Managing for Safe water: Field Guide 2007

Managing for safe water: field guide 2007 is based on AusAID’s Safe water guide for the Australian aid program 2005. The field guide is designed to provide practical advice to planners within local governments, and to non-government organisations (NGOs) and other parties involved in water related activities at local and community levels. It will assist this target group in planning and resourcing the design and management of water supply systems.
The guide provides an overview of risks associated with different water sources and ditribution systems. It also explains briefly the design and implementation of plans to manage water quality, which should focus on managing the threats to water quality and maximising the opportunities to maintain a safe water supply. Such plans assist local officials and other people working with or within communities to understabd what is required to manage the water supplies to ensure they are safe.


Abbreviations and Acronyms


Purpose of the Field Guide

The Need for Improved Water Supplies

Safe Water – Part of the Big Picture

Assessing and Managing Risk to water Quality

Task 1: Gather All Available Information on Water Quality
Checklist for Task 1

Task 2: Identify and Assess Risks to Specific Water Supply System
Assessing risks to water sources
Assessing risks to storage, distribution and usage points
Prioritising water quality risks
Checklist for Task 2

Task 3: Prepare Water Quality Management Plan
Treating the water supply
Sampling and analysing water quality
Checklist for Task 3

Task 4: Implement, Review and Regularly Update The WQMP

Managing Arsenic in Water Supplies
Minimising the risk of arsenic contamination
Effects of arsenic in drinking water
Testing, treatment and prevention

Appendix: Example of Water Quality Management Plan for Chapai Nawabgonj Pourashawa,Bangladesh


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