
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Standards for Schools in Low-Cost Settings

John Adams, Jamie bartram, Yves Chartier, Jackie Sims   Th. 871

Diseases related to water, sanitation and hygiene are a huge burden in developing countries. An estimated 88% of diarrhoeal  disease is caused by unsafe water supply, and inadequate sanitation and hygiene.
Many schools serve communities taht have a high prevalence of disease related to inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene, and where child malnutrition and other underlying health problems are acommon.
Girls and boys are likely to be affected in different ways by inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in schools, and this may contribute to unequal learning opportunities.
Adequate provision of water supply, sanitation, hygiene and waste management in schools has a number of positive effects and contributes to a reduced burden of disease among children, staff and their families. Such interventions also provide opportunities for greater gender equity in access to education, and create educational opportunities to promote safe environments at home and in communities.
The international policy environment increasingly reflects these issues. Providing adequate levels of water supply, sanitation and hygiene in schools is of direct relevance to the United Nations Millenium Development Goals for achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and reducing child mortality. It is also supportive of other goals, especially those on major diseases and infant mortality. Every additional year of schooling for girls reduces both the under-five mortality rate and the maternal mortality rate.
This document provides guidance on water, sanitation and hygiene required in schools. The guidelines it contains are designed to be used in low-cost settings in low- and medium resource countries, and to support the development and implementation of national policies.
The document is aimed at education managers and planners, architects, urban planners, water and sanitation technicians, teaching staff, school boards, village education committees, local authorities and similar bodies.


Abbreviations and acronyms

1.    Introduction
1.1    Purpose and scope of these guidelines
1.2    Policy rationale
1.3    Audience
1.4    School settings
1.5    Realtion to national standards and codes

2.    Importance of adequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene in schools
2.1    Disease prevention
2.2    Learning
2.3    Gender and disability
2.4    The wider community
2.5    Life-long skills

3.    Implementation
3.1    Positive policy environment
3.2    Steps in setting and managing standards at national, district and local level
3.3    Roles, responsibilities and intersectoral linkages at district and local level
3.4    Coordination at the local level
3.5    Using the guidelines to create targets for specific school settings
3.6    Assessment and planning
3.7    Phased improvements
3.8    Technology choice, operation and maintenance
3.9    Ongoing monitoring, review and correction
3.10    Staff requirements and training
3.11    Hygiene behaviour

4.    Guidelines
4.1    Introduction
4.2    Guidelines

5.    Assessment checklist



Regulation of Water and Sanitation Services: Getting Better Service to Poor People (OBA Working Paper Series, No.8, June 2006)

Sophie Tremolet & Jonathan Halpern   Th. 815

This paper aims to provide practical guidance on how to evaluate regulatory arrangements and adapt them to be more conducive to expanding access and improving service to poor customers.
OBA approaches to improving water and sanitation service can work in a wide variety of circumstances. Such OBA schemes requires an understanding of the impact that existing regulatory arrangements have on water services to poor customers. The design of OBA schemes should therefore include an evaluation of the existing regulatory arrangements in order to identify what changes could potentially be made in order to get better services to poor people. If such changes can be introduced in the short-term, the need for external subsidies may be greatly reduced as a result. If such changes are not forthcoming, because of political resistance or high social costs, OBA may be introduced but would need to be adapted to the existing regulatory arrangements (taking account of their limits) or used as a lever to bring about changes in those arrangements.


1.    Introduction

2.    Evaluating Existing Regulatory Arrangements
2.1    Regulating access expansion
2.2    Regulating tariffs
2.3    Regulating service quality
2.4    Regulating alternative service providers

3.    Regulation in The Context of OBA Schemes
3.1    Key issues in regulation and enhacing OBA
3.2    What additional information may be required
3.3    How can regulatory arrangements be modified

4.    Conclusions

Annex A – Further readings

Water, Gender and Citizenship: Involving men and women in the management of water and sanitation services

Mercedez Zevallos & Raquel Pastor   Th. 914

The inclusion of a gender component in initiatives taht seek to improve access to water and sanitation services for the poorest people is a challenge. The challenge is greater when it comes to develop specific tools, which should help integrate the concept of gender in daily work. This document attempts to contribute to the debate on how to promote equal relations between men and women in terms of access to, control and benefits of water and sanitation services, on the basis of a concrete experience.
In the water and sanitation sector in Latin America and the Caribbean significant efforts have been made to include a gender component in policies and strategies. The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has promoted the inclusion of gender equity in the projects implemented in the Region, carrying out diagnosis and validating methodologies at three levels: political, institutional and community.
This document is based on the experience of the Small Town Pilot Project in Peru (STPP) in promoting inclusive citizen participation, involving both men and women, in decisions on the management of water and sanitation services in localities having between 2,000 and 30,000 inhabitants. The project was a joint initiative by the Vice Minister of Construction and Sanitation of Peru (VMCS), with the financial support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the technical assistance of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) to foster a change of roles in the management of water and sanitation services, which have been traditionally linked to management by local governments, characterized by deficient administration and service. The new model proposes a public, private and social alliance.
The document summarizes what we have learned from the experience of change lived in these localities; in which both men and women were involved in all phases of the project. While evaluating this process, the objective was also to identify the contributing of the inclusion of a gender component towards ensuring equal participation in decision-making, encouraging the demand for quality services, including various perspectives on citizen’s rights and duties in terms of the services and finally it’s contribution towards the building of a better citizen-state relationship.



1.    Starting Point
1.1    Gender and citizenship
1.2    The context of the discussion on water and gender

2.    Background of the experience
2.1    Context and objectives of the project
2.2    The social situation of women with respect to water and sanitation in the STPP

3.    The incorporation of a gender component in the different stages of the project
3.1    Understand in order to inform
3.2    Men and women making decisions
3.3    Negotiation to arrive at a decision: the tarrif issue
3.4    Male and female citizen participation for sustainable management of water and sanitation services

4.    Building citizenship: local government, male and female citizens

5.    Lessons learned


Implementing Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems in India: Moving Towards the Regional Approach

Adrian Coad   Th. 762

This document is intended for decisionmakers who are concerned with reducing the pollution and health hazards that are caused by the uncontrolled disposal of thousands of tons of waste each day in open dumps. It will also helpful for decisionmakers who are concerned with urban governance and urban management. While it does contain some technical informarion, the messages can be easily understood by those with an interest in municipal issues but no formal training in scientific or technical disciplines. The challenges of safe disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) were deliberated on at two workshops held in January 2007, under the auspices of the Ministry of Urban Development with the participation of a wide range of experts and practitioners, and the support of Water and Sanitation Program-South Asia (of the World Bank).

This document echoes the opinions expressed in these workshops. Information provided by the participants touched upon many critical issues. The speakers presented views and experiences from state, national, and international levels. In particular, N.C. Vasuki drew on experiences from Delaware in the United States as well as his extensive knowledge of the issue in the Indian context. Adrian Coad also provided inputs from global experiences on implementing sanitary landfills.

This report proposes some recommendations for an approach that can meet the basic and essential objective of minimizing risks to public health and to the environment. This approach provides a way for solid residues from all towns and cities to be disposed of in an engineered disposal facility at a cost taht is affordable.

This publication answers questions such as; to what extent are current solid waste management practices in India threatening our health and environment , What are the reasons for the current state of affairs , What are teh strengths and weaknesses of current strategies for disposing solid waste , and what are the economically and environmentally sustainable options for disposing waste from both large and small communities    



Objectives and Prioroties

Where are We Now

The Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Rules and Their Impact

What has Been Happening to Our Processing Plants

Obstacles to Safe and Sanitary Disposal

Sanitary Landfilling

Key Principles

Emphasis on Operations

The Regional Approach

What is a ’Regional Approach’

Why is a Regional Approach Appropriate

Challenges Associated with Regional Landfilling

What are the Arrangements

Realizing Regional Disposal

Sustaining a Rrgional Disposal System

Involving the Private Sector

How Does It All Fit Together

Chronological Planning

Institutional Structures

Financial Systems

Operational Procedures


Clarify Requirements and Objectives of MSW Rules

Develop Capacity

Enhance Knowledge Management

Inform, Involve, and Motivate Citizens

Ensure Financial Sustainability


Appendixes A: Information about Workshops, and Presenters and Resource Persons
Appendixes B: Definitions and Data Notes

Deterring Corruption and Improving Governance in the Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Sector: A Sourcebook (Water Working Notes no. 18, December 2008)

Jonathan Halpern, Charles Kenny, Eric Dickson, David Ehrhardt, & Chloe Oliver   Th. 777

This sourcebook helps water and sanitation practitioners to understand corruption. What is it, what sustains it, how does it relate to governance, and how might it be reduced It describes how the risks, extent, and locales of corruption in a particular country can be assessed and outlines ways to reduce corruption by improving governance. Lastly, it describes how to monitor and evaluate governance and anticorruption measures, to allow learning from experience. The Sourcebook considers corruption and governance at three levels: the sector, the provider and capital projects.

Table of Contents:

1.    Introduction

2.    Understanding Corruption and Governance

Part I. Assessing Corruption Risks

3.    Country Level Scan for Corruption Risk

4.    Sector Assessment

5.    Detecting Corruption at the Provider Level

6.    Planning and Implementing Capital Projects

7.    Implications of Different Sector Structures

Part II. Increasing Probity and Improving Governance

8.    Increasing Probity in Capital Projects

9.    Increasing Probity at The Provider Level

10.    Strengthening Water Sector Governance to Promote Probity

11.    Application Under Varied Country Ciscumstances

Part III. Learning From Experiences

12.    Reviewing Progress


Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat untuk Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Flu Burung (Sebuah panduan untuk meningkatkan Biosekuriti pada Rantai Pangan: Difokuskan pada pasar yang menjual hewan hidup)

Th. 1.164

Panduan ini diterjemahkan dari buku aslinya yaitu Public Health Interventions for Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza. A Manual for Improving Biosecurity in the Food Supply Chains: Focusing on Live Animal Markets, diterbitkan oleh WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, New Delhi, Maret 2006.
Panduan ini dikembangkan untuk memperkuat kapasitas setiap negara anggota dalam menerapkan intervensi kesehatan masyarakat yang efektif untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan penyebaran flu burung (FB/AI) pada sumbernya.
Panduan ini menjelaskan tindakan-tindakan yang terkait kesehatan masyarakat secara sederhana namun berarti, tidak hanya untuk meningkatkan dan memperkuat biosekuriti pada tahap-tahap kritis di rantai pangan (produksi, pengangkutan, penjualan, dan konsumsi), tetapi juga memastikan bahwa potensi penularan virus flu burung dari hewan ke manusia ditekan serendah mungkin.
Panduan ini ditujukan terutama untuk orang-orang yang menangani unggas dan produknya, baik pada tahap produksi, transportasi, penanganan dan pemrosesan di pasar, atau waktu menyiapkan pangan di rumah.

Daftar Isi:

1. Pendahuluan

2. Apakah Flu Burung itu

3. Faktor Langsung dan Tidak Langsung yang Mempermudah Penyebaran Flu Burung

4. Apa Biosekuriti

5. Tindakan Memperkuat Biosekuriti di Sepanjang Rantai Pangan

6. Perlindungan pada Manusia dari Penularan Flu Burung

7. Mempromosikan Program Pasar Pangan Sehat (PPS) – Strategi dan Rencana

8. Pesan-Pesan Kunci Kesehatan Masyarakat

9. Contoh Kuesioner untuk Menilai Praktek Operasional di Pasar yang menjual hewan hidup (wet market)

10. Usulan Langkah-Langkah untuk Pencanangan Program Pasar Pangan Sehat Nasional

11. Referensi Situs Penting

Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Air Minum Rumah Tangga

Th. 1.158

Petunjuk teknis (juknis) ini memuat berbagai alternatif teknologi sederhana Pengolahan Air Minum di Ruamh Tangga yang aman dan terjangkau.
Petunjuk teknis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi petugas kesehatan lingkungan/ sanitarian dan pihak-pihak pemerhati dan pemangku kepentingan terkait dengan PAM RT di lapangan untuk meningkatkan akses air minum yang aman di tingkat rumah tangga, sebagai upaya pengendalian penularan penyakit melalui air, terutama penyakit diare khususnya pada balita.

Daftar Isi:

Kata Pengantar
Daftar Isi
Daftar Istilah dan Singkatan
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Gambar

Bab 1. Pendahuluan
1.1 Latar Belakang
1.2 Tujuan

Bab 2. Pengolahan Awal
2.1 Pengendapan secara Gravitasi
2.2 Penyaringan dengan Kain
2.3 Pengendapan dengan Bahan Alami
2.4 Pengendapan dengan Bahan Kimia

Bab 3. Pengolahan Air Minum Rumah Tangga
3.1 Biosand Filter
3.2 Saringan Keramik (Ceramic Filter)
3.3 Merebus
3.4 Khlorinasi
3.5 Koagulasi dan Flokulasi
3.6 Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS)

Bab 4. Penyimpanan dan Penanganan Air Minum Secara Aman

Apakah Kita Sudah Mencuci Tangan dengan Benar?: Panduan Simulasi Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM)

Th. 882

Bagi manusia, tangan bersih adalah syarat utama untuk sehat. Oleh karena itu semua orang harus tahu tentang manfaat cuci tangan dan bagaimana melakukannya dengan benar. Karena kuman ditangan kita tidak mudah kelihatan, sehingga seringkali kita lalai dan kurang menyadari harus cuci tangan.

Oleh karena itu gerakan simulasi cuci tangan di masyarakat segera kita mulai. Sasaran utama dalam kegiatan ini dapat dimulai di sekolah (PAUD, TK, SD), ibu-ibu yang mempunyai bayi dan balita, kader kesehatan, pengurus dan anggota PKK, kelompok pengajian, posyandu, perkumpulan arisan serta seluruh masyarakat. Pustaka ini berisi panduan simulasi cuci tangan yang baik dan benar.

Daftar Isi:


Ada Apa Dengan Peran Tangan Kita

Bagaimana Kita Mencuci Tangan Selama Ini

Apa yang Dilakukan Kaum Ibu

Bagaimana Seharusnya Kita Perlakukan Tangan Kita


Panduan Praktek
Simulasi 1: Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan dengan Cara yang Salah
Simulasi 2: Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan dengan Cara yang Benar

Lampiran. Pedoman Teknis Cuci Tangan dengan Air Mengalir dan Sabun Di Rumah Tangga
I. Kapan Harus Cuci Tangan dengan Air dan Sabun
II. Seperti Apa Sebaiknya Penyiapan Tempat Cuci Tangan Di Masing-Masing Rumah
III. Bagaimana Cara Mencuci Tangan yang Benar

Islam Itu Bersih Islam Itu Sehat: Islam Tidak Merusak Lingkungan (Materi Dakwah Sanitasi untuk Mendukung Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat/ STBM di Propinsi Jawa Timur)

Th. 3.453

Buku ini disusun sebagai tindak lanjut dari pertemuan yang membahas tentang peran dakwah dalam bidang hygiene dan sanitasi yang dihadiri oleh para Kyai dan Nyai dari 29 kabupaten di Jawa Timur pada bulan Juni 2009 di Surabaya. Hasil pertemuan tersebut dirangkum dalam buku ini sebagai materi dakwah sanitasi dan memudahkan pengguna dalam memilih pesan-pesan yang sesuai dengan kondisi masyarakat. Buku ini dapat dijadikan pegangan/ panduan bagi syi’ar/ dakwah kepada masyarakat agar merubah perilaku dan kebiasaan buruk dalam sanitasi.
Buku ini bermanfaat bagi siapa saja yang berminat menyampaikan ajaran agama terkait sanitasi, pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat serta pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Kyai atau Nyai pengasuh pondok pesantren, Ustadz dan Ustadzah yang biasa memberikan ceramah, khotbah, mengajar pengajian, Petugas sanitarian/ penyuluh/ fasilitator/ guru yang menginginkan perubahan perilaku masyarakat dan murid sekolah.
Buku ini berisi berbagai ayat-ayat Al-qur’an ataupun hadits Nabi Muhammad SAW yang berhubungan dengan aturan dan anjuran untuk hidup dengan cara bersih, sehat dan tidak merusak lingkungan hidup. Ayat-ayat maupun hadits tersebut dikelompokkan berdasarkan keterkaitan dengan isi pesan dan perilaku atau kebiasaan buruk masyarakat seperti BAB, cuci tangan, penggunaan air bersih dan kebersihan diri, lingkungan hidup serta pola makan dan minum.

Daftar Isi:

Materi Dakwah agar Berperilaku Bersih, Sehat dan Tidak Merusak Lingkungan

Kenapa menyusun buku ini

Apa tujuan penyusunan buku ini

Siapa pengguna buku ini

Siapa saja sasaran penyampaian materi dakwah sanitasi ini

Bagaimana menggunakan buku ini

Apa isi buku ini

Ayat dan Hadits yang Berhubungan Dengan Kewajiban Hidup Bersih dan Sehat serta Memelihara Lingkungan

Tentang larangan buang air besar di sembarang tempat

Tentang cuci tangan

Tentang kebersihan

Tentang lingkungan

Tentang makanan dan minuman


Standar Prosedur Operasional Klinik Sanitasi, untuk Puskesmas (Terbitan Klinik Sanitasi Seri-4)

Sutjipto, dkk   Th. 15.588

Klinik sanitasi merupakan suatu wahana bagi masyarakat melalui perbaikan kondisi kesehatan lingkungan untuk mencegah berbagai penyakit menular dengan bimbingan, penyuluhan dan bantuan teknis dari petugas puskesmas. Petugas puskesmas sebagai pengelola klinik sanitasi dituntut mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam membantu menemukan dan menyelesaikan masalah lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan penyakit berbasis lingkungan yang banyak diderita masyarakat. Dengan demikian akan terwujud upaya pemberantasan penyakit yang terpadu dengan perbaikan/ intervensi lingkungan yang terfokus pada kelompok penderita atau kelompok resiko tinggi di wilayah puskesmas.
Buku Standar Operasional Klinik Sanitasi untuk Puskesmas ini disusun sebagai pegangan bagi petugas klinik sanitasi dalam menjalankan tugasnya, baik di dalam gedung (puskesmas) maupun di luar gedung (lapangan). Buku ini berisi uraian tentang langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan oleg petugas klinik sanitasi di puskesmas yang terkait dengan penyakit: diare, malaria, demam berdarah, kulit, kecacingan, ISPA, TB Paru, keracunan makanan, keracunan bahan kimia/ pestisida. Untuk lebih mempermudah petugas puskesmas dalam menjalankan tugasnya, buku ini dilengkapi pula dengan Bagan Standar Operasional Klinik Sanitasi.

Daftar Isi:

Kata Pengantar
Daftar Isi

I. Pendahuluan

II. Tujuan dan Manfaat

III. Ruang Lingkup

IV. Kegiatan Klinik Sanitasi

V. Standar Prosedur Operasional Klinik Sanitasi

VI. Tindak Lanjut dan Penyelesaian Masalah

VII. Penutup

Dalam Gedung
Luar Gedung


Daftar Pustaka