Disaster Waste Management Mechanism: A Practical Guide for Construction and Demolition Wastes in Indonesia

This publication is a practical guide to assist decision makers in national and local government agencies in Indonesia to understand the issue of disaster waster management. It outlines the development of a waste management mechanism that facilitates the development of local strategies on waste issues, bringing together knowledge and experience on existing and ongoing work on waste and debris clean up. It specifically looks at the issue of construction and demolition waste, and addresses the following issues:
- How demolition wastes can be collected, including clearing of debris, building slated for demolition, and foundations of buildings that need to be cleared before reconstruction can begin.
- How demolition and building/construction debris can be treated in order to make in reuseable - in what from and for what purposes.

This publication is part of the EU funded Asia Pro Eco II B Projectentitled ”Tsunami Waste Management: Demonstrating ESTs for Building waste Reduction in Indonesia“– The DEBRI Project.

Table of Contents:



Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the DEBRI Project
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Main Activities
1.4 Expected Outputs and Benefits

2. Disaster Waste Characteristics
2.1 Disasters and Waste
2.2 Types of Disaster Waste and its Implications

3. Current Status of Disaster Waste Management in Banda Aceh
3.1 Number of buildings destroyed
3.2 Estimating C&D waste generated by the tsunami and erathquake
3.3 Current Status of debris
3.4 Current Initiatives

4. C&D Waste Management Practice
4.1 Assessment of Existing Situation and Practices
4.2 Options to Improve C&D Waste Managemnt

5. Lessons Learnt in Managing Disaster Wastes
5.1 Make a Long-Term Debris Management Plan
5.2 Consider Mutual Aid Arrangements
5.3 Implement Recycling Programs
5.4 Update the City’s Solid Waste Management Plan
5.5 Develop a Communication Strategy
5.6 Prepare for Increased Outreach and Enforce Staffing Needs
5.7 Obtain Equipment and Supplies
5.8 Select Collection and Storage Sites
5.9 Determine Management Options and Goals
5.10 Segregate Hazardous Waste

6. Technology Systems for Disaster Waste Processing
6.1 Understanding C&D Wastes to Develop Technology Systems
6.2 Assessing and Evaluating Technologies for the Environmental and Sustainability Soundness
6.3 Application to DEBRI Project
6.4 Technology Components

7. Disaster Waste Planning and Managemnt Components
7.1 Organizational Coordination
7.2 Waste Assessment
7.3 Development of Plan

8. Annexes
Annex 1: Summary of Waste Management Law No.18/2008
Annex 2: Brief Description of DEBRI Project Partners
Annex 3: Contextualizing Economic Instruments in the DEBRI Project