CD Materi Komunikasi WC-ku Sehat! (Poster, Iklan Cetak, Kalender, Katalog dan Permainan)
CD ini berisi materi komunikasi sanitasi, WC-ku sehat, berupa poster, iklan cetak, kalender, katalog dan permainan.
Daftar Isi:
Iklan Cetak
Kalender (dinding dan saku)
Produk katalog
CD Iklan radio (WC-ku Sehat!)
CD ini berisi promosi sanitasi WC-ku sehat berupa iklan radio. Iklan radio yang berisi 3 judul ini bercerita tentang orang yang ’kebelet’ (baca, ingin sekali) BAB di malam hari dan tidak memiliki WC, sehingga menggangu tidur suaminya (night), pelecehan terhadap seorang wanita dikarenakan ia BAB di kali (shame), dan pembuatan WC yang kurang sempurna sehingga menyebabkan baunya tetap menyebar dimana-mana (unimproved).
Sekilas Tentang Community Water Services and Health Project (CWSHP) Proyek Pelayanan Air Bersih dan Kesehatan Masyarakat
Proyek Community Water Services and Health (CWSH) adalah proyek kerjasama antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Asian Development Bank (ADB) melalui pinjaman/ loan 2163 dan 2164 (SF)- INO mulai efektif 12 April 2006 s/d 31 Desember 2011, yang berlokasi di 20 Kabupaten dalam 4 propinsi (Kalteng, Kalbar, Jambi dan Bengkulu).
Secara umum tujuan proyek adalah untuk mencegah penularan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh air dan lingkungan serta meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan melalui perubahan perilaku hidup sehat dan peningkatan akses terhadap sarana air minum dan penyehatan lingkungan secara berkelanjutan.
Leaflet ini menggambarkan sekilas mengenai CWSHP serta kemajuan proyek sampai dengan Oktober 2009 menyangkut peningkatan kapasitas aparat pemda, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pembangunan sarana air bersih dan sanitasi, serta perubahan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat.
STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat)
Hal utama dalam STBM adalah perubahan perilaku masyarakat, bukan sekedar berapa banyak jamban yang dibangun secara swadaya oleh masyarakat, tapi perubahan perilaku dari masyarakat yang ebnar-benar menyadari bahwa jamban / wc tidak kalah pentingnya dengan makanan dan minuman.
Brosur ini berisi informasi mengenai STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat), meliputi kondisi dan prinsip STBM, serta ilustrasi keadaan sanitasi di wilayah Kabupaten Manokwari.
Mampukah aku........? (CWSH Community Water Services & Health)
Poster ini berisi informasi mengenai CWSH (Community Water Services and Health), program pemerintah yang bekerjasama dengan masyarakat perdesaan untuk merencanakan pembangunan sarana air minum dan penyehatan lingkungan.
Materi Pertemuan Nasional Pelaksanaan AMPL-BM, Hotel Mercure Rekso Jakarta, 2-4 November 2009
CD ini berisi materi presentasi dan notulensi hasil kegiatan Pertemuan Nasional Pelaksanaan AMPL-BM di Hotel Mercure tanggal 2-4 November 2009 lalu.
Daftar Isi:
Risalah Rakornas AMPL, Bangda 2-4 November 2009
Presentasi Agenda Pertemuan Nasional AMPL-BM
Materi Tanggal 2 November 2009
Materi Tanggal 3 November 2009
WHO Technical Note for Emergencies 1: Cleaning and Disinfecting Wells
Sam Godfrey & Bob Reed
Severe flooding, earthquakes, civil disturbances and other natural and man-made disasters often cause damage to hand-dug wells. Surface structures are broken and the well becomes contamined by silt, chemicals or debris.
This techical note sets out the actions needed to repair and rehabilitate a hand-dug well so that it can be returned to its former condition.
Steps for cleaning and disinfection
Step 1: Inventory of existing wells
Step 2: Rehabilitation and cleaning of wells
Step 3: Disinfection of the well
Step 4: Dewater the well
WHO Technical Note for Emergencies 2: Cleaning and Disinfecting Boreholes
Sam Godfrey & Bob Reed
Boreholes are resistant to many forms of natural and man made disasters. Although the components above ground may be damaged, the narrow opening at the top of the borehole often prevents contamination of the water supply or damage to the pump components below ground. The main exception to this is damage caused by earthquakes, which can be greater below ground than the damage seen on the surface.
This techical note sets out the actions required to repair and rehabilitate a borehole after any disaster.
Driven and drilled boreholes
Step 1: Assess the damage
Step 2: Repair the handpump and borehole
Step 3: Disinfection and re-commision of the borehole and handpump
WHO Technical Note for Emergencies 4: Rehabilitating small-scale piped water distribution systems
Sam Kayaga & Bob Reed
The damage caused to pipe networks by natural disasters can be widespread and extensive. It can range from minor breaks to complete loss of whole sections of the system. A full systematic survey of the entire network is the only way of identifying the true extent of the damage. This may not be possible in an emergency where it is a priority to re-instate a basic level of supply.
This techical notes examines these priorities and the process of rehabilitating small-scale piped water distribution systems.
Steps of rehabilitation
Step 1: Assess the extent of the damage
Step 2: Keep consumers informed
Step 3: Provide an alternative water supply
Step 4: Isolate damaged sections of the network
WHO Technical Note for Emergencies 5: Emergency treatment of drinking water at the point of use
Sam Kagaya & Bob Reed
Normally, drinking water supplies need to be treated during and after an emergency to make them safe and acceptable to the user. Treatment at the point of use is generally quicker and less expensive to implement than a centralized system, but it can be more difficult to manage. Only water used for drinking and preparing food needs to be treated. Nevertheless, this still amounts to about 5 litres per person per day.
This technical notes describes some of the most common and simple treatment options suitable for use during an emergency.
Storage and settlement
Sand Filters
Ceramic Filters
Chemical Disinfection
Solar Disinfection (SODIS)
Combined treatment systems
Looking after clean water
Water Storage
Hygiene Promotion