Initiatives for Strengthening local Government Capacity; Database Report, Mapping Database & Local Government Directory

This second YIPD/ CLGI - URDI mapping study is a more detailed step to identify what the various donors are doing in the field of decentralization, which local governments are receiving the assistance and over what time frame.

Table of Content:


Table of contents


Mapping Databases

A. The Initiatives Profile
1. Donor Agencies
a. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
b. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
c. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
d. GTZ Indonesia-German Technical Cooperation
f. Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia (PGRI)
g. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
h. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
i. The World Bank

2. Local Institutions
2.a Komite Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah (KPPOD)
2.b Urban and Regional Development Institute (URDI)
2.c Yayasan Inovasi Pemerintahan Daerah/ Center for Local Government Innovation (YIPD/ CLGI)

Local Government Directory
1. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
2. North Sumatra
3. West Sumatra
4. Jambi
5.  Riau
6. South Sumatra
7. Bangka Belitung
8. Bengkulu
9. Lampung
10. Banten
11. Jakarta
12. West Java
13. Central Java
14. DI. Yogyakarta
15. East Java
16. West Kalimantan
17. Central Kalimantan
18. South Kalimantan
19. East Kalimantan
20. Bali
21. West Nusa Tenggara
22. East Nusa Tenggara
23. North Sulawesi
24. Gorontalo
25. Central Sulawesi
26. South East Sulawesi
27. South Sulawesi
28. North Maluku
29. Maluku
30. Papua
31. Irian Jaya Barat