Huambo Returnes Rural Water and Sanitation (Project: Angola, Award No.: DFD-G-00-04-00141-00) Final Report

This project planned to construct/rehabilitate 20 hand-dug wells and where this was not possible, to drill boreholes. Each of these 20 water points was to be maintained and managed by a water committee elected by the community. The project also aimed to construct 400 drypit latrines, conduct ongoing environmental education campaigns for the communities and organize 20 well-digging brigades. This project aimed to benefit 10,000 returnees.


The construction of 20 water points (i.e., 19 hand-dug wells and 1 borehole) was completed successfully by of the end of the project period. All the water points are fully operational and are now serving the needs of 16,536 beneficiaries instead of the original target of 10,000 – an increase of about 65% over the targeted number of beneficiaries. In parallel, the project was able to facilitate the creation of 20 water committees, one for each water point constructed (100% of the target).


The management and maintenance of the 20 water points was passed on to the water committees, which were elected by their respective communities. To further assure the sustainability of the water points, the elected water committees were trained by the project staff in the management and maintenance of the water points and in other related topics such as conflict resolution and basic accounting/bookkeeping. All the water committees are active and functional.


On the other hand, 405 family and 18 school latrines have been constructed bringing the total to 423 (23 more than the targeted number). A total of 2,025 individuals (from families) are benefiting from them. In addition, 43 hygiene education sessions were conducted by the project team to discuss diarrhoea, AIDS, and other water-borne diseases. These sessions were attended by 3,123 individuals made up of 869 males, 1,075 females and 1,273 children (composed of 563 males and 710 females) showing clearly that females make up the majority in both the adult and children groups.


By all measures, it can be said that the project was successful in achieving its targets.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary

1. Background

2. Description of Project

    2.1 Project Outputs

    2.2 Beneficiaries

    2.3 Project Duration

3. Actual Results Achieved

    3.1 Construction of Hand-dug Wells/Drilling Boreholes

    3.2 Community-based Maintenance and Management Systems

    3.3 Focus on Gender

    3.4 Bacteriological Tests of Water and Health Education

    3.5 Latrine Construction and Distribution of Latrine Covers

    3.6 Monitoring System

    3.7 Coordination and Partnership with Stakeholders

    3.8 Risk Management

4. Summary of Project Accomplishments

5. Lessons Learned

6. Financial Report