Communication Tools Menu (Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing/TSSM in Indonesia, Bali Version)

This communication menu is used as a supporting tools in implementing the sanitation marketing plan. The communication part of the project is part of the sanitation marketing process in addition to strengthening the supply side, community capacity building and enabling environment.
In this communication tools, there are variations of communication tools to choose from, based on targeted goals to be achieved. The selection of materials has to be made according to the communication goals and the marketing plan.
The communication activity will be divided into 3 (three) routes based on the executors, target audience, and communication goals to be achieved.

Daftar Isi:

Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing Program in Indonesia

- Background

- How to Use This Menu

- Communication Strategy

- Communication Materials Description
Radio Ad
Print Ad
- District-level Competition

- Village-level Competition

- Video

- School Play

- Board Game

- Sanitation Marketing Materials
Informed Choices Catalogue