Garbage Land

In Garbage Land, acclaimed science writer Elizabet Royte leads us on the wild adventure that begins once our trash hits the bottom of the can. Along the way, we meet an odor chemist who explaints why trash smells so bad; gerbage fairies an recycling gurus; neighbors of massive waste dumps; CEOs making fortunes by encouraging waster or encouraging recycling - often both at the same time; sceintsts trying to revive our most pulluted places; fertilizer fanatics and adventures who kayak amid sewage; paper people, steel people, aluminum people, plastic people, and even a guy who swears by recycling human waste. With a wink and a nod and a tightly clasped nose, Royte takes us on a bizarre cultural tour through slime, stench, and heat - in other words, through the back and of our evermore superized lifesyles.