Identifying Constraints to Increasing Sanitation Coverage: Sanitation Demand and Supply in Cambodia

This field note summarizes research from two studies undertaken in rural and peri-urban areas of Cambodia; one on the demand for latrines among consumers, and the other on the supply of latrines by the private sector. It provides discussion on the opportunity to increase latrine purchase and installation via market forces, and outlines the recommended interventions on both the demand and supply dimensions of the market to achieve this.
There is a strong demand for latrines among the Cambodian population, yet this demand remains mostly unrealized. While there is a functioning market for latrines, it is constrained by a strong preference for unaffordable top-end designs on the consumer side, and a limited ability to supply lower cost or upgradable latrines on the supply side.
These weaknesses can be addressed. It has been demonstrated through Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) efforts taht the high-end design preference can be overcome and consumers will construct cheaper latrines if adequately motivated to do so.
The supply side needs to be strengthened to provide for the cheapest and mid-range end of the market. The components of cheaper designs are available. However, cheaper design options are not ’packaged’ in a way that is obvious or easily accessible to consumers, nor with clear pricing information, nor in a way that maps out an upgrade path starting with a lower cost initial investment.
Developing market strategies taht supply the required packaged information, products and services and that equally focus on demand to persuade consumers to consider alternate and more affordable options, may help turn stated demand into an actual acquisition and contribute to increased sanitation coverage in the country.


Executive Summary

Background and Rationale

Survey Methodology

Discussion of Findings
Supply Side: The Private Sector Latrine Supply Chain
- Importers and Wholesalers
- Retailers
- Prefabricated concrete producers
- Masons

Demand Side: Latrine Consumers
- Income and latrine ownership
- Latrine preferences
- Cost perceptions and affordability
- Perceptions of consumers toward latrines – Advantages and disadvantages
- Stated reasons for purchasing or not purchasing a latrine

Opportunities for Market Facilitation
Demand-side Initiatives: Consumer Marketing
What is being communicated, and to whom
Getting the massages to the consumers

Supply-side Initiatives
Encouraging interaction between suppliers and consumers
Dissemination of market interventions


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