Development of Regional Policy and Guidelines for Arsenic Testing: Report of an Intercountry Workshop Kolkata, 24-26 March 2003

An intercountry workshop was held in Kolkata betwewn 24-26 March 2003 for the development of regional policy and guidelines on arsenic testing. There were 14 participants in the consultation representing Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand. It covered all the related fields including toxicology, chemistry, biophysics, engineering, epidemiology, nutrition and public health.
The objectives of the workshop were as follows; to review the existing methods of arsenic testing, to develop strategies for laboratory testing of arsenic, to discuss regional policy and guidelines for arsenic testing in the countries of SEAR, and to develop a work plan for laboratory testing of arsenic.
The workshop was largely in the format of short presentations, followed by group activities and extensive interaction with the participants to reinforce the teaching aims and learning objectives. The group activities involved developing an outline of the generic SOP and the policy guidelines for arsenic testing.


1. Introduction

2. Objectives and Format

3. Inaugural Session

4. Overview of Arsenic Testing in Countries of South-Esat Asia
4.1 Review of Regional Issues
4.2 Country Reports
4.3 Place of Standard Operating Procedure in Laboratory Testing
4.4 Overview of Regional Policy and Guidelines

5. Discussion on Testing Method and SOP Presentation and Adoption of Consensus Protocol

6. Recommendations

1. List of Participants
2. Programme
3. Proposed Contents of Generic SOP for Testing of Arsenic in Water, Environmental Sources and Biological Material in South-East Asia Region