Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation: A Sanitation Field Manual

The purpose of this manual to provide early dissemination of research results to field workers, to summarize selected portions of the other publications that are needed for sanitation planning, and to describe engineering details of alternative sanitation technologies and the means by which they can be upgraded. While the design of water supply systems is not discussed, information on water service levels corresponding to sanitation options is included because water use is a determinant of wastewater disposal requirements. The guidelines, procedures, and technologies contained in this volume are based upon World Bank studies in nineteen developing and industrial countries where local specialists conducted or contributed to the research. Both the research and its application continue to be evolved by the Bank and others throughout the world. Future supplements will present improvements in some technologies, such as biogas; informastion on others, such as marine disposals, combined sewers, water-saving plumbing fixtures, and small-bore sewer design and operation; and more precise estometes of materials and construction requirements on both per capita and population-density bases.

This manual is intended both for professionally trained project engineers and scientists and for technicians and field workers who are familiar with the geographical and cultural conditions of the projects areas to which they are assigned. The reason for this emphasis is clear, it is upon the observations, interpretations, and communications of staff in the field that the ultimate success of sanitation programs depends, technical and economic analyses must incorporate recommendations from knowledgeable field specialists.

Table of Contents:


1. Introduction

2. Sanitation Technology Selection

3. Latrine and Toilet Superstructure

4. Latrine and Toilet Fixtures

5. Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines

6. Composting Toilets

7. Pour-flush Toilets

8. Aquaprivies

9. Septic Tanks, Soakaways, and Drainfields

10. Communal Sanitation Facilities