International Workshop on Technologies for Waste Recycling Jakarta, Indonesia 19 - 20 September 2006

Waste generation increases every year in urban areas due to the increase in population, consumerism and changing lifestyles, which accur as result of rapid economic development. Waste is major nuisance for urban citizens and has become a major polluter of already scarce water supplies. The mix of household waste with hazardous waste is a serious problem. Despite this, solid waste management has a low priority with little application of modern technologies and system solutions. As countries are running out of space and technology to contain growing volumes of waste, the issue has assumed a dimension that will affect national health.Table of content "International Workshop on Technologies for Waste Recycling Jakarta, Indonesia 19 - 20 September 2006":1) Workshop description & Agenda. 2) Role of academia in organizing waste management 3) Waste collection & procesing in Indonesia. 4) Technologies for recycling bevarege cartons. 5)3Rs Implementation in Indonesia: laws and regulations. 6) Biogas, electry, heat, fuel and compost from waste. 7) The Completion solution to the mercury waste probelms. 8) Thai system for Franchising of material recovery facility. 9) Hazardous waste collection and processing in Thailand. 10) Managing waste of electrical an delectronic equitment/WEEE.