Capacity Building for Urban Sanitation Development: Main Report Framework for city based urban sanitation planning

The framework comprises the following stages of development; introduction of the city sanitation development program, sanitation situation assessment and mapping, development of a citywide sanitation strategy, preparation of annual and multi annual sanitation action plans, and follow-up and consolidation of the city sanitation development program.


Executive Summary

1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Purpose of the Report
1.2 Structure of the Report
1.3 Key Characteristics of Participating Cities

2. Urban Sanitation
2.1 Definition and Scope
2.2 The State of Sanitation
2.3 The Sanitation Sector

3. Sanitation Sector Development
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the various levels of Government
3.3 Coordination with related Programs and Activities
3.4 Exchange of Information and Sharing of Experiences
3.5 Technical Assistance Provide by the Program

4. Framework for Citywide Sanitation Planning
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Models for Sanitation Development
4.3 Strategic Planning
4.4 City Sanitation Working Group (PokjaSan)
4.5 Approach
4.6 Benefits

5. Program Implementation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Stage A: Introduction of the city sanitation development program
5.3 Stage B: Sanitation situation assessment and mapping
5.4 Stage C: Development of the Citywide Sanitation Strategy
5.5 Stage D: Preparation of annual and multi-annual sanitation action plans
5.6 Stage E: Follow-up, consolidation of the city sanitation development program