Concern Worldwide Houaphan Health Development Project: Community-Led Total Sanitation Pilot Programme Review (CLTS Go Beyond Trigerring...)

Building on the ”Research on Innovative Policies, Practices and Approaches for Improved Basic Sanitation and Hygiene in Laos PDR“ completed in early 2009, SNV is exploring different appropriate sanitation approaches that can be adapted and applied in the diverse Lao context. CLTS has been identified as one potential approach for accelerating much needed rural sanitation improvements in Laos, and is thus an interesting study object for its potential for adaption and scaling-up to other parts of Laos.
To further the understanding of what approaches might be appropriate, SNV advisors visited different programs in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Nepal over the past year. Additionally as part of SNV’s overall support to the National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat) at central level and two provincial units in Houaphan and Savannakhet, a CLTS exposure visit was organised to Cambodia in December 2008. During 2009, SNV’s capacity development support to Nam Saat Houaphan has focused on adapting and testing CLTS-like approaches and on developing materials and tools for its application.
This review primarily focuses on the results achieved to date and to a lesser extent on the implementation process. However, as the process is equally important to draw lessons from, an attempt was made to obtain a fair picture of how the pilot programme was implemented. Furthermore, the review was not designed to test any pre-specified research hypotheses. As most it aimed to generate another perspective on the adaption of CLTS approaches in acountry context in order to learn from and help in designing fiture implementation strategies.

This report is the outcome of  a review of Concern Worldwide’s CLTS pilot programme in Houaphan province in the Lao PDR, jointly undertaken by Concern Worlwide and SNV the Netherlands Development Organisation.

Table of Contents:


1. Introduction
1.1 About Concern Worldwide’s CLTS Programme
1.2 Rationale and Objectives of the review
1.3 General approach and methodology

2. Analysis and Findings
2.1 Brief description of CLTS villages
2.2 Key programme interventions
2.3 Open defecation free (ODF) status in the villages
2.4 Latrines constructed prior to CLTS trigerring
2.5 Latrines constructed after CLTS trigerring
2.6 Use and sustainability
2.7 Summary of review findings and community responses to triggering

3. Conclusions and Recommendations
3.1 Conclusions
3.2 Recommendations
3.3 Suggestions for future reviews

Annexes 1: Overview of Concern Worldwide CLTS Village
Annexes 2: Selected villages and field research sample size
Annexes 3: Information on ethnicity in CLTS villages included in review
Annexes 4: Information on household size in CLTS villages included in review
Annexes 5: CLTS villages included in review
Annexes 6: Latrine coverage in CLTS villages included in review
Annexes 7: ODF status in CLTS villages included in review
Annexes 8: Existence of latrines prior to CLTS trigerring
Annexes 9: Latrines constructed after CLTS trigerring
Annexes 10: Investment details for latrines constructed after CLTS trigerring
Annexes 11: Summary of review findings by ethnic group
Annexes 12: Summary of review findings by district
