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Integrated River Basin Environment Assessment (Proceedings of the Forum Technical Session, Grand Cube Osaka, March 19, 2003)
Japan, A Water Problem Research Group of Disaster Prevention Research Institute and Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, 2003, 49 hal + lamp
Th. 2003
628.1 WAT i
water environment, paper
Perpustakaan Direktorat Perumahan & Permukiman, Bappenas (113-03)
772 kali
Buku ini berisi paper-paper hasil acara Forum Technical Session, di Grand Cube Osaka, Jepang tanggal 19 Maret 2003. Contents: Flood and Sediment Disasters in Urban Areas in Japan Water Related Problems in Large City Areas in China Necessity of The Integrated Water Management at Honmyo River Basin in Japan The European Water Framework Directive Habitat Assessment of the Upper Mississippi River Supplement: Temporal and Spatial Assessment of River Basin Environment through Long-term Simulation Characteristics of Recent Urban Floods in Japan and Countermeasures against Them A Simplified Model for Long Term Prediction on Vertical Distributions of water Qualities in Lake Biwa