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Assessing Aid: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why (A World Bank Policy Research Report)
Washington DC, The World Bank, 1998, xii + 148 hal
Th. 1998
338.9 WOR a
research report, economic assistance-evaluation, World Bank, Series
Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021-31904113
882 kali
Foreign aid is as much about knowledge as it is about money. Helping countries and communities generate the knowledge that they need for development is a prime role of assistance. And aid itself is a learning business that continually evolves as lessons of success and failure become clear.
Assessing Aid is a contribution to this ongoing learning process. It aims to contribute to a larger “rethinking of aid” that the international community. Research into aid, growth, and poverty reduction provides important evidence about making aid more effective.
This report summarizes the findings of recent World Bank research on aid effectiveness. The primary research has been published or will soon be published in professional journals. This report aims to disseminate the findings to a broad audience. It should be stressed that there are important aspects of development cooperation that have not been covered by the research. The report restrict itself to areas where we have new findings.
The Report Team
Overview _ Rethinking the Money and Ideas of Aid
1. Money Matters – In a Good Policy Environment
2. Aid Can Be the Midwife of Good Policies
3. Money Matters – In a Good Institutional Environment
4. Aid Can Be the Midwife of Good Institutions
5. Money, but More Ideas, Too
Selected Bibliography