Indonesia enabling Water Utilities to Serve the Urban Poor

The scope of this paper is limited to how donors and governments can stimulate owners to realize the potentia of water utilities in serving th eurban poor. This study draws heavily on recent Indonesia survey data, while offering insights and firs hand accounts from those who have successfully managed water utilities in serving Indonesias poor. Several water utility have been able to serve the peaple by turning araound weak utilities and guding them to profitability. Their solutions on PDAM management appear in the annexes and apply maintly to PDAM reform, which is needed for sustainable service to the poor. This paper is more concerned with what can be done in the short term to move toward a system based owners more reformed utilities that are by motivated owners serving the poor.

This paper follows up on the 2004 infrastructure study, "Averting an Infrastructure Crisis: a Framework for Policy and Action" and the 2002 Governance and Decentralization Survey designed to shed light on decentralization and governance. It will later contribute to the larger, multi sectoral analysis entitled "Making Service Work" which is being conducted by the World Bank of Jakarta.