
Water and Sanitation for Disabled People and Other Vulnerable Groups CD: Designing services to improve accessibility

Hazel Jones and Bob Reed   2005 721

Over 500 million people in the world are disabled, for whom access to sanitation and safe water is a daily struggle. This problem also affects many other vulnerable groups, and is a major contributing factor to poverty. The Millennium Development Goals will therefore be difficult to achieve equitably without addressing the needs of disabled and other vulnerable people.

Based on three years of international research, this book and CD-rom fills a significant gap in knowledge. The main focus is on facilities for families in rural and peri-urban areas of low- and middle-income countries. It should be of interest to water and sanitation sector planners and service providers, organisations providing disability services, and disabled people’s organisations.

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Pusat Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Regional Sulawesi Maluku Papua

06 Oktober 2008 894

Pusat Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Regional Sulawesi Maluku dan Papua merupakan bagian dari Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup yang dipimpin  oleh seorang Kepala dan bertanggungjawab kepada Menteri.
Leaflet ini berisi penjelasan seputar Pusat Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Regional Sulawesi Maluku dan Papua, meliputi; visi dan misi, tugas dan fungsi, struktur organisasi, serta wilayah kerja dari Pusat Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Regional Sulawesi Maluku dan Papua.

PSA Sanitasi ISSDP (Iklan Layanan Masyarakat)

Tim Teknis Pembangunan Sanitasi   Agustus Th.2 1.035

CD ini berisi iklan layanan masyarakat untuk format radio dan TV seputar bidang sanitasi, sampah dan drainase.

Daftar Isi:

Radio & TV PSA:

01- Indikator septik tank bocor
02- Septik tank bersama
03- Olah sampah dari rumah
04- Sakit, banjir, sampah dan drainase
05- Cuma monyet yang buang sampah sembarangan

Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga

Hj. Niniek Nuryanto (Redaksi Rumah)   Th. 1.093

VCD ini merupakan CD demo pembuatan kompos dan produk kerajian tangan dari sampah rumah tangga yang dilakukan oleh Ibu Niniek Nuryanto, warga Kampung Agro Wisata Rawajati 3 Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan.

Demo yang dilakukan meliputi proses pemilahan sampah langsung dari sumbernya (rumah kita), demo proses pembuatan kompos, demo pembuatan kerajinan tangan dari koran bekas, demo proses pembuatan tas dari bekas produk refill kebutuhan rumah tangga, serta demo  pembuatan lubang biopori.

DVD Talk Show Bincang Pagi - JakTV 22 Agustus 2008 ”Awas, Jakarta Dijejali Jutaan Septic Tank“

Th. 798

DVD ini berisi rekaman acara talkshow Bincang Pagi di Jak TV yang membahas tentang septik tank dan higienitas air tanah. Talkshow dengan narasumber Oswar Mungkasa, Ketua Pelaksana Harian Jejaring AMPL ini mengupas habis permasalahan sanitasi di Indonesia, khususnya keberadaan septik tank di Jakarta yang terbilang sangat padat dan berakibat resiko tercemarnya higienitas air tanah di Jakarta.
Dalam perbicangan kali ini juga disebutkan peran dan upaya Jejaring AMPL (Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan) dalam mengatasi masalah ini, yaitu dengan cara menggandeng Departemen Kesehatan dalam mensosialisasikan program STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat), yang berfungsi untuk mengubah perilaku dan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekitarnya.

Materi & Publikasi CD Lokakarya Penajaman Renstra Pokja AMPL Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Th. 780

CD ini merupakan softcopy dari Laporan Lokakarya Penajaman Renstra AMPL dan Rencana Kerja Jangka Menengah (RKJM) Bagi Pokja AMPL se Kab/Kota di Provinsi NTB yang dilaksanakan tanggal 8-10 September 2008 di NTB.

Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment: A Programme of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific, Second Cycle 2005-2010

Th. 769

The Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment, a programme of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), was adopted at the 4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific held in the City of Kitakyushu, Japan in 2000.
The Kitakyushu Initiative, identified in the Plan of Implementation at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) as a relevant initiative to achieve sustainable development, has a mandate to achieve measurable progress in improvement of the environment in major cities in the Asia-Pacific region. The Kitakyushu Initiative focuses on the sharing of experiences of cities that have overcome pollution and improved the urban environment, taking selected technical, institutional, regulatory and participatory measures available.


Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment
- Putting Practice into Action
- Key Characteristics
- Focus for 2005-2010
- Timetable for The Second Cycle (2005-2010)

Implementation Strategy (2005-2010)
- Activities (2005-2010)
- Collection and replication of successful policies and practices

Spotlight on Demonstration Projects
- Demonstration Projects: What are they
- Development of Models of Innovative Policies and Programmes
- Development of Future Collaborative Mechanisms

Achievements in the First Cycle (2000-2005)

Expected Achievements in the Second Cycle (2005-2010)

Participating Cities
- Country
- City
- About the programme
- How to contact us

Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Komunikasi untuk Advokasi dan Kampanye Publik Di Bidang Air Minum dan Sanitasi

Newin, dkk (Ed)   Th. 1.015

VCD ini berisi iklan layanan masyarakat dalam format audiovisual (video) dan format audio (radio) untuk advokasi dan kampanye publik seputar bidang air minum dan sanitasi, seperti video ”Pola Hidup Sehat“ dan ”Program Liputan Wabah Hepatitis di Yogyakarta“, serta Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Radio ”Burungku Sayang, Burungku Malang“. Selain itu dalam CD ini juga terdapat foto dan materi pelatihan media komunikasi, serta poster dan cergam sanitasi.

Daftar Isi:

CD 1. Hasil Produksi Pelatihan ILM Video

CD 2. Foto, Materi, Cergam, Poster, Radio

Capacity Building for Ecological Sanitation (Ecosan Resource Material)

Th. 894

Ecological sanitation is a new paradigm in sanitation that recognises human excreta and water from households not as a waste but as resources that can be recovered, treated, where necessary, and safely used again.

Ecological sanitation systems offer a range of low cost to high tech sanitation options which are hygienically safe, comfortable to use, environmentally friendly and often more economic than conventional systems. In addition, they ideally enable a complete recovery of nutrients in household wastewater and their reuse in agriculture. In this way, they help preserve soil fertility and safeguard long-term food security, whilst minimising the consumption and pollution of water resources.

However, the knowledge available on ecological sanitation still needs to be further developed, and the current lack of capacity is considered a crucial limiting factor in meeting the increased demand for the implementation of ecological sanitation.

The participants at a side-event on "Ecological Sanitation Capacity Building" held during the 3rd International Ecological Sanitation Conference in Durban, South Africa (24 May, 2005) therefore recommended the establishment of an international network of interested organisations and training institutions, in order to accelerate the formation of a capacity building initiative for ecosan.

As a contribution to this initiative, GTZ together with several other organisations has collected, assembled and made available published material relevant for education and training purposes on this ecosan resource CD-ROM. The CD-ROM has been produced in parallel to the UNESCO-GTZ publication “Capacity building for ecological sanitation - concepts for ecologically sustainable sanitation in formal and continuing education", which is available in section A of the CD-ROM.

This CD-ROM should be of use to teachers interested in developing their own teaching material for formal and continuing education and vocational training, to those planning awareness raising activities, and to those who need educational material during the planning and implementation of an ecosan project. To provide inspiration for the development of your own ecological sanitation capacity building activities, a range of of examples of ecological sanitation syllabi, workshop contents and awareness raising presentations are included along with the most relevant existing basic literature on ecosan.

This CD-ROM is seen as the core of the current ecological sanitation knowledge base, and will be used as a starting point for a web-site on education and training material for ecological sanitation capacity building which will be further developed as a support to the international ecosan capacity building initiative.

Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional (JEN)

05 September 2008 1.144

Jaringan Epidemiologis Nasional (JEN) merupakan perwakilan sekelompok lembaga yang berdarma bakti untuk menemukan alternatif pemecahan masalah kesehatan masyarakat melalui pendekatan epidemiologi, sosial dan dengan metode pengelolaan kesehatan. JEN menjalin hubungan antar lembaga anggota dengan pembuat kebijakan kesehatan pada tingkat lokal dan para manajer program.

Leaflet ini menjelaskan tentang profil dari Jaringan Epidemiologis Nasional (JEN), meliputi; visi misi, tujuan, strategi, kegiatan, pelatihan, lokakarya dan temu ilmiah tahunan yang dilaksanakan oleh JEN, publikasi, struktur organisasi, serta markas dari JEN.