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Flood Resilience and Resistance for Critical Infrastructure: Project Summary SC080045/S1
DEFRA (Department for Environment Flood and Rural Affairs) – Environment Agency, February 2010
Th. 2010
634.99 DEP f
flood resilience, flood resistance
http://www.ciria.org/, http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/pdf/SCHO0110BRTL-E-E.pdf
931 kali
Flood resilience and resistance for critical infrastructure addresses some of the critical infrastructure (CI) issues raised by recent severe flooding in the UK. This publication provides an overview of how the risk posed to CI systems by flooding is now managed acroos the UK.
The publication outlines the regulatory framework and provides insight into the main issues now faced by the industry in this area. A brief introduction is given to the principles of flood risk management to place flood resilience and resistance into a wider context. A range of case studies is provided that describes the lessons identified by infrastructure owners and operators who have suffered flooding problems in the past.
This report can be downloaded free from www.ciria.org.