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Delivering As One: Asia-Pacific Regional MDG Road Map 2008-2015
Thailand, United Nations ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), 2008, viii + 51 hal
26 Juli 2010
354.1 UNI d
MDG road map-Asia Pacific regional, 2008-2015, UNESCAP, organisasi internasional-administrasiMDG road map-Asia Pacific regional, 2008-2015, UNESCAP
Direktorat Permukiman & Perumahan, Bappenas
906 kali
The main objective of the regional MDG road map is to provide a framework for 'delivering as one' - in the form of a regional partnership - in adding value to national development strategies and processes in the 'off-track' countries and in those below teh Asian average in achieving the MDGs. In identifying these countries, both the trends and the absolute levels of their performance have been considered. Attention is also given to 'on-track' countries so that they do not fall behind, and lessons learnt from their successful experiences can be studied and disseminated. It should be emphasized that this is not a road map for teh countries to reach its MDG targets. Each country, given its own circumstances, is expected to have in place a variety of development strategies, plans and programmes. The regional MDG road map takes these policies, strategies and processes as 'given' and aims to add value to national-level efforts by regional-level action.
The revised and refined regional MDG road map presented here is expected to serve as a platform for 'Delivering as One' in harnessing the knowledge, resources and expertise available within teh UN system, the regional development bank, the regional organizations and other partners in support of the Millenium Development Goals by adding value to national-level strategies and processess. In focusing on the the off-track countries and those falling below the Asian average, the regional MDG road map presents five types of products and services that could be offered at the regional level: (a) knowledge and capacity development, (b) expertise, (c) advocacy, (d) regional cooperation in delivering regional public goods, and (e) resources. The regional MDG road map also contains monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanisms to assess its impact on country-level outcomes. The regional MDG road map is a results based programme which is expected to be financed through three principal channels: (a) the existing partnership between ADB, ESCAP and UNDP, (b) UN organizations and agencies which have agreed to engage in specific partnerships, and (c) teh UN's Development Account. Extra-budgetary resources can also be sought, depending on country needs and priorities within teh framework of this regional road map.
Executive Summary
I. Introduction
II. Regional MDG Road Map to 2015: a platform for harnessing the power of partnerships
A. An Inclusive approach
B. The five major categories of deliverables
III. Implementing the Regional MDG Road Map
IV. Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Financing the Regional MDG Road Map
A. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the regional MDG road map: a results-based approach
B. Reporting
C. Financing the regional MDG road map
List of Tables
1. Regional MDG Road Map: A demand-driven process
2. Delivering as One: Partnering for the implementation of the regional MDG road map (2008-2015)
List of Figures
1. Millenium Development Goals: path to 2015
2. Regional MDG Road Map: Delivering as One
3. Virtual regional advisory service mechanism
4. Global MDG process: the big picture
1. Needs assessment
2. Consultation process in the formulation of the regional MDG road map