Manual of Community-Based Mapping

The purpose of the land mapping activity was to prepare the data needed in managing and solving the land and inventory problems of the community land ownership at the Nanggroe Darussalam Province.
The aim was to aid the government in reaching the target accurately, whether in the provinces or even the regencies/cities of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in solving the problems of community land and land ownership of the tsunami aftermath.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents



A. Background
B. Purpose
C. Aim
D. Target
E. Benefit

Mapping Activity
A. Preparation
B. Mapping Activity Process

A. Conclusion
B. Suggestions

Attachment 1. Steps in Mapping Process from Aerial Photograph or Satellite Image
Attachment 2. Steps in Direct Measurement Implementation
Atachment 3. GPS Utilization Technique
Attachment 4. Compass Utilization Technique
Attachment 5. A Physical Authorization and Landmarking Boundary Preparation Statement Letter Form