
Pengolahan Sampah

27 Juli 2009 1.261

Pustaka ini berisi penjelasan seputar cara pengolahan sampah yang baik dan benar sehingga sampah tersebut dapat didayagunakan kembali. Cara-cara yang dijelaskan dalam buku ini, meliputi pengomposan aerobik, komposter skala rumah tangga, bioaktivator. Selain itu juga dijelaskan mengenai kiat mengolah sampah kertas menjadi produk berguna (kertas daur ulang), serta informasi agar kita dapat mengenal tumbuhan di sekitar kita.

Daftar Isi:

Pengomposan Aerobik

Komposter Skala Rumah Tangga: Langkah bijak mengelola sampah di sumber

Bioaktivator: Cara lain menangani sampah organik

Kiat Mengolah Sampah Kertas Menjadi Produk Berguna

Mengenal Tumbuhan Di Sekitar Kita

Kebijakan, Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah & Metode Quick Count Data Sampah

Th. 834

Buku Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Sampah yang disusun oleh KLH ini berfungsi sebagai acuan bagi penetapan kebijakan dan strategi pengelolaan sampah tingkat propinsi dan tingkat kabupaten/kota.
Buku ini berisi rancangan kebijakan dan strategi nasional pengelolaan sampah, meliputi latar belakang, tujuan, output, outcomes, muatan, skema, prosedur penetapan, serta draft matrik kebijakan dan nasional pengelolaan sampah.

Water Resources Institutions: Some Principles and Practices World Bank Technical Paper Number 191)

Harald D. Frederiksen   Th. 778

Major regions of the world are moving from  a phase where water development dominated activities in the water sector to one where sophisticated water management and facilities maintenance dominate. Demands already are straining the resources. In many countries they will pit the needs of a doubling population against the existing demands in a mere twenty years. The rate and magnitude of changes affecting the water resources sector will force major new initiatives in the near future. Sound solutions may require substantial modifications in laws, policies and procedures and in the role of the government and the public. There is little time for debate, and indecision will be costly. Almost every country is grappling with the endless number of issues involved -- economic, environmental, social, technical, administrative and financial. They wish to devise new institutions to better deal with these issues and facilitate an orderly change. For it is the adequacy and appropriateness of institutions that will determine success or failure. Indeed, as countries around the world have addressed their ever more pressing needs in water management, several basic institutional principles have evolved. The administration of resources allocation, organizational structure, long-term and real-time management and the financing of essential activities follow similar paths in these countries. Examples in this paper illustrate the variations in application as influenced by the particular situations, including their history and stage of resources development.

This paper presents some institutional principles found to be effective for the succesful management of water resources. These principles are drawn from a range of physical and institutional settings where countries have shown positive results in addressing difficult water management issues. The paper is not intended as an indepth treatment of the subject, but rather constitute a synopsis that can serve as background for consideration by individuals and agencies grappling with this complex matter.

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction

II. The Water Situation and Institutional Deficiencies
- The Situation
- Institutional Deficiencies

III. Some Principles for Sound Water Resources Institutions
- Considerations when Examining Institutional Principles
- Resource Ownership, Allocation and Rights
- Standards, Regulations and Administrative Rules
- Government and Non-Governmental Responsibilities
- Financial

IV. The Application of Principles
- General
- Countries Surveyed
- Resources Ownership and Allocation
- Interstate and International Water Agreements
- Organization and Responsibilities
- Water Charges and Financing
- Observations from Developing Countries


Figure 1 - Relative Government Effort by Function


World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment (The Urban Environment) 1996-1997

Th. 1.010

WorldResources 1996-97 focuses on the critical environmental challenges facing the world’s rapidly expanding urban areas. With their concentration of humans and economic activities, urban areas can be the sites of intense environmental degradation. Yet with their vitality and efficiencies of scale, cities and towns also have the potentialto minimize stresses on the natural environment and improve the quality of life. Achieving those opportunities will require approaches that reconcile the demands of economic growth, environmental protection, and social justice.
This special section explores the range of urban environmental problems in developing and developed countries and analyzes key policies for addressing them. Specifially, the report examines the impact of urban environmental conditions on the health of the people who live in cities and on urban economic productivity. It considers how urban areas affect the surrounding ecosystems and the global environment. A special chapter examines the challenge of urban transportation and its implications for the urban environment. Turning to solutions, the report examines priorities for action on the urban environment, from providing water and sanitation to reducing air pollution to improving land use planning. Finally, it considers longer-term strategies, such as mobilizing communities, for creating more livable and environmentally friendly cities and towns.


Executive Summary

Part I. The Urban Environment
1. Cities and the Environment
2. Urban Environment and Human Health
3. Urban Impacts on Natural Resources
4. Urban Transportation
5. Urban Priorities for Action
6. City and Community: Toward Environmental Sustainability
Appendix A. Urban Data Tables

Part II. Global Conditions and Trends and Data Tables
7. Basic Economic Indicators
8. Population and Human Development
9. Forests and Land Cover
10. Food and Agriculture
11. Biodiversity
12. Energy and Materials
13. Water and Fisheries
14. Atmosphere and Climate



World Resources Database Index

Water Supply and Sanitation Project Preparation Handbook, Volume 1: Guidelines

Brian Gover   Th. 1.134

 The handbook consists of a set of guidelines, setting out the information requirements, and accompanying case studies which illustrate how the guidelines might be followed for specific projects. The guidelines and case studies are mainly addressed to proponents of water supply and sanitation projects in the developing countries. They explain the process of project development from the perspective of the agencies which might be asked to provide financial assistance. Guidelines are suggested and illustrated for the reports expected on completion of three successive stages of pre-investment planning for specific projects: identification, pre-feasibility and feasibility. In addition a guideline is provided for preparing a program of rural water supply and sanitation.


Volume 1. Guidelines
Guideline for Project Identification Report
Guideline for Pre-Feasibility Report
Guideline for Feasibility Report
Guideline for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program

Volume 2. Case Studies
Identification Report for Port City Project
Immediate Improvement Project for Port City
Pre-Feasibility Report for Farmville
Pre-Feasibility Report for Port City

Volume 3. Case Study
Feasibility Report for Port City

Vietnam Water Resources Sector Review: Main Report

W. Cuddihy, dkk   Th. 773

In many respects, Vietnam is ahead of some neighboring countries in investigating, managing, and developing its water resources: It has a sound legislative base and preliminary basin plans, and has already decentralized many functions. However, water conditions are particularly complex, and projected economic and demographic changes will strain the country’s resources. Thus, it will need institutional arrangements with which to better manage increasing water demands, coordinate sector investments, and improve the operational and financial performance of water service entities. This report presents a view of how the sector can develop over the next decades, but does not attempt to answer all questions.

Table of Contents:


Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Development Goals and Their Significance for the Water Sector

3. Water Resources: Quantity and Quality

4. Water Resource Subsectors
- Agricultural Water Control Systems
- Water Supply and Waste Management
- Flood Management
- Hydropower and Multi-Purpose Reservoirs

5. Managing Water Resources: Institutions and Finances
- Worldwide Practice in the Water Sector
- Vietnam’s Institutions
- Resource Management Laws
- National and Basin Plans
- Regulations
- Water Resource Data
- Water Services
- Development Issues and Priorities

6. Water Sector Investments

7. Recommended Actions

Bahan Bacaan untuk Pengembangan dan Penyusunan Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak (ASIA) Di Daerah

Th. 981

Bahan bacaan ini diperuntukkan bagi fasilitator dalam lokakarya pengembangan ASIA di daerah untuk melengkapi mereka dengan pengetahuan serta ketrampilan analisis yang diperlukan untuk mengoperasikan pendekatan berbasis hak asasi manusia dalam mengembangkan ASIA. Buku bahan bacaan ini digunakan bersama-sama dengan buku Panduan Fasilitator bagi Lokakarya Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak (ASIA) di daerah.
Bahan bacaan ini terdiri dari delapan bab, dan masing-masing bab mencakup beberapa bagian. Setiap bagian membahas beberapa tema dan topik yang khusus. Bab-bab di dalam bahan bacaan ini disusun sealur dengan Buku Petunjuk Teknis Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak (ASIA) di daerah, dengan penambahan beberapa konsep pendukung. Bahan bacaan ini merupakan pelengkap buku Petunjuk Teknis ASIA. Buku bahan bacaan ASIA membahas ”mengapa“ kita memerlukan ASIA dan ”apakah“ ASIA itu dan keahlian apa yang dibutuhkan, sementara buku Petunjuk Teknis ASIA menjelaskan ”kapan“ melakukan ASIA dan ”bagaimana“ caranya.

Daftar Isi:

Kata Sambutan
Tim Penyusun
Daftar Isi
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Gambar
Daftar Singkatan dan Istilah

Bab I. Latar Belakang dan Landasan Hukum
1.1 Latar Belakang
1.2 Prioritas Pembnagunan Nasional melihat Hak Asasi Ibu dan Anak
1.3 ASIA sebagai proses bagi pembangunan kapasitas (capacity building) dalam konteks desentralisasi
1.4 Implikasi Penggunaan pendekatan berbasis Hak

Bab II. Kerangka Pikir Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia
2.1 Pendekatan Siklus Hidup dalam ASIA
2.2 Pendekatan Hak dalam ASIA
2.3 Integrasi Pendekatan Siklus Hidup dan Hak dalam ASIA

Bab III. Proses Penyusunan ASIA
3.1 Langkah 1: Penilaian Situasi
3.2 Langkah 2: Analisis Sebab Akibat
3.3 Langkah 3: Analisis Pola Peran
3.4 Langkah 4: Analisis Kesenjangan Kapasitas
3.5 Langkah 5: Memilih Aksi Kunci
3.6 Langkah 6: Pengembangan Kemitraan
3.7 Langkah 7: Rancangan Program

Bab IV. ASIA dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
4.1 Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
4.2 Implementasi ASIA dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah

Bab V. Teknis Penyajian ASIA
5.1 Sistematika Penulisan ASIA
5.2 Penjelasan Pengisian Sistematika

Bab VI. Penyusunan ASIA dalam Situasi Darurat
6.1 Definisi Kedaruratan
6.2 HRBAP dan Kedaruratan
6.3 Analisis Situasi Kabupaten dalam Keadaan Darurat
6.4 Berbagai Skenario Kedaruratan
6.5 Langkah-Langkah dalam Membuat Analisis Situasi Kabupaten dalam Kedaruratan

Bab VII.
7.1 Apakah Indeks Hak Anak dan Perempuan (CWRI) Itu
7.2 Menghitung Indeks Hak Anak dan Perempuan (Child and Women Rights Index)

Bab VIII. Berbagai Keterampilan dan Teknik Pendukung ASIA
8.1 Analisis Kerangka Kerja Institusional
8.2 Analisis Perilaku
8.3 Analisis Disparitas
8.4 Penelitian Sosial dan Analisis Berbasis Masyarakat
8.5 Belajar dari Cara Pandang Ibu dan Anak

Daftar Pustaka

Petunjuk Teknis Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak (ASIA) di Daerah: Pengembangan dan Penyusunannya

Th. 1.631

Petunjuk teknis Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak (ASIA) ini bertujuan untuk membantu penulisan ASIA sebagai acuan bagi perencana program pembangunan di masing-masing Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) agar dapat mengintegrasikan ASIA ke dalam penyusunan rencana program sehingga kualitas perencanaan pembangunan sumber daya manusia menyangkut kepentingan ibu dan anak dapat lebih terarah.
Petunjuk teknis ini mencakup pengaturan teknis mengenai Pengembangan dan Penyusunan ASIA dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan daerah yang meliputi latar belakang, kerangka pikir pembangunan sumber daya manusia, proses penyusunannya, ASIA dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan daerah, serta teknis penyajian ASIA oleh pemerintah daerah.

Daftar Isi:

Kata Pengantar Bappenas
SE Mendagri
Daftar Isi
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Gambar
Daftar Singkatan dan Istilah

Bab I. Pendahuluan
1.1 Latar Belakang
1.2 Landasan Hukum
1.3 Tujuan
1.4 Ruang Lingkup

Bab II. Kerangka Pikir Pembangunan SDM Indonesia
2.1 Pendekatan Siklus Hidup dalam ASIA
2.2 Pendekatan Hak dalam ASIA
2.3 Integrasi Pendekatan Siklus Hidup dan Hak dalam ASIA

Bab III. Proses Penyusunan ASIA
3.1 Tinjauan (Penilaian Situasi)
3.2 Telahaan
3.3 Tindakan

Bab IV. ASIA dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
4.1 Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
4.2 Implementasi ASIA dalam Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah

Bab V. Teknis Penyajian ASIA
5.1 Sistematika Penulisan ASIA
5.2 Penjelasan Pengisian Sistematika

Bab VI. Penutup

Daftar Pustaka


Panduan untuk Fasilitator Pengembangan dan Penyusunan Analisis Situasi Ibu dan Anak (ASIA) di Daerah

Th. 1.054

Tujuan dari panduan fasilitator tentang pengembangan analisis situasi ibu dan anak (ASIA) ini adalah untuk membantu kelompok fasilitator dalam memperkuat kapasitas pemerintah daerah dalam perencanaan program pembangunan sosial di tingkat kabupaten/kota.
Buku panduan fasilitator ini terdiri dari:
1. Pendahuluan, berisi petunjuk, dasar pelatihan,sistematika dan hal-hal lain yang perlu diketahui oleh fasilitator dalam membawakan sesi dan materi lokakarya.
2. Panduan sesi, berisi panduan untuk memfasilitasi setiap sesi dalam lokakarya
3. Lampiran, berisi berbagai informasi penunjang, contoh-contoh dan lain-lain.

Daftar Isi:


Bagian I. Pendahuluan
1.1 Fasilitator
1.2 Silabus
1.3 Metode
1.4 Beberapa Teknik Fasilitasi
1.5 Situasi Sulit
1.6 Jadwal
1.7 Cara Mempertahankan Perhatian
1.8 Evaluasi
1.9 Kesiapan Penyelenggaraan Lokakarya

Bagian II. Panduan Sesi

Sesi 1. Sambutan dan Pengantar

Sesi 2. Pemahaman terhadap Kerangka Pikir ASIA

Sesi 3.1 Penilaian Situasi
Sesi 3.2 Analisis Hubungan Sebab Akibat
Sesi 3.3 Analisis Pola Peran
Sesi 3.4 Analisis Kesenjangan Kapasitas
Sesi 3.5 Mengidentifikasi Aksi Kunci
Sesi 3.6 Pengembangan Kemitraan
Sesi 3.7 Rancangan Program

Sesi 4. ASIA dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah

Sesi 5. Teknis Penyajian ASIA

Sesi 6. Penyusunan Rencana Kerja dan Tindak Lanjut

Sesi 7. Penutup


The Demand for Water by Single and Group-Metered Households

John Creedy, Kirsty E. McKenzie & Justin van de Ven   Th. 748


 This paper has examined water consumption in single and group-metered households. A utility maximizing model was developed in which the marginal price schedule was considered to be approximated by a polynomial function of water consumption. The model was modified to allow for an incentive for group-metered households to consume more water than if they were separately metered. This occurs if households do not expect their own increase in water consumption to be matched by other households sharing the meter, so that part of the marginal cost of water is shifted to other households. Estimates using Western Australian data were, however, unable to detect any significant effect of this kind. Hence no evidence was found for such ‘free-riding’ behaviour. These results should, however, be treated with some caution and it would be useful to apply the model to a more extensive data set with more information about characteristics of households.


1. Introduction

2. A Model of Water Demand

3. Empirical Results

4. Conclusions