Kategori Digilib
Indonesian The Economy in the Year 2001: Prospects and Policies
National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), January 2001, vi + 50 hal
Th. 2001
330 NAT i
makalah, ekonomi-prospek, kebijakan, Indonesia
Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021-31904113
852 kali
This paper is made up of an Executive Summary and four chapters. In Chapter II, the economic performance through CY 2000 is assessed. After reviewing recent trends, the importance of speeding up economic recovery to avoid deepening social problems including unemployment, poverty, and debt burdens is pointed out. In chapter III, the prospects for the economy in 2001 including the likely economic recovery path are examined. In chapter IV the policy agenda needed to speed up recovery analyzed. The strategy to ensure fiscal sustainability is developed. Another key point is the importance of accelerated non-discriminatory asset sales and privatization (following clear legal procedures). These are important in their own right but should also increase market confidence as well. Finally, in Chapter V industry and agriculture development strategies are examined. Competitiveness in Indonesian traditional export industries was eroding just prior to the crisis, but has been restored and more at current levels of real depreciation. Areas for policy concentration are proposed and the history of previous interventions revealed. In agriculture and food policy short term issues in pricing policy and poverty reduction are explored. Longer-term issues on agriculture productivity and the industrial transformation as related to rural/urban migration are addressed.
This study was developed as background for the macroeconomic framework and key policy challenges in 2001.
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Boxes
Chapter I. Executive Summary
Chapter II. The State of The Recovery
Chapter III. Economic Prospects for The Year 2001
Chapter IV. Major Policy Issues in The Outlook
Chapter V. Selected Sectoral Issues