Handbook for Integrating Poverty Impact Assessment in the Economic Anaysis of Projects

ADB's adapotion of poverty reduction as its overaching objective means that all its interventions must be prepared with poverty impact as the primary focus in one form or another. ADB's Poverty Reduction Strategy (October 1999) appropriately sets out the three pillars of poverty reduction: pro-poor sustainable economic growth, social development, and good governance. However, it should be recognized that existing economic theory and cross-country empirical evidence are not likely to be a satisfactory guide in terms of informing policy options for individual developing member countries (DMCs) of ADB toward maximum poverty reduction.

This handbook is intended as a reference material to assist ADB project preparation in light of the economic analysis under the mandate of poverty reduction. It provides workable recommendations for augmenting teh current practice. In accordance with the twofold loan classification, two separate treatments are recommended. The main part of the Handbook (Chapter 3-5) is devoted to the treatment of Poverty Intervention projects. It can be considered as a detailed application of the ADB Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects (reproduced in Appendix 1). Treatment of other interventions projects is discussed in Chapter 2. It should be noted that due to the specific focus on the poverty impact of projects, this handbook does not cover directly other equally important aspects of project appraisal such as financial sustainability, which needs continued attention. For general guidance on overall project analysis, readers are referred to theGuidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects (ADB 1997).



1. Introduction

2. Pro-Poor Context Check for Other Intervention Projects

3. Approach to Poverty Impact Analysis for Poverty Intervention Projects
Pre-PPTA Stage
PPTA Stage
Steps for POverty Impact Analysis

4. Data Requirements
Benefit Incidence
Government Net Benefit and Effects on the Rest of the Economy

5. Advantages and Limitations of the Analysis
Improving Project Quality at Entry
Complementing the Inadequacy of Headcount Approach
Variety of Projects
Caution on Interpretation of PIR index
Risk for teh Poor

6. Linkage to Policy-Based Lending

1. Distribution and Poverty Impact Analysis (reproduced from ADB Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects)
2. Benchmark Criteria for Good Practice Project Preparation
3. Application of Existing Primary Survey Data in Poverty Impact Analysis at the Project Level
4. Case Illustration of Distribution Analysis
- Case 1: Mongolia - Energy Conservation Project
- Case 2: Bangladesh - Jamuna Bridge Project
5. Incorporating Project Financing in Distributing and Poverty Impact Analysis
6. Case Illustration of Poverty Impact Analysis
- Case 1: Philippines - Transmission Interconnection and Reinforcement Project
- Case 2: Viet Nam - Second Red River Basin Water Resource Project
- Case 3: Sri Lanka - Coastal Resource Management Project
- Case 4: Lao PDR - Primary Health Care Expansion Project
- Case 5: Tajikistan - Road Rehabilitation Project
7. Approximation of Income Share of the Poor
8. Sample Terms of Reference and Resource Requirements

