Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA Volume 56, Number 5, August 2007

Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh IWA (International Water Association). Jurnal tersebut berisi seputar review penelitian dan makalah yang berkaitan dengan riset dan pengembangan dalam bidang manajemen dan teknologi air minum.

Daftar isi:

Evaluating the adsorption of microcystin toxins using granular activated carbon (GAC)
Risk analysis of nitrification occurrence in pilot-scale chloraminated distribution systems
New POPs in the water environment: distribution, bioaccumulation and treatment of perfluorinated compounds ¡V a review paper
Color removal by coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation from water containing humic substances with different apparent molecular sizes
Assessment of galvanized steel pipes for water service in buildings by direct diagnosis method
Measuring particles in drinking water transportation systems with particle counters