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A Development Manifesto: The Resilience of Indonesian Ekonomi Rakyat During the Monetary Crisis
Jakarta, Kompas Book Publishing, 2005, xv + 200 hal
09 Februari 2010
331 MUB d
ekonomi kerakyatan, ekonomi pembangunan, otonomi, krismon
Direktorat Permukiman dan Perumahan, Bappenas
851 kali
Various economic problems faced by Indonesia once appeared to have been solved. Common understanding has it taht Indoensia had gone too far in implementing its growth-orientated development paradigm, despite teh consequences of sharp economic and social disparities.
The "bankruptcy" of the Indonesian economy has time and again been predicted, ever since anthropologist Clifford Geertz did so in 1963. Now, mainstream economist (Indonesian as well as foreign) do not believe that the Indonesian economy can hold on without foreign aid, in particular that of the IMF.
In this volume Mubyarto strongly believes in the power of ekonomi rakyat of Indonesia. He asks Indonesians to think about how they organize themselves for their material provisioning. Current events have thrust Indonesia into a spotlight that many would wish to avoid. How the nation addresses its economy and the other swirling currents will set the trajectory for a long time.
Foreword by Rector of Gadjah Mada University
Foreword by Daniel W. Bromley
Part I. Economics and The Economy
1. Introduction
2. The History of Ekonomi Rakyat
3. The Economist and the Monetary Crisis
4. Economism
Part II. Economics and Development
5. Ethical Economics
6. The Scientific Culture and National Development
7. Development of the Region or Development in the Region}
8. The Genesis of Institutional Economics in Indonesia
Part III. Development of the Regions
9. Autonomy and Regional Development:
- Java
- Sumatera
- Kalimantan
- Sulawesi
10. The Recolonization of the Indonesian Economy
11. A Development Manifesto for Indonesia
About the Author