Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Action Planning Facility WASPOLA 3 TF 071267: Annual Strategic Plan 1.5 2009-2010

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

Glossary, Abbreviations, Acronyms, Definitions, Conversions

1.    Introduction
1.1    Main reference documents
1.2    Major implementing agencies
1.3    Preparation of the anuual plan
1.4    Annual plan numbering
1.5    Annual budgeting

2.    Activity Description
2.1 Purpose and goal
2.2 Component description
2.3 Planned outputs

3.    Implementation Approach
3.1 Proposed changes to design or approach
3.2 Activity risk analysis
3.3 Sustainability analysis and strategy
3.4 The monitoring plan

4.    Implementation Strategy for 2009/10
4.1 Strategy
4.2 Implementation and resource schedules
4.3 Confirmation of Partners Government Inputs
4.4 Expenditure
4.5 Planning and budgeting
4.6 Project accounts
4.7 Contribution from GoI
4.8 Contribution from GoA