Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Action Planning Project WASPOLA 2: Progress Report No.8, 1 July 2007 – 30 June 2008

This report covers the second semester (July-December) of the 2007 WASPOLA2 Annual Work Plan, as well as the carry over period January – June 2008, which takes Waspola 2 to its original project completion date of August 31, 2008. Howeever, with a letter from the Director for Housing and Settlements, BAPPENAS to the Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID) dated April, 2008, the Government of Indonesia has requested that Waspola2 be extended through June 30, 2009, to allow completion of final project activities, as well as provide a transition period with the proposed Waspola Facility Trust Fund, which is still being processed, hopefully for implementation several months before June 2009.
Daftar isi:
Table of Contents

Chapter 1    Waspola 2 Highlights of Reporting Period

Chapter 2    Waspola 2 Goal, Objectives, Outcomes Progress Summary

Chapter 3    Waspola 2 Implementation Progress Status
    3.1 Component 1: Policy Implementation
    3.2 Component 2: Policy Reform
     3.3 Component 3: Knowledge Management
    3.4 Component 4: Project Management

Chapter 4    Project Risks

Chapter 5    Financial Reporting

Chapter 6    Constraints

Annex 1. List of Publications (through June 2007)
Annex 2. Staffing Schedule
Annex 3. NAMPA Final Report
Annex 4. Financial Report for July 2007 – June 2008