Informed Choice Manual on Rural Household Latrine Selection

We all know taht having and using a latrine is not only convenient, it also helps protect and improve teh health of families and communities. However, all data available through rural sanitation studies and surveys in Cambodia show that very few rural households actually have access to an improved latrine. Only about 16% of the rural population has access to improved sanitation according to the Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (2005). Although we do not fully understand all the reasons for this, part of the explanation could be that many existing latrines are quite elaborate and expensive, giving the impression that they are unaffordable to low income families. This booklet was developed to show that a wide range of rural latrine options exist ranging from very low-cost toilets made of locally available materials to expensive ones requiring concrete, bricks and other purchased materials. In addition, latrine designs adapted for users with special needs (the elderly, disabled persons) or for use in special circumstances (flooding, high groundwater table) are also shown.
The different types of latrine that can be used in the rural areas are shown in the drawings, together with advantages and disadvantages for each of them. The format makes it easy to present a range of options, and to discuss preferences with villagers. Once a choice has been made, the latrine construction manual (published separately) can be used to determine detailed construction steps, dimensions, material requirements, etc.
This manual is really meant to be useful to anyone working on sanitation programs in Cambodia. This can mean working on raising awareness of options, and creating sanitation demand, or working on actual construction of latrines. Typical users would include community health workers, NGOs, CBOs, IOs, provincial line departments and so on. This book provides some useful tools for raising sanitation demand in Cambodia, but most of all to allow people to make an informed choice about technically feasible and affordable sanitation options.





Part I. Dry Pit Latrine

Part II. Wet Pit Latrine

Part III. Adaptations of Basic Latrine Designs