Emergency Water Sources: Guidelines For Selection and Treatment

These Guidelines have been designed to help those involved tn the assessment of emergency water sources to collect relevant information in a systematic way, to use this information to select a source or sources and to determine the appropriate level of treatment required 10 make the water suitable for drinking.

The guidelines, however, are not limited to the selection and treatment of water sources. The
Information collectled will also be useful for:
• the design and costing of the water supply system;
• the ordering of matenal and equipment;
• the organization of human resources; and
• the Implementation of the project.

A thorough assessment at an early stage will save valuable time later on. Specifically, the guidelines will:
• act as an aide-memoire to assessors;
• help to fill any knowledge gaps; and
• assist in the training of future assessors to undertake this occasional task, allowing them to learn from past experiences

The selection tools and guidelines are not a replacement for experience. They should be used wIth engineering judgement and intuition gained from experience of emergency responses. They are not intended to make the assessor a specialist in all the skill areas but to support a basic understanding. Reference has been made where specialist help may be required (eg. from a hydrogeologist or to interpret industrial pollution laboratory results). The assessor will need to study these documents and preferably have training in their use prior to using them in the field. A training pack has been developed to support this document and may be obtained from the authors.



Section 1 Introduction and Instructions for Use
About these guidelines
What is an 'emergency'
Socia-political, legal, cultural and security issues
Guideline user group
Relationship between source selection with other activities
Completeness of surveys
Record keeping
Photographs and sketches
Time targets for assessments
Instructions for use

Section 2 Survival supply
Procedures and selection
Flowchart S1: Steps for assessing survival supply
Flowchart S2: Source and water treatment process selection for survival supply

Checklist S1: Background information gathering and identification of working
      environment before departure and in-field
Checklist S2: Reconnaissance of the area (Including eXlslIng water usage situation,
teatures of the source, requirements for development, constraints
and impacts)

Survey sheets
Survey sheet S1: Conversations / observations log (2 pages)
Survey sheet S2: Addresses (2 pages)
Survey sheet S3: Published information log (2 pages)
Survey sheet S4: Resources log (2 pages)
Survey sheet S5: Reconnaissance of area (including existing water usage situation,
features 01 the source, requirements for development, constraints
and impacts) (6 pages)

Section 3 Longer term supply
Procedures and selection
Flowchart L1: Steps for assessing longer term supply
Flowchart L2:
Pre-selection of sources for further investigation
Water treatment process selection for longer term supply
Source selection for longer term supply

Checklist L1 Background information gathering and identification of working
             environment before departure and in-field
Checklist L2 Reconnaissance of the area (including existing water usage situation,
             logisitcs and resources)
Checklist L3 Features of the source (excluding water quality)
Checklist L4 Features of the source (water quality)
Checklist L5 Requirements for development and impacts summary
Checklist L6 Confirmation of assumptions made during the selection process
Checklist L7 Groundwater investigation
Checklist L8 Rainwater investigation
Checklist L9 National government I local government I NGO I international                    organization
Checklist L10 Affected population I tocal population issues
Checklist L11 Water treatment works and urban water supply systems

Survey sheets
Survey sheet L1 Conversations I observations log
Survey sheet L2 Addresses
Survey sheet L3 Published information log
Survey sheet L4 Resources log
Survey sheet L5 Reconnaissance of area (including eXisting water use sItuation, 87
                            logistics and resources)
Survey sheet L6 Features of the source (excluding water quality)
Survey sheet L7 Features of the source (water quality)
Survey sheet L8 Requirements for development and impacts summary

Section 4 Supporting information
Guidance on undertaking assessments and report writing
Management, legal, security, socia-political and cultural issues with
case studies
Typical water source features
Requirements for development
Impacts of development
Water quantities
Measurement of yield and water levels
Water quality assessment routines
Catchment mapping: Maps and symbols
Catchment mapping: Surveying
Water quality analysis
Biological survey
Water treatment: Treatment processes and health and safety
Background to groundwater and aquifers
Rock and soil identification
Groundwater investigation
Rainwater harvesting

Section 5 Equipment and addresses
Water quality analysis and surveying equipment
Water treatment: Mobile treatment units and modular kits
Useful addresses