Assessment of Resource Flows in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector: Ethiopia Case Study (Water Supply & Sanitation Working Notes, no.2, January 2005)

The background paper focused on analyzing WSS targets as set out in Ethiopian policy and strategy documents, the wishes of the population, and the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), describing the current situation in the WSS sector in Ethiopia, examining expenditure patterns in the sector to determine, elaborating “development scenarios” for the sector for the next year 25 years, analyzing financial and other constraints on the government’s ability to meet its targets, suggesting options for removing constraints and improving  sector performance, and assessing the feasibility of achieving sectoral goals.
This study appears to have been the first attempt to consolidate all expenditures for the Ethiopian WSS sector to give an indicative picture of the level of funding, in both absolute terms and per capita figures. The results are alarming; the low levels of investment clearly explain why the levels of service are so dreadfully low. The results of the flow-of-financing study constitute a first step toward better tracking of investments, with the objective of setting realistic financing goals that would then translate into improved levels of service.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Data Collection Methodology

3. Data Adequacy

4. Findings

5. Suggested Next Steps on Analyzing WSS Resources Flows in Ethiopia

6. Conclusion


1. Regional Population Data
2. Regional WSS Expenditure Data
3. Suggested Data Collection Templates