A Guide to Clean Development Mechanism Projects: Related to Municipal Solid Waste Management (Climate Change Action in Asia and the Pacific: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications)

This guide has been published by the United Nations Economic and Social Commision for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) to the attention of the local administrations and Governments in order to do the following:
- Explain generally what the Kyoto Protocol and CDM scheme consist of;
- Identify the environmental, social and financial benefits associated with the development of a CDM project from their existing MSW disposal site;
- Assess whether a disposal site meets the basic technical and economic feasibility criteria and what could be the barriers to implementing.



Abbreviations and Acronyms

I. Introduction

II. CDM: Genesis and rationale
1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
2. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
3. Kyoto Protocol
4. Clean Development Mechanism

III. CDM Projects: Modalities and Procedures
1. Prerequisites for participation
2. Institutional Structure
3. CDM Project Cycle

IV. Opportunities created by CDM projects for Municipalities and Local Authorities
1. Candidate sectors for CDM projects
2. Additional financial possibility – focus on CDM projects related to municipal solid waste management
3. Multiple benefits associated with the development of landfill gas projects

V. Specific requirements/challenges for developing landfill gas (LFG) recovery/utilization projects
1. Determining if an LFG project is suitable for the landfill
2. Technical and engineering study
3. LFG utilization technologies
4. Utilization selection factors: The LFG Project
5. Economic feasibility study
6. Risk factors – barriers to the development of LFG project
7. Typical LFG projects implemented in the Asian and Pacific region

VI. Annexes
Annex 1: Landfill classification according to the United Nations Environment Programme
Annex 2: Exemplar analysis on some World Bank case studies
Annex 3: Further references