagi Petugas Laboratorium dalam Bidang Pengawasan Kualitas Air Minum)

13 Januari 2010 1.215

Modul ini diperuntukkan bagi petugas laboratorium dalam bidang pengawasan kualitas air minum. Cara Pemakaian Modul ini, dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu untuk PDAM dengan instalasi pengolahan sederhana/ kecil, PDAM dengan instalasi pengolahan khusus (penghilangan besi & mangan), dan PDAM dengan pengolahan lengkap.

Daftar Isi:









Modul Jar Test






Final Report Hydrology and Hydrogeology Survey: Kajian Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologi Gunung Gede-Pangrango dan Gunung Burangrang-Tangkuban Perahu Jawa Barat (Buku II A. Annex Final Report Kabupaten Subang)

Th. 1.526

Annex Laporan Akhir disusun berdasarkan kesepakatan antara Forum Komunikasi Pengelolaan Kualitas Air Minum Indonesia (FORKAMI) dengan Environmental Services Program (ESP) USAID untuk pekerjaan Hydrology and Hydrogeology Survey yang tertuang dalam Kontrak Kerjasama Nomor 5300-200-PO 018, tanggal 30 Januari 2006.

Secara garis besar Annex Laporan Akhir ini berisi tentang :
a. Data Hidrologi DAS daerah penelitian
b. Data Hidrogeologi daerah penelitian
c. Kondisi sosial ekonomi dalam pengelolaan DAS

Daftar Isi:
Annex A. Hidrologi
A1. Neraca Air Wilayah
A2. Erosi Potensial Wilayah
A3. Kesehatan DAS
A4. Bangkitan data Hidrologi
A5. Korelasi Kejadian Hidrologi
A6. Data Hidrologi Lokasi Penelitian

Annex B. Hidrogeologi

Annex B.1 Data Lokasi Mata Air, Sumur Gali dan Danau
Data Lapangan Survey Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologi Daerah Subang
Peta lokasi pengamatan hidrogeologi Daerah Penelitian di Kabupaten Subang,  Propinsi Jawa Barat

Annex B.2 Data Kualitas Sungai, Air Tanah dan Mata Air
Tabel Standart Kualitas Air Untuk Keperluan Domestik, Irigasi dan Industri (PP No. 82 Tahun 2001)
Kualitas Air Pada Beberapa Mata Air di Kabupaten Subang Tahun 2006, dibandingkan
dengan Kriteria Mutu Air Berdasarkan Kelas Menurut PP No. 82 Tahun 2001
Kualitas Air Pada Beberapa Sumur Bor di Kabupaten Subang Tahun 2006, dibandingkan
dengan Kriteria Mutu Air Berdasarkan Kelas Menurut PP No. 82 Tahun 2001
Peta lokasi pengambilan sampel kualitas air Daerah Penelitian di Kabupaten Subang

Annex B.3 Peta Zonasi Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku
Perhitungan untuk penentuan zona Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku mataair Cimincu, desa Pesanggrahan, Kec. Cisalak, Kabupaten Subang
Peta zona perlindungan sumber air baku I & II mataair Cimincu, desa Pesanggrahan,
Kec. Cisalak, Kabupaten Subang
Peta zona perlindungan sumber air baku III mataair Cimincu, desa Pesanggrahan,
Kec. Cisalak, Kabupaten Subang
Perhitungan untuk penentuan zona Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku mataair Cibulakan, Desa Cijambe, Kec. Subang, Kabupaten Subang
Peta zona perlindungan sumber air baku I & II mataair Cibulakan, Desa Cijambe, Kec. Subang,Kabupaten Subang
Peta zona perlindungan sumber air baku III mataair Cibulakan, Desa Cijambe, Kec. Subang, Kabupaten Subang

Annex B.4 Formula Penentuan Dimensi Sumur dan Parit Resapan
Sumur Resapan
Parit Resapan

Annex B.5 Contoh Pedoman Teknis Penyusunan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten/ Kota Tentang Perlindungan  Sumber Air Baku
Pedoman Teknis Penyusunan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten/ Kota Tentang Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku, Departemen Kesehatan, Direktorat Jenderal PPM & PLP, 1999

Annex B.6 Contoh Perda tentang Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nomor 2 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perlindungan Sumber Air Baku

Annex C. Sosial Ekonomi
Annex 1 Daftar peserta kuisioner di kecamatan Sagalaherang, Jalancagak, dan Cisalak
Annex 2 Lembaran isian kuisioner di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 3 Keterangan foto kegiatan lapangan di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 4 Lokasi pengambilan sampel air dan sertifikat hasil analisa kualitas air di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 5 Brosur pengelolaan kualitas air dan tanda bukti penerimaan brosur untuk disebarkan di lingkungan SLTA, Pesantren, DKM mesjid, dan gereja di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 6 Undangan dan kegiatan diskusi panel ”FGD” dengan siswa SMP dan SMA
sekabupaten Subang
Annex 7 Undangan dan kegiatan diskusi di forum dialog invstasi di bidang cipta karya,
bersama PDAM seluruh Indonesia
Annex 8 Forum dialog rapat Panitia Tata Pengaturan air (PTPA) tingkat Propinsi Jawa Barat
Annex 9 Surat izin dari Pemda Propinsi Jawa Barat dan Kabupaten Subang
Annex 10 Analisa daya dukung, daya tampung, dan luas taraf kritis di setiap DAS di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 11 Persentase keluarga memiliki akses air bersih di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 12 Jumlah dan persentase sampel air bersih yang memenuhi persyaratan secara fisik, kimiawi, dan bakteriologis menurut kecamatan di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 13 Jumlah dan persentase tingkatan rasio pencemaran sarana air bersih di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 14 Analisa kualitas air sumur di Kabupaten Subang 2005 dari penelitian Perum Jasa Tirta II 2005
Annex 15 Daftar inventarisasi situ di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 16 Daftar mataair di Kabupaten Subang
Annex 17 Kualitas air pada beberapa sungai di Kabupaten Subang tahun 2005 dari penelitian PPSDAT UNPAD 2005

Laporan Akhir Program Kampanye Selamatkan Airku (Memperingati Hari Monitoring Air Sedunia 2007)

Forum Komunikasi Pengelolaan Kualitas Air Minum Indonesia (FORKAMI)   Th. 943


Laporan ini dimaksudkan sebagai dokumentasi suatu proses kegiatan-kegiatan yang tergabung dalam program kampanye Selamatkan Airku 2007 seperti Community Leadership in Awareness Raising on Water (CLEAR Water), Water Quality Monitoring Program (WQMP), Peringatan Hari Monitoring Air Sedunia 2007.

Program Kampanye Selamatkan Airku 2007 terdiri dari kegiatan-kegiatan yang bertujuan dasar sebagai kampanye peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat serta penguatan masyarakat atas pentingnya melindungi sumber daya air. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut adalah :
1. Community Leadership in Awareness Raising on Water (CLEAR Water).
2. Water Quality Monitoring Program (WQMP)
3. Peringatan Hari Monitoring Air Sedunia 2006.

 Program Kampanye Selamatkan Airku didukung oleh, ESP-USA/D, Pam Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA), Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ), Water/Jaringan Air dan Sanitasi (JAS). Publikasi kegiatan melibatkan pihak-pihak media dengan tujuan dapat menyebarkan informasi mengenai kegiatan kepada masyarakat yang lebih luas.

Kegiatan dimaksudkan sebagai :
1. Media informasi mengenai aspek-aspek air dan sumber air serta bagaimana aspek-aspek tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan dan kesehatan mereka.
2. Model pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pentingnya air dan sumber air. 

Hasil-hasil yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah :
1. Peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat atas aspek-aspek kualitas air.
2. Peningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya usaha-usaha penyelamatan dan perlindungan air dan sumber air.
3. Menciptakan model masyarakat mandiri yang sadar, peduli, dan berpartisipasi aktif melakukan upaya menjaga kualitas dan kelestaraian sumber daya air yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar minimal untuk hidup layak secara berkesinambungan. 


Kata Pengantar
Daftar lsi 

I. Latar Belakang
II. Maksud
III. Tujuan
IV. Penyelenggara

I. Pendahuluan
II. Garis Besar Kegiatan 

I. Pendahuluan

II. Community Leadership in Awareness Raising on Water .
III. Program Analisa Kualitas Air
IV. Peringatan Hari Monitoring Air Sedunia  

I. Pendahuluan
II. Community Leader in Awareness Raising Water
III. Program Analisa Kualitas Air
IV. Peringatan Hari Monitoring Air Sedunia 2007 

I. Pendahuluan
II. Kesimpulan

III. Saran

Lampiran A. Community Leadership in Awareness Raising on Water
Lampiran B. Water Quality Monitoring Program
Lampiran C. Perayaan Hari Monitoring Air Sedunia
Lampiran D. Foto-Foto Kegiatan

Lampiran E. Kliping Publikasi Media

Financial Management in AWC: Strategy and Activities for Implementation (Technical Support for Procurement and Project Management and Private Sector Participation to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Water Authority of Jordan and the Jordan Valley Authority Support for Economic Growth and Institutional Reform: General Business, Trade & Investment IQC)

Chemonics International Inc   Th. 835

The present report builds on previous reports by Chemonics International in the area of
financial management in WAJ Aqaba/AWC. Some of the key, relevant findings of these
previous reports are summarized below for the readers’ convenience and ease of

The Aqaba Water Company Prefeasibility Study (January 2003) developed a long term
financial plan and indicative budget of annual investment costs, operations and
maintenance (O&M) costs, revenues, net income and cash flow. The study also presented
a financial analysis of the long-term financial viability of AWC, and indicated how some
of the future financing needs might be met. The study indicated that the proposed
corporatization of AWC was technically, institutionally, legally and financially feasible,
although, owing to an increased cost structure, AWC’s financial performance will not be
as strong as it formerly was.

The Proposed Financial Management and Accounting System for the Aqaba Water
Company: Initial Design and Training Recommendations, (March 2003), assessed how
AWC can best meet its new needs and requirements in the area of financial management
as it is being transformed into the AWC. The report examined the current state of
financial management in WAJ headquarters. At present, WAJ headquarters assumes
virtually all the responsibility for financial management and accounting, a fact which will
have several implications for WAJ Aqaba's path of transition during 2003. The report
also recommended some training needs for WAJ Aqaba/AWC to meet its new financial
responsibilities. As the present report argues, it is now time to begin to address those
training needs.

The Billing and Collection System for the Aqaba Water Company, (August 2003)
provided a detailed income generation framework for AWC, and assessed how AWC
could continue to make improvements in the efficiency of billing and collection so that it
could increase revenue and income generation. It noted the concerted, successful ongoing
efforts by the management of WAJ Aqaba to improve billing and collections
during the last 5 years, and how their plans for future improvements are consistent with
best practices.

Section II outlines the future financial environment for AWC and implications for
financial management. In order to understand these challenges, and to design technical
assistance and training to help AWC address them, this section of the report first
summarizes the general business environment in which AWC will operate. It does this by
discussing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that AWC has or will
shortly face. The chapter then discusses the particular financial challenges that AWC will
need to address, with a focus on the short to medium term, and what the implications for
financial management will be.

Section III first summarizes the current state of financial management in WAJ Aqaba. It
then identifies and discusses the key areas of financial management that WAJ
Aqaba/AWC will need to develop: financial accounting and reporting, financial analysis,
financial planning and budgeting, and financing activities. Tariffs, which also play a key
role in financial management, are another important factor in financial management,
though one at present outside the control of WAJ Aqaba/AWC.

Section IV discusses the TAPS strategy and a set of five specific activities to assist AWC
to develop financial management capacity during the coming months.
The present report, drawing on previous submissions, builds upon themes and
recommendations developed in these works to presenting a strategy and set of specific
activities that TAPS is prepared to undertake during the coming months to support the
development of financial management capability in AWC.


Executive Summary


AWC Strengths
AWC Weaknesses
AWC Opportunities
AWC Threats
Specific Financial Management Issues Facing AWC

Current State of Financial Management in WAJ Aqaba
New Needs in Financial Management at AWC
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Financial Analysis
Financial Planning and Budgeting
Financing Activities

Strategy to Support AWC in Financial Management
Activities to Implement Financial Management Strategy
Persons Contacted


Emergency Water Sources: Guidelines For Selection and Treatment

Sarah House & Bob Reed   Th. 915

These Guidelines have been designed to help those involved tn the assessment of emergency water sources to collect relevant information in a systematic way, to use this information to select a source or sources and to determine the appropriate level of treatment required 10 make the water suitable for drinking.

The guidelines, however, are not limited to the selection and treatment of water sources. The
Information collectled will also be useful for:
• the design and costing of the water supply system;
• the ordering of matenal and equipment;
• the organization of human resources; and
• the Implementation of the project.

A thorough assessment at an early stage will save valuable time later on. Specifically, the guidelines will:
• act as an aide-memoire to assessors;
• help to fill any knowledge gaps; and
• assist in the training of future assessors to undertake this occasional task, allowing them to learn from past experiences

The selection tools and guidelines are not a replacement for experience. They should be used wIth engineering judgement and intuition gained from experience of emergency responses. They are not intended to make the assessor a specialist in all the skill areas but to support a basic understanding. Reference has been made where specialist help may be required (eg. from a hydrogeologist or to interpret industrial pollution laboratory results). The assessor will need to study these documents and preferably have training in their use prior to using them in the field. A training pack has been developed to support this document and may be obtained from the authors.



Section 1 Introduction and Instructions for Use
About these guidelines
What is an 'emergency'
Socia-political, legal, cultural and security issues
Guideline user group
Relationship between source selection with other activities
Completeness of surveys
Record keeping
Photographs and sketches
Time targets for assessments
Instructions for use

Section 2 Survival supply
Procedures and selection
Flowchart S1: Steps for assessing survival supply
Flowchart S2: Source and water treatment process selection for survival supply

Checklist S1: Background information gathering and identification of working
      environment before departure and in-field
Checklist S2: Reconnaissance of the area (Including eXlslIng water usage situation,
teatures of the source, requirements for development, constraints
and impacts)

Survey sheets
Survey sheet S1: Conversations / observations log (2 pages)
Survey sheet S2: Addresses (2 pages)
Survey sheet S3: Published information log (2 pages)
Survey sheet S4: Resources log (2 pages)
Survey sheet S5: Reconnaissance of area (including existing water usage situation,
features 01 the source, requirements for development, constraints
and impacts) (6 pages)

Section 3 Longer term supply
Procedures and selection
Flowchart L1: Steps for assessing longer term supply
Flowchart L2:
Pre-selection of sources for further investigation
Water treatment process selection for longer term supply
Source selection for longer term supply

Checklist L1 Background information gathering and identification of working
             environment before departure and in-field
Checklist L2 Reconnaissance of the area (including existing water usage situation,
             logisitcs and resources)
Checklist L3 Features of the source (excluding water quality)
Checklist L4 Features of the source (water quality)
Checklist L5 Requirements for development and impacts summary
Checklist L6 Confirmation of assumptions made during the selection process
Checklist L7 Groundwater investigation
Checklist L8 Rainwater investigation
Checklist L9 National government I local government I NGO I international                    organization
Checklist L10 Affected population I tocal population issues
Checklist L11 Water treatment works and urban water supply systems

Survey sheets
Survey sheet L1 Conversations I observations log
Survey sheet L2 Addresses
Survey sheet L3 Published information log
Survey sheet L4 Resources log
Survey sheet L5 Reconnaissance of area (including eXisting water use sItuation, 87
                            logistics and resources)
Survey sheet L6 Features of the source (excluding water quality)
Survey sheet L7 Features of the source (water quality)
Survey sheet L8 Requirements for development and impacts summary

Section 4 Supporting information
Guidance on undertaking assessments and report writing
Management, legal, security, socia-political and cultural issues with
case studies
Typical water source features
Requirements for development
Impacts of development
Water quantities
Measurement of yield and water levels
Water quality assessment routines
Catchment mapping: Maps and symbols
Catchment mapping: Surveying
Water quality analysis
Biological survey
Water treatment: Treatment processes and health and safety
Background to groundwater and aquifers
Rock and soil identification
Groundwater investigation
Rainwater harvesting

Section 5 Equipment and addresses
Water quality analysis and surveying equipment
Water treatment: Mobile treatment units and modular kits
Useful addresses

Independent Water Entrepreneurs in Latin America The Other Private Sector in Water Services

Tova Maria Solo   Th. 1.036

It is now widely accepted that Small Scale Providers of water supply and sanitation services play an important role in extending access to unserved, mainly poor, urban households outside the reach of public utilities in many developing countries. Although the scale and magnitude of the small scale service market varies from country to country and city to city, recent studies indicate that small scale providers serve about 25% of the urban population in Latin America and East Asia, and 50% of the urban population in Africa Estimates are as high as 80% for sanitation in urban Africa, and demand for these types of services is growing in excess of 3% per year on average.

Small scale providers come in many shapes and sizes. They range from independent borehole fed networks serving as many as 14,000 households to mobile water tankers serving individual households and institutions. Many have been around for several decades, and some for at least 70 years. However, It was not until 1998, that small scale providers began to gain international recognition as key players in the water and sanitation sector. Until then they were considered a transitory and temporary phenomenon to be ignored rather than supported, as they ran counter to the monopoly service provision model, preferred and desired by many Governments.

The results of a study of the aguateros in Asuncion and Ciudad del Este In Paraguay, carned out in 1998 by the Water and Sanitation Program and published here for the first time; found that one third of all water connections serving up to half a million persons had been made in these two cities over the 20 year period preceding the study. These connections had been provided by between 350 and 600 independent aguateros at a cost of roughly USD 250 per household, and offered water at a price consistently below the charges levied by the public water company. The study concluded that rather than shun small scale providers, efforts should be focused on learning how best to encourage and support these private sector investments in the provision of water and sanitation services.

These findings led to a series of regional studies on small scale providers in Africa, Latin America and Asia that share the following lessons: small scale providers are neither trivial nor transitory, and contrary to popular thinking, are more often competitive rather than exploitative. Most offer services of a good quality at a price that may be comparable to or lower than that offered by the public utility. Furthermore, they typically operate without external funding - making their own investments in infrastructure, often operate at lower cost- despite the lack of public subsidies; and respond quickly to demand - readily adapting their services to meet consumers needs.

This report outlines the findings of the six-country study of small scale providers in Latin America carried out by the Water and Sanitation Program. The lessons, drawn from Paraguay, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and Bolivia, not only highlight the important role that small scale service providers play in the delivery of services to underserved, primarily poor, households in urban areas, but also underscore the need for policy makers in all countries to "look with a fresh view at all water providers who are investing and active in their cities" and establish a conducive policy and regulatory framework that enables households to obtain access to water and sanitation services from any actor that is able and willing to meet their needs.


1- Introduction

2- Services offered and business models
Location and Origins
Cooperatives: A Hybrid Form
Evolution: From carts and trucks to Fixed Networks
Service performance and price
Financial self-reliance
Innovation and responsiveness to customer

3- Market Role
A large market share
A competitive Market
Constraints to Expansion: The Legal and Regulatory Environment

4- Constraints and Strategies
Business Constraints
Strategies to Reduce and Mitigate Risk

5- Next Steps and New Roles

6- Conclusion

Table I. Independent water providers in six Latin American cities
Table 2. Competition examples and strategies
Table 3. Risks faced by IPs in LA

With Aguateros, No Wait for Water in Paraguay
What is the Best Size for a Water System
Regulations for Independent Operators in Colombia
"We will benefit from regulation if we are recognized as legitimate actors"

Pelatihan Ketrampilan Dasar-Dasar Fasilitasi

Th. 823

Pustaka ini berisi modul pelatihan ketrampilan dasar-dasar fasilitasi, meliputi proses penyajian dan lembar bacaan dari tiap sub pokok bahasan yang disajikan.

Daftar Isi:

Sub Pokok Bahasan (SPB) 2.2 Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa

PB.3 Kompetensi Fasilitator
SPB 3.1 Komunikasi dalam Fasilitasi
SPB 3.2 Dinamika Kelompok
SPB 3.3 Metode Fasilitasi
SPB 3.4 Memilih, Membuat dan Menggunakan Media Fasilitasi

PB. 5 Pembulatan, Evaluasi dan Pernyataan Komitmen Peserta

Laporan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Program WES (Water and Environmental Sanitation) Kerjasama RI-UNICEF

Th. 11.335

Dalam mewujudkan koordinasi yang berdqaya guna dalam perencanaan dan evaluasi program kerjasama RI – UNICEF, maka diperlukan serangkaian kegiatan yang dikhususkan untuk membicarakan seluruh perkembangan dan isu-isu strategis yang berkembang di seluruh lokasi kabupaten yang melaksanakan program WES. Dalam hal ini, seluruh perwakilan Pokja AMPL provinsi dan kabupaten yang melaksanakan program WES perlu untuk dipertemukan dalam satu wadah atau forum, juga bersama-sama dengan Pokja AMPL Nasional, untuk melakukan sharing  pencapaian dan permasalahan yang muncul selama pelaksanaan program WES di daerahnya masing-masing.
Rakornas ini dilaksanakan sebagai upaya melakukan koordinasi bagi seluruh pelaku program WES RI – UNICEF mulai dari tingkat nasional hingga masyarakat. Selain itu dalam rakornas ini juga dipaparkan kisah unggulan yang diharapkan dapat menjadi pembelajaran bagi daerah lainnya untuk melaksanakan hal yang sama.

Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (rakornas) telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 sd 30 Oktober 2009 di Hotel Imperial Aryaduta Makassar. Rakornas ini diselenggarakan atas kerjasama antara Pokja AMPL Nasional dan UNICEF. Rakornas ini dihadiri oleh anggota-anggota Pokja Daerah yaitu dari 6 propinsi lokal program WES RI – UNICEF, 17 Kabupaten, 5 kota dan 18 peserta dari pemerintah pusat, field officer UNICEF dan mitra kerja. Dalam kesempatan ini sebanyak 11 kabupaten/ kota dari 25 kabupaten/ kota yang hadir, diundang karena terpilih sebagai kab/kota dengan praktik unggulan dalam melaksanakan program WES RI – UNICEF.

Hasil-hasil rakornas yang termuat dalam laporan ini antara lain adalah berupa isu-isu penting dan pembelajaran yang diperoleh serta proses yang terjadi selama rakornas, diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat dan sebagai acuan bagi para pemerhati dan pelaksana  program WES. Laporan ini seklaigus merupakan dokumen pertanggungjawaban atas pelaksanaan kegiatan WES Unicef kuartal 3 tahun 2009.

Daftar Isi:

Daftar Isi
Daftar Gambar
Daftar Tabel
Lampiran (CD)
Kata Pengantar

1.    Pendahuluan
1.1    Latar Belakang
1.2    Tujuan
1.3    Hasil yang ingin dicapai
1.4    Materi
1.5    Proses
1.6    Peserta dan Panitia
1.7    Lokasi
1.8    Agenda Rakornas

2.    Proses Lokakarya

Hari I (Pertama), 28 Oktober 2009
2.1    Sesi I : Pembukaan
2.2    Konferensi Pers
2.3    Sesi II: Diskusi Panel Pemaparan Kebijakan AMPL oleh Lintas Departemen

Hari II (Kedua), 29 Oktober 2009
2.4    Sesi III: Diskusi Panel Kontribusi dan Pencapaian program WES
2.5    Sesi IV: Diskusi Kelompok Isu, Permasalahan dan Rekomendasi dalam Pelaksanaan Program WES
2.6    Sesi V: Round Robin Pemaparan Kisah Terbaik dari masing-masing Kabupaten Terpilih
2.7    Sesi VI: Hasil Review Rencana Strategis AMPL

Hari III (Ketiga), 30 Oktober 2009
2.8    Sesi VII: Kunjungan Lapangan ke Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan
2.9    Sesi VIII: Panel Diskusi Pendekatan Program WES Komponen Perdesaan dan Sekolah
2.10    Sesi IX: Penyusunan Strategi Pelaksanaan Program WES batch II
2.11    Pameran
2.12    Penyerahan Plakat dan Seremonial Penutupan Rakornas

3.    Penutup