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Global water Scoping Process (Excecutive Summary): Is there a case for a multistakeholder review of private sector participation in water and sanitation?,
Penny Urquhart & Deborah Moore
Penny Urquhart & Deborah Moore
German, ASSEMAE, Th. 2004, 26 hal
German, ASSEMAE, Th. 2004, 26 hal
Tahun Terbit
No. Klasifikasi
553. 7 URQ g
553. 7 URQ g
Kata Kunci
Global water, Urquhart, Penny and Moore, Deborah
Global water, Urquhart, Penny and Moore, Deborah
Perpustakaan AMPL
Perpustakaan AMPL
890 kali
890 kali
In recognition of the cost of polarisation, there was strong support for a global review of the impact sector participation in water at the Boon Freshwater Conference in December 2001. In her closing statement, the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development,welcome the proposal for "a stakeholder dialogue to review the issues linked with privatisation, becouse it could lead to a better understanding of the successes and failures in this regard. " A Working group, formed from organisation with widely differing backgrounds and views on private sector participation, too up the chalenger and explored the case for a multistakeholder review through the global water scoping process documented in this summary report.