A Perspective on Infrastructure Development In Indonesia: Infrastructure Outlook 2005

This book, Infrastructure Outlook 2005, is published by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs as initial step in inviting all stakeholders to review and participate in the huge potential for infrastructure in Indonesia.

Daftar isi:


I. The Indonesian Economic and Infrastructure

II. Transportation
2.1 Roads
2.2 Toll Roads
2.3 Inland Waterways Transportation (ASDP)
2.4 railways
2.5 Sea Transportation
2.6 Air Transportation

III. Energy
3.1 Power
3.2 Gas Pipeline

IV. Telecommunication

V. Drink Water/ Solid Waste/ Housing/ Water Resources
5.1 Drink Water
5.2 Solid Waste
5.3 Housing
5.4 Water Resources

VI. Conclusion

List of Figure

List of Table