The Worth of Water: Technical briefs on health, water and sanitation
John Pickford
The Worth of Water published by Intermediate Technology Publications has 32 sections, each a reprint of a technical brief that has appeared in the international journal of appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation Waterlines. They provide simple guidance for fieldworkers on a variety of topics. Most were written and prepared by WEDC staff. See also: Running Water.
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People-Centred Approaches to Water and Environmental Sanitation (CD): Proceedings of the 30th WEDC Conference (CD edition)
Sam Godfrey (ed.)
Historically, the water and sanitation sector in the developing world has focused predominantly on service provision of domestic drinking water and improved sanitation. To many, however, water is more than just a service. It is a key resource to reduce the global burden of disease, increase productivity and improve livelihoods. The 30th WEDC Conference focused on the idea that people themselves are the creators of sustainable development, and principles identified in the last century by scholars such as Schumacher and Chambers who emphasised that development can only be sustainable if people are central in its creation, participation, completion and benefit. In relation to water and environmental sanitation, this requires a radical change in the attitudes of professionals away from mere service provision towards participatory service creation and sustainability.
The primary aim of the 30th WEDC Conference was to increase sharing and learning of professionals involved in water and environmental sanitation in low-income countries. The conference provided the opportunity for both academics and practitioners to present written papers as a means of disseminating knowledge related to people-centred approaches.:
This CD will be of great interest to water and sanitation professionals, from academics and managers to practitioners and fieldworkers.:
134 peer-reviewed papers are included in this volume under the following four headings:
— Environmental sanitation
— Institutional issues
— Water resources
— Water supply
Sanitation and Water for All: Proceedings of the 24th WEDC Conference: Proceedings of the 24th WEDC Conference
John Pickford (ed.)
This book comprises the edited Proceedings of the 24th WEDC Conference held in Islamabad, Pakistan in 1998.
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Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Systems: Proceedings of the 21st WEDC Conference
John Pickford (ed.)
This book comprises the edited Proceedings of the 21th WEDC Conference held in Kampala, Uganda in 1995.
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Water and Sanitation for All: Proceedings of the 23rd WEDC Conference
John Pickford (ed.)
This book comprises the edited Proceedings of the 25th WEDC Conference held in Durban, South Africa in 1997.
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Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC International Conference
Sam Kayaga (ed.)
Safe water supplies and environmental sanitation are vital for protecting the environment, improving health, and alleviating poverty. Despite significant investment in this sector, however, the benefits do not always reach the poor and powerless, especially women and children.
This CD comprises the papers and discussion reports from the 31st WEDC International Conference which had as its focus the maximizing of benefits from water and environmental sanitation. The Conference provided a platform for the sharing of ideas and experiences, and enhancing the learning of professionals involved in the water and environmental sanitation sector in low- and middle-income countries. The main body of the Proceedings are arranged in sections based on the four discussion themes of environmental sanitation, institutional issues, water resources and water supply. Papers presented at the two specialist sessions Water and Sanitation for All and Training for Real have been grouped together and presented at the end.
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Participatory planning for integrated rural water supply and sanitation programmes
Jeremy Ockelford & Bob Reed
The Guidelines and supporting Manual on CD are to help planners and managers in national governments to develop their own rural water supply and sanitation programmes. They can also be used by consultants, and NGOs could adapt them for their programmes.
The Guidelines have been developed to help planners and managers to meet two challenges in rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS):
- how to integrate the different components of RWSS – water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion, and now, water resource management (in relation to domestic water supply and sanitation), together with the institutional arrangements to provide the services.
- to enable all the stakeholders to participate in the planning process – women and men in the villages and communities to be served; field staff of implementing and facilitating agencies; the various technical and management staff at district, provincial and central levels; and other organisations including NGOs and the private sector.
The Guidelines and supporting Manual on CD provide a participatory process and methods to enable the user to address both these challenges. The process and methods can be applied in most contexts – they are intended to help the user to develop their own solutions to their own issues and problems.
This new edition also contains copies of all the tables and forms in an editable format, so that users may expand and adapt them to meet specific needs. The editable copies may be accessed by clicking the cursor on the title of the table or form within the relevant pdf file. A working copy will automatically open in a separate window.
The Guidelines and Manual on CD can only be purchased together. They are not available as individual items.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Challenges of the Millennium: Proceedings of the 26th WEDC Conference
John Pickford (ed.)
This book comprises the edited Proceedings of the 26th WEDC Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in November 2000. It presents over a hundred papers relating to subjects including management, community management, health, water resources, water quality, wastewater treatment, solid waste and sanitation as well as discussion group reports and keynote addresses.
Papers included in this publication are only available online.
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DFID Guidance Manual on Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes
The Department for International Development DFID commissioned this Guidance Manual from the WELL Resource Centre to assist staff and partners to develop effective and sustainable water supply and sanitation programmes. It represents collaboration across a range of professions within the Department and from key UK professionals in the sector. It details inter-disciplinary approaches to planning and implementation of partnership-based programmes.
The Manual comprises three chapters and appendices. These take the reader from an overview of the sector, through specific development perspectives, to detailed recommendations for each stage of the project cycle.
Chapter 1 is an introduction to water supply and sanitation projects and sets the scene. It describes the WS&S sector with particular focus on the development of services for the poor in both urban and rural areas. Emphasis is placed on the importance of co-operation and partnership and the chapter also introduces the DFID programme and project process.
Chapter 2 Principles and practice starts with an inter-disciplinary analysis of key issues and then sets out recommended approaches under seven perspectives: social development; health; environmental sustainability; economic and financial perspectives; institutional perspectives; technical aspects; and hygiene promotion and sanitation promotion. These are explored in some detail so that professional staff in DFID and its partners will gain a better understanding of all the aspects and not just their own speciality.
Chapter 3 Water supply and sanitation in the DFID programme and project cycle is the 'how to' part of the manual which brings together the disciplinary perspectives at each stage of the project cycle. The key issues to be taken into account are set out in a helpful 'question and recommendation' format.
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Katalog Informasi Pilihan Sarana Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS)
Sarana untuk cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS) yang ada di masyarakat bervariasi, mulai dari yang sederhana sampai yang modern. CTPS yang aman bagi kesehatan akan dapat terlaksana apabila prosedurnya benar, yaitu memakai sabun, menggunakan air yang mengalir, dilengkapi fasilitas pendukung, sarana CTPS yang hygienis dan di tempatkan pada tempat yang tepat.
Setiap orang mempunyai keterbatasan di dalam memenuhi kemampuan memiliki sarana CTPS, oleh karena itu masyarakat perlu mengetahui alternatif yang dapat dipilih tetapi masih memenuhi persyaratan minimal.
Pustaka ini bertujuan untuk memberikan acuan kepada semua pihak tentang pilihan fasilitas sarana cuci tangan pakai sabun di rumah tangga, sekolah, sarana kesehatan, kantor, dan tempat penyediaan makanan dan minuman, dan tempat-tempat umum.
Daftar Isi:
Kata Pengantar
Daftar Singkatan
1. Pendahuluan
1.1 Latar Belakang
1.2 Tujuan
1.3 Prinsip Penerapan Sarana CTPS
1.4 Kebijakan Pembiayaan
2. Ketentuan Administratif dan Teknis
2.1 Tujuan Penyediaan Opsi Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun
2.2 Penyediaan Sarana Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun dan Hubungannya dengan Penyakit
2.3 Penggunaan Sarana CTPS
2.4 Kriteria Umum Sarana Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun
2.5 Komponen Sarana CTPS
2.6 Klasifikasi, Keuntungan dan Kerugian Pilihan Sarana Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun
3. Pilihan Teknologi Sarana Cuci Tangan pakai Sabun (CTPS)
3.1 Rumah Tangga
3.2 MCK Umum
3.3 Tempat Umum dan Tempat Penyediaan Makanan/Minuman
3.4 Sekolah
3.5 Kantor
3.6 Sarana Kesehatan
Lampiran: Design dan Sket Sarana Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun