Kategori Digilib
Health and Hygiene Promotion: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Alifah Lestari, dkk
Jakarta, Environmental Services Program (ESP), 2009, xi + 41 hal
16 Februari 2010
613.4 LES h
ksehatan, hygiene promotion, hygiene, best practices, lessons learned, ESP
Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113, Perpustakaan ESP
1.079 kali
The main goal of STBM is to decrease diarrheal disease and other environmental-related diseases. STBM identifies five key behaviors, or pillars: 1) Open Defecation Free (ODF) community, 2) safe food and drinking water handling, 3) hand washing facility for proper hand washing with soap, 4) proper waste water management, and 5) proper waste management. These five key behaviors, with the exception of #4, have been central to the ESP Health & Hygiene (H&H) strategy.
The purpose of the “Health and Hygiene Best Practices and Lessons Learned” publication is to reflect on the design and implementation of the Health and Hygiene (H&H) Communication Strategy of the USAID-funded Environmental Services Program (ESP) and to share “what worked” with the Government of Indonesia and the larger community working on water.
This publication aims to reach local government officials at the district and sub-district levels, managers of water and sanitation initiatives, grassroots organizations such as NGOs, Posyandu (integrated health service post) cadres, health and education officials, and those interested in hygiene improvement programs. This document is also intended for the donor community and cooperating agencies who can refer to this body of accumulated knowledge when designing programs that aim to achieve sustainable hygiene improvement with increased potential for scaling-up.
The 22 Best Practices and Lessons Learned presented in this publication are the result of a collective process involving reflection, analysis, and understanding of the H&H Communication Strategy and its effectiveness during field implementation. This document presents the results of a collaborative effort among Local Government authorities, health and education officers, school teachers, community leaders, and ESP program staff, all of whom were instrumental to program success. A series of meetings, revisions of communication materials and project documents, and interviews with field partners, have all contributed to the identification of key Best Practices and Lessons Learned.
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Health and Hygiene Promotion Frameworks
1.1 The Fecal-Oral Transmission Cycle of Diarrheal Disease
1.2 Hygine Improvement Framework to Decrease Diarrhea
1.3 ESP Model to Promote Hyginen Behaviors for Diarrhea Prevention
Health and Hygiene Integrative Behavior Change Communication Messages and STBM Behaviors
Selected Best Practices and Lesson Learned from Health and Hygiene Promotion
3.1 Clean, Green and Hygiene (CGH) School
3.2 Clean Green and Hygiene (CGH) Kampung
3.3 Capacity Building Among Local Networks
3.4 Extensive HWWS Advocacy at the National and Regional Levels
3.5 Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)