Additional Report Study on Integrated Intermediate Waste Treatment Facilities Construction Project in Bandung, Republic of Indonesia

This report is an additional report of JETRO study on Integrated Intermediate Waste Treatment Facilities Construction Project in Bandung, Republic of Indonesia, from September 2007 to January 2008. This report reflected the result of the meeting after the workshop on January 24th, 2008 as the plan of reduced-size WTE (Waste To Energy). Additionally this report revised the characteristics of daily household wastes and landslide wastes because of the results of site survey in Leuwigajah in January 2008 and the meeting in BPLHD on January 25th, 2008.
In this report, we show the result of technical and financial analysis for original WTE plan (400 t/day) with revised waste characteristic  data. Based on this revised result, we set two types of the WTE capacity; 200 t/day and 100 t/day and two types of target wastes for each WTE; one was daily household wastes and landslide wastes and another was only daily household wastes. Therefore, we show the results of technical and financial analysis for four plans of reduced-size WTE in this report.


1. Introduction

2. Revised results of original WTE plan (400 t/day)
2.1 Composition of plastics in landslide wastes
2.2 Density of landslide wastes
2.3 Density of daily household waste
2.4 Revised results of technical and financial analysis

3. Technical and financial analysis for four plans of reduced-size WTE
3.1 Assumptions
3.2 Revised original plan (Capacity of WTE: 400 t/day, Target wastes: daily household wastes and landslide wastes)
3.3 Plan 1 (Capacity of WTE: 200 t/day, Target wastes: daily household wastes and landslide wastes)
3.4 Plan 2 (Capacity of WTE: 200 t/day, Target wastes: daily household wastes)
3.5 Plan 3 (Capacity of WTE: 100 t/day, Target wastes: daily household wastes and landslide wastes)
3.6 Plan 4 (Capacity of WTE: 100 t/day, Target wastes: daily household wastes)

4. Conclusion