Deterring Corruption and Improving Governance in the Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Sector: A Sourcebook (Water Working Notes no. 18, December 2008)

This sourcebook helps water and sanitation practitioners to understand corruption. What is it, what sustains it, how does it relate to governance, and how might it be reduced It describes how the risks, extent, and locales of corruption in a particular country can be assessed and outlines ways to reduce corruption by improving governance. Lastly, it describes how to monitor and evaluate governance and anticorruption measures, to allow learning from experience. The Sourcebook considers corruption and governance at three levels: the sector, the provider and capital projects.

Table of Contents:

1.    Introduction

2.    Understanding Corruption and Governance

Part I. Assessing Corruption Risks

3.    Country Level Scan for Corruption Risk

4.    Sector Assessment

5.    Detecting Corruption at the Provider Level

6.    Planning and Implementing Capital Projects

7.    Implications of Different Sector Structures

Part II. Increasing Probity and Improving Governance

8.    Increasing Probity in Capital Projects

9.    Increasing Probity at The Provider Level

10.    Strengthening Water Sector Governance to Promote Probity

11.    Application Under Varied Country Ciscumstances

Part III. Learning From Experiences

12.    Reviewing Progress
