Capacity Building for Urban Sanitation Development: Background Report III Capacity building for urban sanitation working groups (PokjaSan)

This Background Report 3, explains the approach to city level capacity building (Chapter 2 The Guideline) and provides specific information related to capacity building activities in phase 1 and planned activities for phase 2. The report targets city and provincial government officials in charge of regional and city planning (Bappeda) who are considering participation in the Program. Once a city sanitation working group (PokjaSan) has been established this report can also be used as an introduction to the capacity building activities for Pokja members.


Executive Summary

1. Introduction
1.1 Framework for Capacity Building
1.2 Structure of the Report

2. Guideline to Capacity Building
2.1 The Concept of Capacity and Capacity Building
2.2 Principles for Capacity Building
2.3 Capacity Building: Opeartional Considerations
2.4 Capacity Building: Phase and Steps

3. Development of the Approach for Capacity Building
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Implemented Training Activities

4. The Capacity Building Program for City Working Groups
4.1 Scope
4.2 Operational Implications
4.3 Capacity Building of the Pokja
4.4 Capacity Building of Pokja Member Organizations