Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment: A Programme of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific, Second Cycle 2005-2010

The Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment, a programme of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), was adopted at the 4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific held in the City of Kitakyushu, Japan in 2000.
The Kitakyushu Initiative, identified in the Plan of Implementation at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) as a relevant initiative to achieve sustainable development, has a mandate to achieve measurable progress in improvement of the environment in major cities in the Asia-Pacific region. The Kitakyushu Initiative focuses on the sharing of experiences of cities that have overcome pollution and improved the urban environment, taking selected technical, institutional, regulatory and participatory measures available.


Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment
- Putting Practice into Action
- Key Characteristics
- Focus for 2005-2010
- Timetable for The Second Cycle (2005-2010)

Implementation Strategy (2005-2010)
- Activities (2005-2010)
- Collection and replication of successful policies and practices

Spotlight on Demonstration Projects
- Demonstration Projects: What are they
- Development of Models of Innovative Policies and Programmes
- Development of Future Collaborative Mechanisms

Achievements in the First Cycle (2000-2005)

Expected Achievements in the Second Cycle (2005-2010)

Participating Cities
- Country
- City
- About the programme
- How to contact us