
Menuju Indonesia 2015 (DVD MDGs), Bupati Boalemo Bicara MDGs

Bowo Leksono   2007 756

Film dokumenter ini merupakan bagian dari upaya menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai MDGs. Selain untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, diharapkan melalui media ini juga terbangun empati dan emosi terhadap kondisi lingkungan kita saat ini. Sekaligus juga, kondisi saat ini memang masih jauh dari yang dicitakan, namun dengan jiwa solidaritas, kebersamaan dan gotong royong yang dimiliki bangsa ini, mampu meningkatkan derajat dan martabat sekaligus mencapai tujuan yang lebih baik.

An Inclusive Approach for School Sanitation & Hygiene Education (Technical Note Series)

27 Oktober 2008 796

School sanitation programme is an important component of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) which aims at providing sanitation facilities for schools and thereby at changing the behaviour of children at a young age. It has gathered momentum in India in the last few years, and the country has made significant progress in terms of providing a toilet and urinal in every school. Functional sanitation and water facilities are now recognised as an integral part of the ”quality package” in schools. The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) – the national umbrella programme for school education, are increasingly focussing on improving school environment and influencing hygiene behaviour of students.
The experience from the field with implementation of School Sanitation programme necessitated review of the existing designs of school toilets and urinals to make them more user and maintenance-friendly, inclusive and gender sensitive. Various rounds of consultations took place between the representatives from Government of India (Departments of Elementary Education and Drinking Water Supply), UNICEF’s education and WES sections, and technical experts resulting in a consensus on the norms that ought to guide the development of new designs, and the fetures of the document in which the designs would be presented, keeping in mind the final users. Consulting architects then worked on the document in close consultation with officials of DDWS and UNICEF.
This document has three parts: the first part discusses the features of the SSHE programme in the national context; the second part describes in detail the key principles which must guide construction of sanitation and drinking water facilities in schools and provides a tool for making decisions; the third part provides detailed engineering drawings (plan, layout and section drawings) and estimates for 16 different basic core designs.
This technical note is intended primarily for programme implementers to help them understand the critical need for proper school water and sanitation facilities and to sensitise them to the guiding principles that should be followed while planning for these facilities. Gender, expandibility, inclusiveness, strength of students and space availability are some of the key design parameters used. The scope of this document has been made as comprehensive as possible by including discussion on several aspects of school environment such as solid and liquid waste management, rain water harvesting and availability of running water inside the sanitation complexes.

Table of Contents:

Part I. Basic Concepts
Section 1 Initiatives on SSHE
Section 2 Elements of SSHE
Section 3 Key Lessons from programme implementation

Part II. Norms and Guiding Principles
Section 1 Physical infrastructure under SSHE
Section 2 Norms for basic water and sanitation facilities in schools
Section 3 Guiding Principles of Designing of School Toilets Blocks
Section 4 Key Data Required to Design Toilet Blocks
Section 5 Other Important Interventions for maintaining Clean Environment in schools

Part III. Preparatory Planning, Designs and Estimates
Section 1 Preparatory planning for sanitation facilities in school
Section 2 Understanding the designs
Section 3 Design Selection Tool
Section 4 Designs
Section 5 Good Designs from States

The 3rd International Learning Exchange in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, 14-24 October 2008, New Delhi, India (Reading Material)

Th. 703

Table of Contents:

1. Case Studies
2. CCDU Guidelines
3. Country Paper – SACOSAN – 3
4. New TSC Guideline
5. SLWM_ 20 August 2007

Rural Sanitation A1-A2

- GIS Maps
- 10 Star SSHE Star Status Picture
- Assessment of Impact-SSHE November 2005
- Case Study-Incinerator in Girls Toilets
- Concept Paper – SSHE Programme in TN
- Country Paper – SACOSAN-3
- ECOSAN-Changing lives TN Expo
- Final Country Paper SSHE in India
- Height Chart-Cleanlines
- Hygiene for Teachers
- Menstrual Hygiene Management Booklet
- New TSC Guideline
- Notes for Managers
- SSHE Case Studies TN
- SSHE Monitoring Card
- Stickers
- Team Approach to capacity buiding-SSHE
- Teacher Notes Series
- Ways to Water and Sanitation – Chennai Total School Health Program

MHM Guidance Booklet

Unicef Book

Himpunan Peraturan Perundangan Mengenai Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan V.8.0607, Juni 2008

Th. 697

CD Himpunan Peraturan Perundangan Mengenai Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan ini merupakan versi up-dated ke delapan, bulan Juni 2008. Berisi Peraturan Perundangan terkait AMPL, dari Undang-Undang sampai dengan Peraturan Daerah.

5 Saat Penting Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun

2008 5.033

Poster ini berisi peringatan untuk kita agar selalu mencuci tangan di lima waktu penting  agar kita jauh & terhindar dari kuman, yaitu:
1. Sebelum makan,
2. Sebelum menghidangkan makanan,
3. Sebelum memberi makan bayi,
4. Setelah dari WC, dan
5. Setelah memegang hewan.

Biasa Bersih, Hidup Jadi Sehat

14 Oktober 2008 1.443

Poster ini berisi informasi mengenai 5 waktu penting cuci tangan pakai sabun serta 3 langkah cuci tangan pakai sabun yang tepat dan benar.

Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun - Diare

14 Oktober 2008 1.059

Dalam leaflet ini berisi 2 informasi penting, yaitu mengenai Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun, meliputi fakta tentang CTPS dan langkah tepat CTPS. Serta informasi mengenai diare, meliputi informasi apa itu diare, penyebab, pencegahan, dan penyembuhan diare.

Biasa Bersih, Hidup Jadi Sehat

14 Oktober 2008 1.719

Leaflet ini berisi anjuran dan informasi tentang pentingnya hidup bersih untuk kesehatan. Meliputi informasi 5 waktu penting Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS), 3 langkah CTPS, Mari menuju kampung bersih dan hijau (dengan melakukan pemilahan sampah), serta 3 cara mendapatkan air minum yang sehat.

Jaringan Kerjasama Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (CKNet-INA)

13 Oktober 2008 872

CKNet-INA merupakan sebuah jaringan kerjasama ilmu pengetahuan yang saat ini terdiri dari 10 Universitas di Indonesia. Keberadaan jaringan ini mengarah kepada peningkatan pengelolaan sektor air sekaligus mendukung kebijakan pemerintah untuk mendesentralisasi pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan air sampai ke tingkat daerah serta untuk memperkuat kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) pemerintah daerah.
Leaflet ini berisi penjelasan mengenai jaringan kerjasama Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (CKNet-INA), meliputi visi, misi, hubungan kerjasama, anggota, program kerja, serta peta jaringan kerjasama Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (CKNet-INA).


Seri Misteri Petualangan Detektif Air & Rahmat “Tidak Semua Wadah Air Minum Aman

13 Oktober 2008 2.376

Komik ini bercerita tentang pentingnya memilih wadah untuk air minum yang tepat agar air minum yang kita konsumsi tidak tercemari oleh kuman-kuman penyakit. Wadah air minum yang tepat dan aman adalah bermulut kecil dan tertutup, serta harus sering dibersihkan.

Selain itu dalam komik ini ada pula tips membuat wadah air minum yang aman, serta games ”pilih wadah air minum”.