Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation: Low Cost Technology Options for Sanitation, A State of the art Review and Annotated Bibliography

This book is a comprehensive technology review and bibliography describing alternative approaches to collection, treatment, reuse, and disposal of wastes. It is designed to describe for the policy maker, the administrator, and the engineer teh broad range of systems of human waste management available today.



Part I
Choosing Waste-Disposal Technologies
Options for Excreta Disposal in Hot Climates
Techniques for Reusing Human Wastes
Waste Disposal/ Reuse Options for Cities and Towns

Part II
State of the Literature

Part III
Subject Scope and Contents of Bibliography
1. Deposition devices
2. On-site collection and treatment
2.1 Pit Latrine
2.2 Composting privy
2.3 Septic tank and aqua-privy
3. Collection and off-site treatment
3.1 Cartage
3.2 Waterborne
3.3 Ponds
3.4 Composting
3.5 Aquatic weeds
4. Reuse
4.1 Irrigation
4.2 Aquaculture
4.3 Algae
4.4 Fertilization
4.5 Biogas
5. Grey Water
6. Water Saving

Keyword Index
Author Index
Author's Corporate Affiliation Index